[ES/EN] My interpretation of Architectural art | Mi interpretacion del arte Arquitectonico

in Architecture+Design4 years ago (edited)



Segun Wikipedia, la Arquitectura es el arte y tecnica de diseñar, proyectar y construir edificios o espacios publicos. Hoy, en este Post me gustaria viajar por esa definicion y descubrir las cosas ocultas que posee cada palabra y al final me gustaria mostrar una pequeña parte de la Arquitectura de mi Pais e insentivarte a ti, querido lector, de compartirnos la arquitectura del tuyo, ya que lamentandolo mucho veo muchos post de paises muy hermosos, exoticos e iconicos del mundo y no fue hasta hace un par de años que empecé a darme cuenta que en mi propia ciudad tambien tenemos arte arquitectonico y que tambien merece ser apreciado.

According to Wikipedia, Architecture is the art and technique of designing, projecting and constructing buildings or public spaces. Today, in this Post I would like to travel through that definition and discover the hidden things that each word has and in the end I would like to show a small part of the Architecture of my Country and encourage you, dear reader, to share the architecture of yours, since regretting it I see many posts from very beautiful, exotic and iconic countries in the world and it was not until a couple of years ago that I began to realize that in my own city we also have architectural art and that it also deserves to be appreciated.



Todo arte requiere un proceso imaginativo que termina convirtiendose en una idea, por eso y por otras razones, el arquitecto se convierte en un artista, le empiezan a llover imagenes en su cabeza, cosas que ha visto a lo largo de los años, empieza a imaginar como se verian fusionadas, como seria la mejor forma de combinar todo lo que su imaginacion le deja ver y se dispone a hacer un boceto, un simple boscto da comienzo a todo, en lo personal lapiz y papel lo hace mas organizo y mas natural, soy al curista tal vez.

All art requires an imaginative process that ends up becoming an idea, for that reason and for other reasons, the architect becomes an artist, images begin to rain in his head, things that he has seen over the years, he begins to imagine how they would be fused, how would be the best way to combine everything that your imagination lets you see and is about to make a sketch, a simple sketch starts everything, personally pencil and paper makes it more organized and more natural , I am a curista maybe.



Luego del proceso artistico viene la parte tecnica, sea lo que sea que haya diseñado el arquitecto en la fase anterior, debe tener una base en que sustentarse, debe tener medidas exactas con las cuales poder hacer luego una proyeccion de su idea, porque querramos admitirlo o no, la gran mayoria escuchamos a alguien hablar sobre una idea y parece maravillosa, pero poder verla nos permite un mejor entendimiento del concepto, al proceso artistico que vimos anteriormente, desde ahora le llamaremos asi, concepto.

After the artistic process comes the technical part, whatever the architect has designed in the previous phase, it must have a basis on which to support itself, it must have exact measurements with which to later make a projection of its idea, because we want to admit it. or not, the vast majority of us hear someone talk about an idea and it seems wonderful, but being able to see it allows us a better understanding of the concept, the artistic process that we saw previously, from now on we will call it that, concept.



Recapitulando, empezamos con una conceptualizacion.. palabra complicada, volvamos a "diseño". Empezamos realizando un diseño utilizando nuestra imaginacion y plasmamos una idea general en un boceto. Luego empezamos a darle una base a ese boseto, lo empezamos a ver con ojo racional y tecnico y dejamos de verlo desde el lado artistico, luego de haber diseñado nuestros planos debemos darle vida a nuestra base, las maquetas tanto fisicas como en programas de computadora se vuelven bastante utiles para terminar de proyectar nuestra idea original, ya empezamos en lo que segun Wikipedia seria el ultimo paso, la construccion. Si bien una maqueta a escala no es el edificio ya terminado, requiere juntar tanto el aspecto artistico como el aspecto tecnico y podremos ver nuestro resultado final o eso creiamos..

Recapitulating, we start with a conceptualization .. complicated word, let's go back to "design". We start by making a design using our imagination and we translate a general idea into a sketch. Then we began to give a base to that base, we began to see it with a rational and technical eye and we stopped seeing it from the artistic side, after having designed our plans we must give life to our base, the physical models as well as in computer programs they become quite useful to finish projecting our original idea, we already started in what according to Wikipedia would be the last step, the construction. Although a scale model is not the finished building, it requires bringing together both the artistic aspect and the technical aspect and we will be able to see our final result or so we thought.



Una de las cosas que no dice Wikipedia, es que la arquitectura comprende y debe comprender, un proceso social y psicologico, que debe implementarse, segun mi humilde opinion, desde el inicio hasta el final del proceso, como vemos en la imagen de arriba, se inicia con un Concepto muy ideal de nuestra contruccion, pero que en muchas ocaciones no es practico y comprende cosas muchas veces no necesarias, el cliente por motivos muchas veces razonables y otras veces no tan razonables, hace cambios a la idea original, cosa que hiere el orgullo en ocaciones, pero viendolo desde un punto de vista empresarial y practico, notamos que simplemente nuestra idea tuvo mas arte que tecnica. Luego viene otro golpe al autoestima, existen leyes y reglamentos de urbanismos publicos que restringen ciertos aspectos de nuestro proyecto, sea por cuestion de espacio de terreno, seguridad ante desastres naturales o simplemente los reglamentos no han sido actualizados. Ya para terminar, luego de tanto trabajo, notamos que nuestro diseño se perdió en el proceso, que todo el conjunto de factores nombrados anteriormente sumado a un proceso ahorrativo en materiales hizo que nuestro unico e idealista concepto, fuera algo comun.

One of the things that Wikipedia does not say is that architecture understands and must understand, a social and psychological process, which must be implemented, according to my humble opinion, from the beginning to the end of the process, as we see in the image above, It begins with a very ideal Concept of our construction, but that in many occasions is not practical and includes things that are often not necessary, the client, for reasons that are often reasonable and other times not so reasonable, makes changes to the original idea, which It hurts pride on occasions, but looking at it from a business and practical point of view, we note that our idea simply had more art than technique. Then comes another blow to self-esteem, there are laws and regulations of public urban planning that restrict certain aspects of our project, whether due to land space, security against natural disasters or simply the regulations have not been updated. To finish, after so much work, we noticed that our design was lost in the process, that the whole set of factors mentioned above added to a saving process in materials made our unique and idealistic concept something common.



Antes de frustrarte y mandar todo a la basura, no todo es malo si entiendes el verdadero Arte que conlleva la arquitectura, Alejandro Aravena es un arquitecto Chileno que tambien pasó por eso, tambien sintió esa sensacion de que su idea original se perdia en la racionalidad de la sociedad, pero se dió una segunda oportunidad e intercambió los papeles de cierta forma. ¿Y si todo el proceso empezara con un cocepto tecnico? tal vez de esta manera podria un arquitecto diseñar ideas mas longebas en el tiempo, mas practicas y sobre todo que no sufrirán cambios en el proceso de la idea original hasta el resultado final. Y ustedes me disculpan, pero para mi, este proyecto que vemos en la imagen superior, representa una indudable obra de arte arquitectonica.

Before getting frustrated and sending everything to the trash, not everything is bad if you understand the true Art that architecture entails, Alejandro Aravena is a Chilean architect who also went through that, he also felt that feeling that his original idea was lost in rationality of society, but he gave himself a second chance and swapped roles in a certain way. What if the whole process started with a technical concept? Perhaps in this way an architect could design ideas that are longer in time, more practical and above all that they will not undergo changes in the process from the original idea to the final result. And you excuse me, but for me, this project that we see in the image above represents an undoubted architectural work of art.



Los Palafitos en Venezuela, representan la arquitectura Indigena del pais, originalmente fueron construidas por supervivencia, piensen que recorrer kilometros desde un asentamiento indigena en lo profundo de la selva para conseguir algo de agua es mucho menos practico que estar directamente sobre el rio.

The Palafitos in Venezuela, represent the indigenous architecture of the country, originally they were built for survival, think that traveling kilometers from an indigenous settlement deep in the jungle to get some water is much less practical than being directly on the river.



Las casas coloniales en Coro, estado Falcon, son contrucciones peculiares, si bien matienen el mismo estilo a lo largo del pais, estas tienen una diferencia notable a simple vista, están elevadas casi un metro del suelo, con una base solida hecha de piedra y concreto, esto con el fin de evitar inundaciones en las temporadas de fuertes lluvias.

The colonial houses in Coro, Falcon state, are peculiar constructions, although they maintain the same style throughout the country, they have a noticeable difference to the naked eye, they are raised almost one meter from the ground, with a solid base made of stone and specifically, this in order to avoid flooding in the heavy rainy seasons.



En los territorios llaneros del Pais, se suele ver construcciones con techos altos y mayormente de paja y barro, si bien la escases de materiales regia gran parte del proceso de diseño, los techos altos aun se mantienen, ya que proporcionan un mejor espacio para la circulacion de aire caliente, mateniendo el ambiente fresco en los calurosos dias de verano.

In the plains territories of the country, you usually see buildings with high ceilings and mostly made of straw and mud, although the scarcity of materials ruled much of the design process, the high ceilings are still maintained, since they provide a better space for the hot air circulation, keeping the environment cool on hot summer days.



Por otro lado, si nos vamos a la zona fria del pais, lograremos ver construcciones como la siguiente, es una construccion que forma parte de la hermosa Colonia Tovar, son casas que si bien están muy influenciadas por el estilo Aleman, mantienen techos bajos, chimeneas y paredes gruesas para mantener el calor y poder salir adelante con las inclementes temperaturas bajas que rodea a toda la zona.

On the other hand, if we go to the cold zone of the country, we will be able to see constructions like the following one, it is a construction that is part of the beautiful Colonia Tovar, they are houses that although they are highly influenced by the German style, they maintain low ceilings, chimneys and thick walls to keep warm and to cope with the inclement low temperatures that surround the entire area.



A lo que queria llegar y el punto general de todo este articulo, es que si bien entiendo lo frustrante que debe de ser para un arquitecto ver como su obra se pierde, me gustaria decirles, de nuevo, desde mi ignorancia, diseñar partiendo de una base tecnica no los hace peores artiras, al contrario los hace enteneder que lo bonito y el verdadero arte no se encuentra en una sola construccion, se encuentra en un conjunto de construcciones funcionales, que cubren una necesidad y aportan una solucion a los problemas que la sociedad moderna enfrenta, todas esas cosas, todo eso que viste arriba que seguramente te pareció hermoso, pero aburrido, con los años se convirtió en esto, una gran metropolis con vida propia, que toma poder en las noches y brilla a pesar de todo lo malo, señores esto es la gran Caracas.

What I wanted to get to and the general point of this entire article is that although I understand how frustrating it must be for an architect to see his work get lost, I would like to tell you, again, from my ignorance, to design starting from a Technical basis does not make them worse tricks, on the contrary it makes them understand that beauty and true art are not found in a single construction, it is found in a set of functional constructions, which cover a need and provide a solution to the problems that the Modern society faces, all those things, all that you saw above that surely seemed beautiful, but boring, over the years it became this, a great metropolis with a life of its own, which takes power at night and shines despite everything. bad, gentlemen, this is the great Caracas.

Gracias por leer | Thank you for reading


Beautifully written post, Oscar. You've defined architecture so well while showcasing various types of architecture (vernacular, colonial, modern, etc.) and how they all fit and work together, all born out of history, traditions, culture, lifestyle, environmental and economic factors, technology, available resources, the people and many others in your country.

Honestly, I do not know what to respond to such a valuable comment, it is a compliment coming from people as cultured on the subject as you are. Thank you for reading me one more time and for appreciating my lyrics, I'm glad you liked it.

It was a pleasure reading it and have a great day ahead!

This post is very practically correct. You defined Architectural field, the concepts, the designs and the dilemma of Architects at certain points very effectively.
Fascinating post, would love to read more from you.
Have a happy week:)

Thank you very much for taking the time to comment, I am very excited about each comment and I also hope to continue sharing things with you. Happy week for you too :D

The detailed description is bang on! I could completely relate to a part where to you explained the design concept lost in clients changes, structural details and building laws :p
Wonderful post, keep flourishing!

Talking with my girlfriend about our future and others, she tells me: "we must buy a piece of land that already has a house built and let's demolish it, because that way the land would already have building permits ..." and my mind exploded, that is, even in that's what you have to think about D:

Thank you very much for reading, I am very grateful :)

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Amazing post! I agree with your concept of architecture

Thank you very much for reading and taking the time to comment, I am very happy that my writing has been to your liking

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Hey, thank you very much, I really like the name, usually they are weird names that I don't understand
Cheers! :D

conjunto de construcciones funcionales, que cubren una necesidad y aportan una solución a los problemas que la sociedad moderna interesante análisis. trastoca la cultura de algún modo.