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RE: [ENG] Observing a problem. / [ESP] Observando un problema

in Architecture+Design4 years ago

Drainage and sewer systems are one of the major urban elements that need proper maintenance. Your photos clearly highlight the consequences if these particular areas are not attended to. It takes the full cooperation of both the government agencies and the private citizens to fix those escalating problems for a more habitable and environmentally-friendly neighborhood. Thank you so much @marcosmilano71 for your sincere concerns and for spreading awareness about this crucial dilemma!


Hello @storiesoferne. Good morning. Thank you for your review. Yesterday, after my wife and I took the photographs there was a meeting with the General Meeting of one of the Condos, in this case the Alambique Residential Ensemble Board, there I showed her the photographs and talked about the problem with the sound intention of asking the municipal authorities to address the problem before the rainy period. It turns out that Urbanización Nueva Casarapa, before passing into the hands of the Municipality was private and therefore there was always good maintenance of all areas, but now it is neglected. Unfortunately, the neglect of all common areas influences political causes. Our quality of life has worsened, it has fallen noticeably. In previous posts related to tree roots damaging sidewalks, streets and buildings; as well as the lack of pruning that affects the electrical laying I try to make visible the many problems. Thank you for commenting. Greetings and infinite blessings. A big virtual hug.

Hola @storiesoferne. Buenos días. Gracias por su comentario. Ayer, después que mi esposa y yo tomamos las fotografías hubo una reunión con la Junta General de uno de los Condominios, en este caso la Junta del Conjunto Residencial del Alambique, allí le mostré las fotografía y hablamos del problema con la sana intención de solicitar a las autoridades municipales que se aboquen al problema antes del período de lluvia. Resulta que Urbanización Nueva Casarapa, antes de pasar a manos del Municipio era privada y por lo tanto siempre hubo un buen mantenimiento de todas las áreas, pero ahora está descuidada. Lamentablemente en el descuido de todas las áreas comunes influyen las causas políticas. Nuestra calidad de vida ha empeorado, ha decaído notablemente. En los post anteriores relacionados con las raíces de los árboles dañando las aceras, calles y edificios; así como la falta de poda que afecta el tendido eléctrico trato de visibilizar los muchos problemas. Gracias por comentar. Saludos e infinitas bendiciones. Un fuerte abrazo virtual.