Hello friends.
I'm not a wizard or a magician, I'm just learning to be one.
This is my application for the contest 📣 WINNERS of Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 111 🎉 ~ Announcement 🥇 by @olgavita
When I got out of the subway car, I got a little brain explosion because of the mirrors. The train I arrived on is on my right. Reflection on the left. This can still be understood by the person who ties the shoelaces on his shoes.
Yes, we can say that the Moscow metro is the most beautiful and wonderful in the World. This is how we were taught from childhood. But I happened to see the subway, for example. in Barcelona. They were bright, colorful and spacious stations. Zhulebino reminded me of Barcelona.
Today I looked at a selection of photographs with mirror reflections, which @olgavita collected for us. I saw very cool and interesting reflections. I remembered that a couple of weeks ago, when I was in Moscow, I found myself at the Zhulebino metro station. This station started its operation on November 9, 2013. During Stalin's time, all metro stations in the center of Moscow were built monumentally and were dedicated to some events of the young country of the Soviets. At the time of Khrushchev, they calculated the cost of building stations and decided to make them cheaper and easier. In the 21st century, the Moscow metro began to grow very quickly and has already gone beyond the MKAD. A new ring branch was opened this year. The builders decided to make the stations beautiful and bright again. Each station has its own distinctive feature. Zhulebino is a station with mirrored columns. I have not met other stations with such an effect.

I wish you all a successful hunt for shadow and reflection
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Не бывал тех краях. Я был в Румянцево. Тоже недавно построена станция. яркая и красочная.
Exactly. Not everything we were taught in school, and especially via the school textbooks, is true. As for the current, updated versions_ of school textbooks... say, the History textbook... 😨 no no no no, I don't want to talk about it at all. Better take a !BEER and forget 🤪 🤓