Here for more information if you want to enter the contest.This is my entry to @annephilbrick’s #reflectivehunters contest #16. Check 👉

I was thinking of a post for #caturday when my two male cats, Red and Sunday, started having a little argument by the fire. After I snapped their photo wth the iPad I noticed the reflection of the fire on the hardwood floor..
The fire reflects on the floor as Red wants Sunday to move away from what he thinks is his spot by the fire.
Sunday relents and moves to the other end. He knows that face to face with Red is not good for a tousle. Red with his long legs will bring a big paw down on Sunday’s head. I’ve seen him do it.

Now both cats have a spot to call their own and enjoy the warmth by the fire.

Playful Sunday, from a safe distance, communicates to Red, “Big guy, Kiss my grits!”

And that’s the end of a little Caturday morning activity with reflections.