in Architecture+Design2 years ago


Greetings my dear hivers of the world. I've been wanting to make my first entry in this community for days and finally today I'm making my debut here with one of my favorite places.

Every Friday morning, I go to this convent located in an area of Caracas, called Los Chorros.

I go there to do my biodance practices. The hall where the weekly sessions are held is spacious, comfortable and illuminated. Its gardens are incredible.

This place means a lot to me, its spaces have served as a classroom for about 4 years, where I was trained as a facilitator of the biodanza system in the Venezuelan School of Biodanza.

I have a dream at this moment, and I share it with you: it gives me illusion to be able to make the presentation of my thesis in that space. That would be the last requirement to receive my degree, then I will tell you about that next event.

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This is the front of the Emmaus convent. On the left you can see the cross taken from one of the internal angles of the place. It fascinates me to know that this place that I occupy every week is approximately 100 years old, in spite of the time it is in good conditions.

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Rosa Amarillo Orgullo Mes Lectura Publicación Post Instagram-11.png

This is the front of the Emmaus convent. On the left you can see the cross taken from one of the internal angles of the place. It fascinates me to know that this place that I occupy every week is approximately 100 years old, in spite of the time it is in good conditions.

The convent is kept behind closed doors, only opening its doors on special occasions and events. In our case, they rent the space by the hour for our biodance practices. When these particular doors open, I am filled with joy and go straight to the gardens that surround the room we use for our practices.

Rosa Amarillo Orgullo Mes Lectura Publicación Post Instagram-17.png

I love the arches that are part of the internal spaces of the convent. The mother superior tells me that this place was built as a retreat space for the nuns, that is why it has many rooms and beautiful gardens. Particularly its triangular windows remind me of the houses I used to draw when I was a child.

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Maintaining these spaces is extremely costly, both the nuns and volunteers collaborate in the upkeep of the place. I am not a lover of religious images and statues, however, I appreciate how well the place looks, how colorful and welcoming its different spaces are. This small altar is located at the main entrance.

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Rosa Amarillo Orgullo Mes Lectura Publicación Post Instagram-15.png

Look at 2 reasons why I love this place so much, because its gardens are full of flowers and cats. During every biodanza break I take the opportunity to escape and recreate my view. It has been years of enjoyment in this oasis in the city.

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Part of their walkways and garden always welcome us with their greenery.


Look how versatile is the room in which I have danced for 4 years. Depending on the event they change the decoration. When we do biodanza we require the space to be unfurnished.

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Here is my main reason that makes this beautiful and generous space one of my favorites, for 4 years it has been our classroom, allowing teachers and students to meet there once a month.

Training together has created a very special emotional bond.

I hope you have enjoyed this place through my post, between the profane and the sacred.

See you in a future post


Saludos mis queridos hivers del mundo. Llevo días queriendo hacer mi primera entrada en esta comunidad y por fín hoy me estreno aquí con uno de mis lugares favoritos.

Todos los viernes en la mañana voy a este convento ubicado en una zona de Caracas, llamado Los Chorros.

Allí voy a hacer mis prácticas de biodanza. El salón donde se realizan las sesiones semanales es amplio, cómodo e iluminado. Sus jardines son increíbles.

Este lugar significa mucho para mí, sus espacios me han servido de aula por cerca de 4 años, donde me formé como facilitadora del sistema de biodanza en la Escuela Venezolana de Biodanza.

Tengo un sueño en este momento, y lo comparto con ustedes: me da ilusión poder hacer la presentación de mi tesis en ese espacio. Ese sería el último requisito para recibir mi título, luego les contaré sobre ese próximo evento.

Rosa Amarillo Orgullo Mes Lectura Publicación Post Instagram-9.png

Esta es la fachada del convento de Emaús. A la izquierda se ve la cruz tomada desde uno de los ángulos internos del lugar. Me fascina saber que este lugar que ocupo cada semana tiene aproximadamente 100 años, a pesar del tiempo se encuentra en buenas condiciones..

Rosa Amarillo Orgullo Mes Lectura Publicación Post Instagram-10.png

Rosa Amarillo Orgullo Mes Lectura Publicación Post Instagram-11.png

Esta es la fachada del convento de Emaús. A la izquierda se ve la cruz tomada desde uno de los ángulos internos del lugar. Me fascina saber que este lugar que ocupo cada semana tiene aproximadamente 100 años, a pesar del tiempo está en buenas condiciones.

El convento se mantiene a puertas cerradas, sólo abre sus puertas en ocasiones y eventos especiales. En nuestro caso, alquilan el espacio por horas para nuestras prácticas de biodanza. Cuando se abren estas puertas en particular, me lleno de alegría y voy directamente a los jardines que rodean la sala que utilizamos para nuestras prácticas.

Rosa Amarillo Orgullo Mes Lectura Publicación Post Instagram-17.png

Me encantan los arcos que forman parte de los espacios internos del convento. La madre superiora me cuenta que este lugar se construyó como espacio de retiro para las monjas, por eso tiene muchas habitaciones y hermosos jardines. En particular, sus ventanas triangulares me recuerdan a las casas que solía dibujar cuando era niña.

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Rosa Amarillo Orgullo Mes Lectura Publicación Post Instagram-13.png

Mantener estos espacios es extremadamente costoso, tanto las monjas como los voluntarios colaboran en el mantenimiento del lugar. No soy amante de las imágenes y estatuas religiosas, sin embargo, aprecio lo bien que luce el lugar, lo colorido y acogedor de sus diferentes espacios. Este pequeño altar se encuentra en la entrada principal.

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Rosa Amarillo Orgullo Mes Lectura Publicación Post Instagram-15.png

Mira 2 razones por las que me gusta tanto este lugar, porque sus jardines están llenos de flores y gatos. En cada descanso de biodanza aprovecho para escaparme y recrear mi vista. Han sido años de disfrute en este oasis en la ciudad.

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Rosa Amarillo Orgullo Mes Lectura Publicación Post Instagram-19.png

Parte de sus paseos y jardines siempre nos dan la bienvenida con su verdor.


Mira que versátil es la sala en la que he bailado durante 4 años. Dependiendo del evento cambian la decoración. Cuando hacemos biodanza exigimos que el espacio no esté amoblado.

He aquí mi motivo principal que hace que este bello y generoso espacio sea uno de mis preferidos, por 4 años ha sido nuestro salón de clases, permitiendo que allí nos encontraramos una vez al mes maestros y alumnos.

Formarnos juntos ha creado un vículo afectivo muy especial.

Deseo hayan disfrutado de este lugar a traves de mi post, entre lo profano y lo sagrado.

Nos vemos en un proximo post.

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Rosa Amarillo Orgullo Mes Lectura Publicación Post Instagram-21.png


Wow the convent is very big. İ love the windows. İnteresting place to share with others friends and relax in theirs garden

@tibaire Thanks for reading me, yes big space, very big. friends, gardens, teachers and cats... a perfect fusion for my existence.
Those windows take me back to my childhood drawings, I spent hours drawing and painting facades of houses with traingular windows with flowers.

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It is beautiful to read you about this beautiful place that means so much to me.
There, like you, I did the Biodanza training, that system that has given me so much personal satisfaction and so many experiences that are summarized in a better way of living. Although the structure needs more support from sponsors or public institutions to help maintain its structure, it continues to be an oasis that few privileged people have been able to enjoy inside. Its architectural beauty and its gardens full of life.
I give my Biodanza sessions there on Friday mornings and to get there is to connect with something that somehow belongs to me, that I also want to find a way to help more.
Thank you for showing it to the Hivers community.

@alexis26 I wanted to show the world this place that belongs to me, that I inhabit and that means so much to me.

Thank you for reading and accompanying me in this idea of occupying the spaces of emaus.

What a nice detail to have made your post of this place that means a lot to the biodancer especially the school. 😊

Thank you @marielarc07, I let myself be carried away by gratitude and by the bond I feel with this space and with my biodancer friends.

Very personal, how nice @mosa71
I'm sure the new one of mine, as we talked about, has a lot of personal.
A huge hug

Muy personal, qué lindo @mosa71
Estoy seguro de que el nuevo mío, como hablamos, tiene mucho de personal.
Un abrazo inmenso

@emiliorios yes thank you, this post is very personal, I felt inspired by the link I have with the architecture of that space and one of my lifestyles.Receive my embrace

Que bonito lugar amiga @mosa71 y que cuanta buena energía!!. Se conjugan muy bien la arquitectura del lugar con el arte, enseñanza, amigos, flores , todos, una linda y armoniosa conjugación. Saludos 🤗

What a beautiful place friend @mosa71 and how much good energy!!!. It conjugates very well the architecture of the place with art, teaching, friends, flowers , all, a nice and harmonious conjugation. Greetings 🤗

@lileisabel What a joy your visit, I appreciate your time to read me. True, it is an excellent combination that forms a single link.
I've just arrived from there, as I do every Friday. The place was beautiful.
Receive my embrace

Que alegría tu visita, agradezco tu tiempo para leerme. Cierto es una excelente combinación que forman un sólo vinculo.
Vengo llegando de allá, como todos los viernes. Estaba hermoso el lugar.
Recibe mi abrazo

@lileisabel si, es una conjugación maravillosa.saludos amiga.

What a beautiful convent! Love its interior courtyard hosting remarkable archways and refreshing gardens! I find it quite surprising that public activities are held in private and serene environments like this sacred landmark. Isn't it a huge blessing that the religious order occupying that building allowed the use of their spaces? I'm also curious about the Biodanza System. Would you mind explaining more about it? 😊

Greetings @mosa71, a warm welcome to the Architecture+Design Community. 👍


Greetings, receive a cordial welcome to our beloved community, I really liked the interior design, especially the one used for dancing,like its gardens that despite the summer weather remain beautiful Blessings! @mosa71

@armasdiaze Good morning, it's a pleasure that you welcome me to the community, very nice gesture, I appreciate it.
If the design is a beauty, I often mentally say to the engineers and architects: good job!
Our climate is spectacular. Blessings to you too and to this community.

 2 years ago  

Congratulations @mosa71! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected to be part of our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded RUNNER-UP in Architecture Anthology™ 17. More power!


Thank you for subscribing to Architecture+Design, an OCD incubated community on the Hive Blockchain.

@aplusd waooo, thank you very much for your support! I am also here to support you.

 2 years ago  

It is our immense pleasure to serve you dear @mosa71. Continue publishing fantastic content! 😀