[SPA ENG] Olympic Village/Villa Olimpica

Hello, greetings dear lovers of architecture and design, it was nice to be with you again, how are you? I am very well thank God, today I will share in this wonderful community a work that in my eyes is relevant and of significant importance, as it is true, architecture has given us a lot in the cultural, religious, economic, among so many contributions that has done for society or rather humanity in general, my content focuses on an Olympic Village, which is located in San Juan de los Morros Guárico state, with multiple structures oriented to the practice of various sports activities that I will share with you below.


Hola, saludos queridos amantes de la arquitectura y el diseño que gusto estar nuevamente con ustedes como estan? yo muy bien gracias a Dios, el día de hoy compartire en esta maravillosa comunidad un trabajo que a mis ojos son relevantes y de significativa importancia, como es cierto la arquitectura nos ha aportado muchisimo en lo cultural, religioso, economico, entre tantos aportes que ha realizado en pro de la sociedad o mejor dicho de la humanidad en general, mi contenido se centra en una Villa Olimpica, la cual esta ubicada en san juan de los morros estado Guárico, con multiples estructuras orientadas a la practicas de diversas actividades deportivas que compartire con ustedes a continuación.

In the company of the best photographer I have ever met @armasdiaze "my husband" and in the company of my little baby Christian, light shoes, and the backpack with the things for the baby that cannot be missing, we began the tour of these facilities of great Architectural content, at its main entrance, we first observe a sculpture of a man on horseback that is running fast grabbing a bull by the tail, this refers to the national sport of Venezuela, the tailed bulls that consist of knocking down this animal as many times as possible during a 5-minute turn where 4 coleadores come out, but in the background is the arch at the entrance to the Olympic village made of metal structure, labeled with the sports figures of the Guárico state.



en compañia del mejor fotografo que he conocido en mi vida @armasdiaze "mi esposo" y en compañia de mi pequeño bebe Christian, zapatos ligeros, y el morral con las cosas para el bebe que no puede faltar emprendimos el recorrido por estas instalaciones de gran contenido arquitectónico, en su entrada principal, observamos en primer lugar una escultura de un hombre montado a caballo que va en veloz carrera agarrando un toro por la cola, esto hace referencia a el deporte nacional de venezuela los toros coleados que consisten en derribar este animal las veces que sea posible durante un turno de 5 minutos donde salen 4 coleadores, mas al fondo se encuentra el arco de la entrada a la villa olímpica elaborado en estructura metálica, rotulado con las figuras deportivas del estado Guárico.

At its main entrance we can see an avenue, double channel, paved in concrete, and decorated with llanera palms as this is the typical tree of the Guárico state, as well as poles with night lighting lamps that are 100% operational. These are spaces dedicated to sports and entirely open to the public. Following the route, we go to the Olympic swimming pool.




en su entrada principal podemos apreciar una avenida, doble canal, pavimentada en concreto, y ornamentada con palma llanera por ser esta el arbol tipico del estado Guárico de igual forma postes con lámparas de iluminación nocturna operativos al 100%. estos son espacios destinados al deporte y en su totalidad abierto al publico, siguiendo el recorrido nos vamos al espacio de la piscina Olimpica.

This majestic architectural work, with measurements in the area of ​​the pool of 50 meters long by 25 meters long and three meters deep, offers users an Olympic design, where important competitions are held so far in the national arena. , with stands around it full of haciendas made of synthetic material in the same way metal railings, and a tongue-and-groove roof to protect the spectators of this kind of sporting events from the sun. It is worth mentioning that this Olympic village has multiple buildings for the elite athletes of the state when they have to concentrate prior to their sports competitions.







esta majestuosa obra arquitectónica, con mediciones en el area de la piscina de 50 metros de largo por 25 metros de largo y tres metros de profundidad le brinda a los usuarios un diseño olímpica, donde se llevan a cabo importantes competencias hasta ahora en el ambito nacional, con gradas a su al rededor llenas de hacientos elaborados en material sintetico de igual forma barandas en metal, y techo machimbrado para resguardar del sol a los espectadores de esta clase de eventos deportivos. es de mencionar que esta villa olímpica posee multiples edificios destinados a los atletas elites del estado cuando les toca concentración previo a sus competencias deportivas.

Another space that I observed was the dining room area. I could only see it from the outside because it is an area that is only intended for high-performance athletes, but nevertheless you can see its metal structures and the roof that is uniquely placed in a triangular shape. , after this we have the skating rink, with stands made of strong and robust reinforced concrete in the same way with seats made of synthetic material, and in the internal part two skating rinks. Further towards the bottom is the climbing wall, I understand that it is the largest in Latin America, the design of these walls is impressive, and even more impressive how these athletes climb to the top. To one side of this place is the handball court, which is a sport like playing soccer but with the hands in the same way with its stands and finally in this area are the tennis courts.




















otro espacio que observé fue el area del comedor solo pude apreciar por fuera porque es un area que solo esta destinada a los atletas de alto rendimiento, mas sin embargo se puede apreciar sus estructuras metalicas y el techo que esta colocado de forma singular en forma triangular, posterior a esto tenemos la pista de patinaje, con gradas elaboradas en concreto armada fuertes y robustas de igual forma con asientos elaborandos en material sintetico, y en la parte interna dos pistas de patinaje.mas hacia al fondo se encuentra el muro de escalada, tengo entendido que es el mas grande de Latinoamérica, es impresionante el diseño de estos muros, y mas impresionante aun como estos atletas suben hasta la cima. a un lado de este lugar se encuentra la cancha de balonmano que es un deporte como jugar fútbol pero con las manos de igual forma con sus gradas y por ultimo en esta zona se encuentran las canchas de tenis.

a combat octagon for lovers of the sport of close combat made up of 8 different disciplines on each of its sides and inside a coliseum where these events take place, what impresses about this place apart from its structure in general is the shape of its roof made of metal and designed in the form of a fabric.




















un octagono de combate para los amantes del deporte de combate cuerpo a cuerpo conformado por 8 disciplinas diferentes en cada uno de sus lados y en su interior un coliseo donde se dan estos eventos, lo que impresiona de este lugar aparte de su extructura en general es la forma de su techo elaborado en metal y diseñado en forma de tejido.

Continuing with the content, I know that many of you do not know at the level of general culture of this sport, of the tailed bulls, but nevertheless if we equate it to the level of soccer, so to speak, here we have a stadium "I am talking about the sleeve of coleus" that at a soccer level it would be like the Santiago Bernabéu in Spain, fully roofed with multiple canteens, a large ballroom, this structure is impressive, it has around it restaurants, pharmacies, cafes and, as if that were not enough, a bank apart from the corrals where They put the horses and cattle to rest.
















siguiendo con el contenido se que muchos de ustedes no saben a nivel de cultura general de este deporte, de los toros coleados, mas sin embargo si lo equivalemos a nivel del futbol por decirlo asi aqui tenemos un estadio " hablo de la manga de coleo" que a nivel de futbol seria asi como el santiago Bernabéu en España, totalmente techada con multiples cantinas un amplio salon de baile es impresionante esta estructura, posee a su al rededor restauranes farmacias cafes y por si fuese poco un banco aparte de los corrales donde se colocan los caballos y el ganado a reposar.

an oval and for athletics, in its internal part with a bio-healthy gym, sculptures and a park for the little ones make this place a special place for recreation and sports, continuing with an imposing Olympic dome that has medical service for the athletes fully roofed and on the court made of planks that makes it one of the main domes in the country.













un óvalo e para el atletismo, en su parte interna con un gimnacio biosaludable esculturas y un parque para los mas pequeños convierten a este lugar un un sitio especial para el esparcimiento y el deporte, continuando con un imponente domo olimpico que cuenta con servicio medico para los atletas totalmente techado y en la cancha elaborada de tabloncillo que lo convierte en unos de los principales domos del pais.

good friends this was my tour of this olympic city, it is demonstrated once again that architecture is present in all areas, I hope you like it thanks for coming here see you another time.


bueno amigos este fue mi recorrido por esta ciudad olimpica, queda demostrado una vez mas que la arquitectura esta presente en todos los ambitos, espero les sea de su agrado gracias por llegar hasta aqui nos vemos en otra oportunidad.

the photos were taken by @armasdiaze on my Blue C5 phone

las fotos fueron tomadas por @armasdiaze en mi telefono Blue C5

translator used: Google Translate

traductor utilizado: Google Traductor

Author: @mariieyc

Autora: @mariieyc


Hello @mariieyc. The Olympic Village is certainly a massive sports complex consisting of different architectural offerings. How are the existing facilities and amenities doing today? Are they being fully utilized for sports events now that the pandemic has loosened up a bit?

Hello, Greetings @storiesoferne, good friend, recently some National Games were held in the country and Guarico was the venue for three sports disciplines, and what I noticed was that some of the athletes' apartments were dismantled without air conditioning, now I don't know if the They are remodeling, or they are being the object of crime, I don't know exactly because it is a place that only the elite athletes of the state have access to when they have sports concentrations, everything else is fine, people frequent it a lot in the morning and afternoon to relax and play sports.img_20220224_162829.jpg

Okay, I see. It's definitely a vibrant place that's flocked by athletes and other sports-minded people. Thank you for the update.

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This Olympic city in San Juan de Los Morros is doing well for the State of Guárico. Greetings and blessings @mariieyc

That's right dear friend, thank you very much for appreciating. @sorprendente

 3 years ago  

Congratulations @mariieyc! We're delighted to specially curate your awesome publication and award it RUNNER-UP in Architecture Brew #56. More power!


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Thank you very much for the mention @aplusd a pleasure to have been selected greetings and blessings

 3 years ago  

You're most welcome @mariieyc. Keep up the fabulous posts! 😀