Yeah, there are so many things we go through on this blockchain that it's sort of like a notebook of history. There is tons of stuff that I sometimes still find from ages ago... and it's like "damn... how did I fail to see this..." - it's a huge database... and as days pass a bigger and bigger community.
I wonder when it will reach that point in life where governments start to understand what is coming under their noses... and can't do anything about it... the true nature of these experiments is still in its young ages... and 4 years ago I didn't even have any sense of how big it could become in the future... but today, I am happy to be part of the experiment and get recorded for history.
In the future I will be able to tell my kids... see, that was dady! I deliberately don't yet involve them on this (at least on the blog stuff), only on games and stuff that is simple enough for them to learn the basics... then, once they understand their privacy risks, I will have everything prepared to dump them on this world.
If they wish for... I am usually very open-minded, so no pressures... life is still free for everyone to decide how to live it.