Source architecturaldigest
Googie is a futuristic architectural style that emerged in the mid-twentieth century in the United States. The Googie building combines a strong geometric form and mixture of materials ranging from steel, glass, up to large stone material.
Source afar

Design of googie architecture on buildings is often applied to restaurants, motels, bowling arenas, and various kinds of roadside businesses, googie architecture is designed to attract customers.
Examples of the famous Googie architecture buildings are Theme Building in Los Angeles International Airport and Space Needle in Seattle, Washington, which were built for the 1962 World Exhibition.
Characteristics of Googie Architecture
Reflecting the ideas of space, age and high technology, googie style grows from moderne streamline, or modern art, the 1930s architecture. As in Moderne Streamline architecture, the building googie is made with glass and steel.
Photo: Allard Schager
Source architecturaldigest

However, googie buildings are deliberately striking, often with lights that will blink and lead to buildings and outside the building. Typical Googie Details include:
- Flashing lights and neon lights.
- Form of boomerang and palette.
- Starburst shape.
- Atomic motives.
- Shape flying saucers.
- Sharp angle and trapezoidal form.
- The zig-zag roof line.
Application of Googie Architecture

Source lamag
Characteristics of Googie architecture are shown in the prominent roof element with zig-zag-shaped concrete material, a wide window without columns, and a signboard from the geometric form made of steel.

Source architecturaldigest
Googie architecture with a shape of the roof that gives an impression like lifting, composed of geometric shapes and the use of glass, steel and bold neon. So that the TWA Flight Center's has a broad and majestic impression.
Source roofingmagazine
Typical character googie with complex geometry forms and expressive shapes. The hyperbolic concrete roof and circular shape widened as the shade of the terrace and closed exhibition area. There is open glass in the middle to shade the area which was originally used to see stars.
Reference Source

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