
You can do !LOL now you have 16 in your wallet. I don't think I have enough pizza to make it work

If you test the command, it will tell you info about it. So, if you either need a certain amount or you have exhausted the number of times you can do it, it will let you know. !PIZZA

if you like rising star, I will send you some more cheap common nft cards for free to keep, it will help you earn more starbits

Awesome, what does 16 mean? Haha. And yeah i am interested in risingstar and what it is capable of, so you automatically consume the pizza if you have any, while using risingstar?

not rising star related 16 !LOL tokens are now in your hive wallet, u can now get them away in your comments.
Risingstar pizza is different to the hive pizza token.
risingstar pizza you just get randomly in the game which lets you do more missions

Ohhh they are different, I see, thanks for that! Oh you beauty, so I can do !LOL and you get 1 and I regenerate one, is that what you mean?

they can only be given !LOL

You see this bit here @new.aaron

$LOLZ. (1/1)

That will be the total amount you can giveaway every day. So, for example, you have already given, now you need to wait 24 hours.

A glass of !WINE !LOL

Hello @forykw, oh OK I see, so 1 a day got it 😁 Is there any others, I got hivebits and lol. How do I send the wine and love ones?

Most of them you need to buy tokens on the market and some you just need to have them, some others you need to "stake" them (lock them).

!LUV you just need to hold them...
!WINE you need to stake them....

There are many others, these are just some I have.

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What do you call a haunted chicken?
A poultry-geist

Credit: reddit
@new.aaron, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @forykw
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/4)

I'm reading a book called Anti-climax.
The first part was good.

Credit: reddit
@new.things, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @new.aaron
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/1)

Hivebits blends Hive and Bitcoin. Mine HBIT simply with ! hivebits (no space), one-per-day. @new.aaron(1/1) You mined .9 HBIT and the user you replied to received .1 HBIT on your behalf. You can receive 100% of the HBIT by replying to one of your own posts or comments. Or, support Hivebits by using the official HBIT mine | your wallet | market | tools | connect | <><