entry reflections contest 20 titled: in the canal

in Shadow Hunters4 years ago (edited)

there is a short but scenic canal in the historic military complex called Fredriksvern verft here in stavern. the entire area was built in the 1750's when norway and denmark were one country at war with sweden. it was the major center for maritime defense and shipbuilding after norway seceded from denmark in 1814. these days it is a wondeful peaceful park hosting many cultural activities in the historic buildings. but this post focuses on the first boat in the water earlier this spring.

there is a dock running the full length on both sides of the canal. the wooden pram is a typical local design. all along the coast the old wooden boats have different designs rooted in the different local traditions suited to the varying maritime conditions

zooming out we can see the reflection of the stone building called steinbrakka- the stone barracks as well as the yellow-green springtime leaves of the trees reflected in the still water.

zooming further out the sky is reflected in the shallow water. the water is clear so the algae growth on the bottom of the canal is visible

this image is flipped upside down giving a better look at the stone barracks as well as the appearance of the algae growing in the sky

not every day is as still and sunny as in the previous photos. these last two are taken a few days later after some heavy rain

as in the above images the trees are reflected in the canal. but standing on the dock looking down into the pram there are also reflections in the rainwater which has collected inside.


How are you dear friend @eolianpariah good night
I think I am facing one of the winners of reflections. Excellent shots. Congratulations
I appreciate very much that you let us know these beautiful images and your information
have a beautiful night

it is always nice to read your encouraging words and not just on my posts. i think all would agree you are a great positive force in this friendly community. i for one sincerely appreciate your kindness.

Beautiful! the water is crystal clear an each image is so perfect.

thanks so much

Amazing pictures. Such a beautiful location. Well done.

That flipped image is definitely my favorite of the set.

thanks a lot. the water is not often still like here

That is a perfectly captured image :)