I would love the pub to be a virtual pub in some metaverse. Where people can meet up on fridays and then revisit the space during the weekend. Donated NFT art could be displayed there and. Dlux maybe?
Or to set up the pub as an RPG The author being the bartender. Asking what peeps would like to drink. The "players" entering would have a setting they arrive into.
For example the Mos Eisley bar
Splinternews storms in and heads straight for the bar. On his way he collides with a droid serving drinks and grabs all of the Mos Eisley Cryptobrews drinking them as he continues to the bar.
Wow a crafted guitar. @solymi has to get into crafting in rising star.
-hey @forykw I am thirsty it has been a long week and I was gathering hiveium in the mines. Boba Fett is paying premium for LARYNXIUM. The more hiveum you hold the more LARYNXIUM you can gather. Give me a keg of your best HASHKING whine! And ask @solymi if he can drop some BEERS!
He smashes a hiveum coin on the bar and turns to the band.
-PLay up today is a day to celebrate!
Your thoughts are not far away from what I have envisioned 🤗
Will get to this tomorrow or after…