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RE: [ENG] My participation in the contest: "Living in a material world" / [ESP] Mi participación en el concurso: "Vivir en un mundo material"

First of all I appreciate the fact that you visited that store for the competition. The description of the materials and the details are very interesting to go through. Which material fascinated you the most? This post definitely shows efforts, keep flourishing!


Hey, @praditya. Good morning from Venezuela. Thank you for the review. As for the question, I have always seen the construction as a wonderful thing; for that reason I love the magical of three elements: Water, Cement and Sand, mixed by the hand of man and then added in a plated column (cabillas), shoe, sling, plate or silverbanda goes making the foundations, the foundations of a building that give resistance and durability. Since the foundations appear, the materials have shaped them. I love the ingenuity of men and women dedicated to this art. Another element of the finishes that I love is the painting, the variety of colors especially pastels. And as he @discoveringarni the shingles are sublime for the roofs and ledges.

Hola @praditya. Buenos días desde Venezuela. Gracias por el comentario. En cuanto a la pregunta, siempre he visto la construcción como algo maravilloso; por esa razón me encanta lo mágico de tres elementos: Agua, Cemento y Arena, mezclado por la mano del hombre y luego agregado en un vaciado de columna (cabillas), zapata, losa, placa o platabanda va haciendo las bases, las fundaciones de una edificación que dan resistencia y durabilidad. Desde que aparecen las fundaciones los materiales van dando su forma. A mi me encanta el ingenio de hombres y mujeres dedicados a este arte. Otro elemento de los acabados que me encanta es la pintura, la variedad de colores especialmente pasteles. Y como mencionó @discoveringarni las tejas son sublimes para los techos y cornisas.

Oh yes, that mixture I thought as a kid to be magic as the water gets absorbed by the cement. Great choice. have a great day!