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RE: AteXoras 🍻 Pub Gathering - It's 🎄Christmas time!

in Pubs3 years ago

Oh, interesting! What do you mean @forykw when you say "about writing"?
Do you mean like Freewriters? If so, I'm in there, playing already 😉😃👌
If you meant something else, or there are particular communities you're thinking of, I'd love to know!

BTW, happy New Year in case we don't get back here to the pub before our midnight rolls around 🎇🎇🎇


I meant in general... I don't know all of them, but if you had a look already, nice =) There are soooo many communities... I usually don't follow.

Almost there! =) I am going first then you guys ... happy New Year to you two.

Yes, NZ, right??



What do you call a corrupted IPhone?
A bad apple.

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