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RE: So Many Chairs So Little Time : A Trip to the World's Biggest IKEA

I am so so so happy you are getting back into the field. It has been two months that even I had posted. It has been a rollercoaster ride in real life right now.
It was all about how to work in the field some times un necessary pressure and unhealthy work environment leads us to leave our passionate work. I am happy you found your way back in.
Missed you a lot on the platform but enjoyed your presence on insta.
Have fun! live life on your own terms. Have a beaurtiful day:) friend @discoveringarni


Hi Sahiba! How have you been? I noticed while visiting Hive friends' pages that you too were on a hiatus recently.

Crazy how life takes us for a ride, and how things shift unexpectedly, I hope all goes well and smoothly for you from here on out.

Life in archi and construction already carries a lot of pressure, so adding an unhealthy work environment to it can be extremely stressful. Have a wonderful weekend to you!