Architecture is not limited to just brick and cement. But, it holds much more values than interpreted.
What is circadian rhythm you may ask. Are you aware of your natural body clock? There is actually so much more to nature than we understand on regular basis. Since we humans are part of nature, our body functions with much complexity than we estimate it to be which of course is result of millions of years of evolution. Considering how architecture is just built environment and a shelter to humans is very naive thought. There are lots of things that happen around us and we are just not observant enough to understand every thing.
What basically circadian rhythm is, A natural flow of the body- physical, mental and behavioural. Like the sleep-wake cycle, body temperature cycle, a time of hormonal secretions cycle, menstrual cycle etc. These rhythm of body are all called circadian rhythm and its basically controlled by a little part in the mid section of the brain which is disturbed by various outside factors such as light, ambience etc.
Now that it's clear about what circadian rhythm is all about so, we are aware of it's importance as how crucial it is for a person to have a balanced circadian rhythm in functioning of it's body.
The ground reality now a days is that the loosing connection with nature slowly and steadily by invention of new technologies from basic electricity to high end technology has bought a negative impact on our body rhythms as we are loosing track of time, hard to focus on work and other negative impacts.
It is important to tackle all such issues and bring solution to the problems.
After all the evolution getting back to nature and living a tribal life is not everyone's cup of tea. Hence we need to find solutions that serves majority of people and here the target is entire world. So, how can we bring in synchronisation of humans and nature? Simply, through Architecture.
There are certain factors that will surely add in the essence of nature to our build space and tie up the broken connection.
Natural Colours
Trust me, I know this is the time of "everything Beige and neutral tone". But the indulgence of colours makes a whole lot of difference.
Evaluating the response of people under multiple natural colours in a built environment is great. Are you awake of the fact that mostly kids have a beautiful colourful schools and play area and they are mostly very energetic and happy. This colour plays a vital role in such enactments.
Moreover in closed spaces, good environment, well painted walls and view to outdoors plays a critical role in making things more natural and soothes your circadian rhythm.
Natural Forms and Patterns
Ever wondered what basic things from a wall to a flooring might cause some psychological sensation or trigger to mind.
Our brain works in very systematic way. One thought would let to another and to other in just fraction of seconds and you will shove off the though in another second and move ahead.
But, don't you think a brain that sharp cannot bring in connection with certain forms or patterns within built environment to nature? It's like how we have to design places and give shapes and forms to our built environment that our mind recalls nature and feel at ease which would let to a great systematic circadian rhythm.
Both the pictures above showcases how the natural shapes, forms , textures and materials can bring in a sense of great connection with nature.
Adding up some wallpaper or huge art like the picture above can turn out to be a great connection to nature and one can enjoy the different aspects of nature through different artworks.
Sense of Growth
Mostly things inside and outside of the building are incapable of natural growth which we can notice time to time being. But plant's ain't stop growing. We can always incorporate natural plants indoor and specifically those which are available in the area of building in order to avoid transportation and limiting carbon footprints.
For example I have visited this famous Jim Thompson house in Bangkok which is a house museum and typically famous for the artwork and collections of architect and successful businessman Jim Thompson. The purpose of displaying the picture under the subject "Sense of growth" simply is because the presence of natural trees, lots of opens spaces and this infused the sense of being inside nature which bought a calm feeling.
Thus, adding plants in or outside of the house is sign of growth as it promotes beautiful aura and sense of growth which subconsciously motivates a person and even soothes circadian rhythm.
Light and Space
The most sensational thing in interior or exterior of a build environment which effects the cycle of circadian rhythm is lighting. which actually is scientifically proven.
How diffused or filtered light falls off or lightens or dims the room is certainly crucial as finding out the right match for a set of space and arranging the light in such a manner which is smooth and glare free is important. As excess of lux or illuminance might temporary blind people causing chaos. The first picture of this publication best describes how light beautifies the mind and bring in soothing circadian rhythm.
Believing in how phycology is affected by the architectural elements and within the built space. How crucial it is to maintain the circadian rhythm of the body and hence we can live the life and carry out our daily tasks happily and more smartly.
The connection to nature is really important as we human's rise from nature so we have to live with nature and stay connected as this won't let anyone's circadian rhythm get lost. WE can incorporate some changes, addition or subtraction in our built environment which henceforth turns out to be useful in creating a connection with nature and gain a smoother and good circadic rhythm.
Off-topic, your pictures are really great :D
I was not familiar with the term called circadian rhythm until today. I knew that humans and nature have a connection and there is a bonding. I used to think about ergonomics and felt like somehow human-nature bonding is related to ergonomics. I guess one part of architecture is still unknown to me.
Great and interesting article...
The subject seemed interesting and I hope people got to learn a new thing after reading this blog. Thanks for your support, stay awesome :DHeyya friend @priyanarc Thanks a lot for appreciation.
Hello friend @praditya I greet you with respect and ties of fraternity from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, thank you very much for teaching me what the circadian rhythm is, it is in our midst and I did not know this definition. Light, colors, shapes ... impact our existence because we are and come from mother nature. Creating environments that are pleasant for our rhythm of life is vital in this world of anguish. Without a doubt, elements of nature must be incorporated into architectural design for the psychological good of humanity. Thanks for your teachings. Receive a strong spiritual hug loaded with great blessings, positive energy and lots of light and natural color that leads to peace and love of life.
I am happy that this subject bought some additions to your persisting knowledge and I wish you and your family great health, wealth and happiness.Hey @marcosmilano71 hope you're doing great. Thank you for your countless blessings and kind words of appreciation.
I like your publication topic. I had not heard of circadian rhythms but it is interesting and very relavante to take into account if it is architecture, design and all proposals of this modern era should be focused on the integral benefit of human beings. My friend, I wish you blessings on this day.
Stay awesome and keep flourishing.Hello my friend @sorprendente Thank you so much for your kind words of appreciation. I am happy that you find this post useful.
Greetings @praditya. Thanks a lot for unleashing this significant topic in our beloved community. Indeed, architecture is not simply about the physical aspects it entails, but also the intangible influences it offers to people. As part of the natural ecosystem, our biological clocks are in a way affected by our natural and built surroundings, directly or indirectly, depending on the context.
All the effective solutions you've mentioned in this post are embedded in Biophilic Design, as it clearly highlights the numerous benefits derived from our connection with Mother Nature. For instance, your dear buddy Sahiba @sahiba-rana and I are night owls, haha. I don't know about her, but my sleeping routine is sometimes extended until the late mornings. So, to get my daily dose of nature, I sometimes expose myself to the early morning sun and immerse myself in the nearby green environment. This way, I still get a healthy amount of organic elements in my system. Thus nothing beats our innate relationship with nature because it contributes to our healing, well-being, and productivity.
Also add me into Sahiba and yours night owl club . Since I am a big time owl as well lol.
Anyways thanks for your generous support and appreciation. Stay just as awesome as you are. Cheers :DHey @storiesoferne Absolutely these solutions are a part of biophilic design as well since they all are meant for us humans to get closer to nature even while living in concrete jungles.
Hahaha. We now have a new group called the "Night Owl Club", starring the 3 of us. 🤣 I'm not sure why, but we tend to be more alive, focused, and creative during the late hours. And that's how our circadian rhythms have also adapted to this daily cycle. More blessings and stay safe always. Impressive publication @praditya!
Lol, Many of us are night owls, The club seems cool @storiesoferne 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Great publication buddy @praditya
Exactly Sahiba @sahiba-rana. You can now start designing a logo for the Night Owls Club LOL 🤣
Hahah, Super cool. We'll create a night owl club and have so much fun there. 🤣🤣🤣
This is the first time that I encounter Circadian Rythm. I have learned something new again through your blog and it cemented that Architecture and Design is a very broad field.
Hey friend @afterglow I am happy that you got to learn something new today and I was a part of that process. Wishing you great health and wealth. Stay awesome and keep flourishing.
You're is always an interesting read. More blessings for you my friend.
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