Structure inside the Mall - Aeronautic Review



A geometric structure is the place that I found and surprised me, what happens in these places? They have behind their construction a great planning so that we have an excellent view from inside, this is a shopping center, which gave us everything to be as it is, being honest I recognize that it is one of the most beautiful I have visited so far, because in each of its corridors it has a bit of art, and the decorations are also changed seasonally and also with works of art, although this is not the focus for the moment, I did not want to stop naming it because it can also be an important reason for us not to stop visiting it if we are within reach.

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Today I brought evidence of the way they built the roof, with some geometric shapes, making your stay much more fun from inside we observe various materials that were used for its construction, including wood, aluminum, iron, concrete and more, those same show us decorative shapes such as pentagons, triangles, circles and more, this is a shopping mall in the city of Bogota, located near the international airport El Dorado, which is located almost outside the city, out of what is the main concept of the mall based mainly on aeronautics, it seems that its proximity made its architecture was inspired by the concept of airport.

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Knowing that its main design was for the perception of being in an airport or if we look at more details inside an airplane, I also want to tell you that there is a real plane inside the mall, although I did not want to take all the attention because it is not so common to see this type of attractions converted into a children's park, this structure gives us comfort inside, capable of transmitting much more than a building or a shopping center, is quite large and consists of three floors, where the first has several stores, also the second and in the third as is common, its food court and also an area of restaurants, it is very nice how it has been built this work of art that for me is not one of the coolest, comfortable to walk around, I would dare to say that it is in the form of oval as I walked.



It also carries many colors inside that reflects happiness and difference between the others, as I mentioned this mall is dedicated to art and support many artists both residents who place their exhibitions in their facilities, I think it is always very changing, thus giving the opportunity to more people to shine with their works, is very well structured, and if we talk about the bathrooms would have to make a separate publication because they also have a structure based on airports, having their black and white ceramic floors, round mirrors, in black and white colors also, making a difference between all.




Una estructura geométrica es el lugar que encontré y me sorprendió, que pasa en estos lugares? llevan detrás de su construcción una gran planeación para que tengamos una excelente vista desde adentro, este es un centro comercial, que nos dio todo para ser como es, siendo sincera reconozco que es uno de los mas bonitos que he visitado hasta ahora, porque en cada uno de sus pasillos lleva plasmado en si un poco de arte, y es que también se cambian las decoraciones por temporada y también con obras de arte, aunque este no es el foco por el momento, no quería dejar de nombrarlo ya que puede ser una razón también importante para que no dejemos de visitarlo si estamos al alcance.

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Hoy traje evidencia de la manera en que construyeron el techo, con algunas formas geométricas, haciendo que tu estadía sea mucho mas divertida desde su interior observamos varios materiales que se utilizaron para su construcción, entre ellos madera, aluminio, hierro, concreto y mas, esas mismas nos muestran formas decorativas como pentágonos, triángulos, circulos y mas, este es un centro comercial en la ciudad de Bogota, ubicado a las cercanías del aeropuerto internacional El Dorado, que se encuentra a las casi afueras de la ciudad, fuera de lo que es el concepto principal del centro comercial basándose principalmente en la aeronáutica, pareciera que sus cercanías hicieron que su arquitectura fuera inspirada en el concepto de aeropuerto.

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Sabiendo que su principal diseño fue para la percepción de estar en un aeropuerto o bien si nos fijamos en mas detalles dentro de un avión, también quiero contarles que hay un avión real dentro del centro comercial, aunque no quería que se llevara toda la atención porque no es tan común ver este tipo de atracciones convertidas en un parque para niños, esta la estructura que nos da comodidad en su interior, capaz de transmitir mucho mas allá que una construcción o un centro comercial, es bastante amplio y consta de tres pisos, donde el primero posee varias tiendas comerciales, también el segundo y en el terceo como suele ser común, su plazoleta de comida y también un area de restaurantes, es muy agradable el como se ha construido esta obra de arte que para mi es no de los mas chéveres, cómodo para recorrerlo, yo me atrevería a decir que es en forma de ovalo según lo que recorrí.



Tambien lleva muchos colores en su interior que refleja felicidad y diferencia entre los otros, como ya he mencionado este centro comercial esta dedicado al arte y apoyar a muchos artistas tanto residentes que colocan sus exposiciones en sus instalaciones, creo que siempre es muy cambiante, dándole así la oportunidad a mas personas de brillar con sus obras, esta muy bien estructurado, y si hablamos de los baños tendría que hacer una publicación aparte porque también tienen una estructura basada en aeropuertos, teniendo sus pisos de cerámica blanca y negro, espejos redondos, en colores blanco y negro también, marcando la diferencia entre todos.

WRITTENING: By me / Por mi.
PICTURES: By partner / Por compañía.
LOCATION: Bogota, Colombia.

We were born to inspire and be inspired, if your heart guides you somewhere, don't be overcome by fear, otherwise you would have lost a lifetime of fulfilled dreams.
Hemos nacido para inspirar y ser inspirados, si tu corazón te guía hacia algún lugar no te dejes vencer por el miedo, de ser así habrías perdido una vida entera de sueños cumplidos.


The interior design of this shopping center is impressively beautiful, do you really think it was inspired by an airplane? the truth is that it looks incredible

It is, inspired in aeroport and airplane, impressive inside! ☺️ the big airplane in the third floor is so amazing

This shopping center has a very attractive and original design. The architect did a job that is quite striking and gives a fresh touch to the place. Great pictures!

Thanks, it is so amazing and so different from the others, I am one of the customers who start being regular there 😄 attractive!!

 3 months ago (edited) 


Greetings @marialeovalless. Thank you for your sincere interest in the world of architecture and design. Experience your enjoyable journey with us. It's our great pleasure to warmly welcome you to the Architecture+Design Community on Hive! 😀

Thank you so much, I so glad!!