A museum inspired by UFOs and the Caribbean Sea - Un museo inspirado en ovnis y el mar Caribe

This museum has always caught my attention for its particular architecture and although I lived in this city for a while, the whole time I was there, the museum was closed. A few months ago I was seeing on social networks that several events were held inside and I even saw a video of an influencer who visited it recently, this made me very excited because I was planning to visit the city of Lechería during my tour of the east of the country.

Este museo siempre me ha llamado la atención por su particular arquitectura y a pesar de que viví en esta ciudad durante una temporada, todo el tiempo que estuve allí el museo estuvo cerrado. Hace unos meses estuve viendo por las redes sociales que se realizaron varios eventos en su interior e incluso vi un video de un influencer que lo visitó recientemente, esto me emocionó mucho porque justamente planeaba visitar la ciudad de Lechería durante mi tour por el oriente del país.


The Dimitrios Demu museum is located on the main avenue of Lechería and was also designed by the architect Fruto Vivas as well as the árbol para vivir which I told you about in another of my posts. This emblematic museum houses many of the works of the artist and sculptor Dimitrios Demu who lived for several decades in the city of Lechería after emigrating from Romania.

El museo Dimitrios Demu está ubicado en la avenida principal de Lechería y también fue diseñado por el arquitecto Fruto Vivas al igual que el árbol para vivir del cual les hablé en otro de mis post. Este emblemático museo resguarda muchas de las obras del artista y escultor Dimitrios Demu quien vivió varias décadas en la ciudad de Lechería tras emigrar desde Rumania.




Most of the works he created during his time living in Venezuela were made of stainless steel and I was very struck by the fact that some of them play with the sensory, since when exposed to the wind they can move and emit sounds. In eastern Venezuela as well as in the United States and Europe we can find Dimitrios' works adorning public places and in this museum you can find his replicas.

La mayoría de las obras que creó durante su etapa viviendo en Venezuela fueron realizadas en acero inoxidable y me llamó mucho la atención que algunas de ellas juegan con lo sensorial ya que expuestas al viento pueden moverse y emitir sonidos. Tanto en el oriente venezolano como en Estados Unidos y Europa podemos encontrar obras de Dimitrios adornando lugares públicos y en este museo se encuentran sus réplicas.




This museum is also known as "The Eye of God" due to the shape of its facade, but it can also be quickly associated with extraterrestrial life because its shape is similar to that of a UFO, in fact, when you enter the museum you feel inside a spaceship and not only that, most of the works there are inspired by the space theme, there were even some that I did not understand until I later saw the photos and in contrast to the light of its stained glass windows I realized that they looked like little beings from another planet.

Este museo también es conocido como "El ojo de Dios" debido a la forma de su fachada, pero también puede ser rápidamente asociado con la vida extraterrestre porque su forma es similar a la de un ovni, de hecho, al entrar al museo te sientes en el interior de una nave espacial y no solo eso, la mayoría de las obras que allí se encuentran están inspiradas en el tema espacial, incluso hubo algunas que no entendí hasta que posteriormente vi las fotos y en contraste con la luz de sus vitrales me di cuenta de que parecían pequeños seres de otro planeta.




I took advantage of the light of its huge stained glass window to take some very artistic pictures and one of the things I loved the most were the materials used for the interior of the museum, its stairs and wooden floor reminded me of the design of the ships and being Lechería a city located on the Caribbean coast, I think it was an excellent choice of design as it makes you feel as if it were a combination of a ship and a spaceship. This combination can also be seen in some of the works where we can see UFOs flying over or landing on the shores of the city.

Aproveché la luz de su enorme vitral para tomar algunas fotos bastante artísticas y una de las cosas que más me encantó fueron los materiales utilizados para el interior del museo, sus escaleras y piso de madera me recordó al diseño de las embarcaciones y al ser Lechería una ciudad ubicada en la costa del Caribe, creo que fue una excelente elección de diseño ya que te hace sentir como si fuese una combinación de un barco y una nave espacial. Esta combinación también se puede observar en algunas de las obras donde podemos ver a los ovnis sobrevolar o aterrizar en las costas de la ciudad.





I love that every city we visit has its architectural attractions and these bring with them a history. The Dimitrios Demu Museum was inaugurated in 1999, approximately 2 years after the artist's death, but before he passed away he actively participated in the entire construction stage of the museum, even deciding how the works would be located inside. In life, Dimitrios Demu was a visionary who imagined Lechería and Puerto la Cruz as highly touristic cities, in fact, on several occasions he invested capital to promote tourism in the area and dreamed of seeing the city become one of the main Caribbean destinations. I believe that Lechería has a high tourist potential and although it is being partly exploited, the main focus of the area is still oil, as in Venezuela as a whole.

Me encanta que cada ciudad que visitamos tiene sus atractivos arquitectónicos y estos traen consigo una historia. El museo Dimitrios Demu fue inaugurado en 1999, aproximadamente 2 años después del fallecimiento del artista, pero antes de fallecer participó activamente en toda la etapa de construcción del museo, incluso decidió como estarían ubicadas las obras en su interior. En vida, Dimitrios Demu fue un visionario que imaginaba Lechería y Puerto la Cruz como ciudades altamente turísticas, de hecho, en varias ocasiones invirtió capital para impulsar el turismo en la zona y soñó con ver la ciudad convertida en uno de los principales destinos caribeños. Creo que Lechería tiene un alto potencial turístico y a pesar de que en parte está siendo explotado, aún el foco principal de la zona es el petróleo, al igual que en toda Venezuela.



A recent and unfortunate fact is that some entrepreneurs in the area have started construction of buildings on the sides of the museum, subtracting beauty and attractiveness and in turn, affecting the monument with the vibrations emitted by the machinery, the inhabitants of Lechería and culture lovers have tried to fight against this problem, but the constructions have not been stopped which is a pity because the museum will be surrounded by buildings that do not allow to appreciate the structure completely from different angles. You know that if you want to live an extraterrestrial experience and you are in eastern Venezuela you should visit the Dimitrios Demu, for sure you will have a nice experience and good pictures 😁

Un hecho reciente y lamentable es que algunos empresarios de la zona han iniciado obras de construcción de edificaciones en los laterales del museo, restándole belleza y vistosidad y a su vez, afectando el monumento con las vibraciones emitidas por la maquinaria, los habitantes de Lechería y amantes de la cultura han tratado de luchar contra esta problemática, pero las construcciones no han sido detenidas lo cual es una lástima pues el museo quedará rodeado de edificios que no permiten apreciar la estructura completamente desde distintos ángulos. Ya saben que si algún día quieren vivir una experiencia extraterrestre y se encuentran en el oriente venezolano deben visitar el Dimitrios Demu, de seguro se llevarán una bonita experiencia y una buenas fotografías 😁



  • Translation: DeepL translate
  • Diseño/Design: Por mí utilizando CANVA/By myself using CANVA
  • Video/Photography: Por mí /By myself
  • English is not my native language, I apologize for possible errors in the translation.


Antonieta García.png

Un paseo por mi mente

Documento las cosas que me apasionan, mi amado deporte, la deliciosa comida que me saca una sonrisa, los viajes por mi hermoso país y mis investigaciones sobre moda. Soy fashionista, deportista, foodie y petlover. Me encanta trabajar por mis sueños y crear cosas geniales con mis manos, pero sobre todo disfruto inspirando a los que me rodean a ser su mejor versión.

"Todo es creado dos veces, primero en la mente y luego en la realidad " Robin Sharma.


Cuando este por esos lados de mi país tendré presente una visita a este museo tan lindo, parece que viviste una experiencia fuera de mundo con los sentidos activos, la foto de los vitrales se es preciosa. Fue un placer leerte Antonieta y una grata sorpresa, ya que estoy acostumbrada a tus videos y contenido corto de liketu.

When I'm in those parts of my country I will keep in mind a visit to this beautiful museum, it seems that you lived an out of this world experience with the active senses, the photo of the stained glass windows is beautiful. It was a pleasure to read you Antonieta and a pleasant surprise, as I am used to your videos and short liketu content.

You definitely have to put this museum on your list of places to visit 😍 If we happen to be in the area I'll give you a tour hahaha.

Well, from time to time I throw my written content hahaha in fact, when I came to hive I only wrote blogs, this month there are several content to meet the challenge 🤭🤭

Gracias por este paseo fotográfico al museo Dimitrios Demu, una obra de arte por donde se mire. Esperemos que las construcciones alrededor no sean en detrimento de este maravilloso espacio. Saludos, un abrazo, @lunaticanto.

The place is beautiful inside and out, I too hope that its design will last despite the construction around it. I hope to visit it again soon 🙌

wow This is wonderful, I love that facade, I relate it more to the shape of an eye, I hope the buildings don't detract too much beauty, and inside is a beauty, lots of nice things to see, the perfect place to take nice pictures.

I hope someday you can visit it, I know you will love its architecture and the best thing is that the entrance is free 🙌

beautiful museum full of a lot of art, it is a pity that it is not given the importance it really deserves in honor of the person who promoted tourism in that eastern part of the country, I hope it can survive in time because it would be a pity if it were lost in time with so much potential that it is inspired by the interior of a ship and an alien ship, greetings and blessings ☺️

It is sad that in this country money is worth more than history and culture. Let's hope that at some point the museum will get the recognition it deserves.

I loved the architecture of this museum and all the decorative details. Thank you for these photos and for your impressions of this place. They leave me with a desire to go and see it.

It is an iconic place of the city, I hope you can visit it sometime, I know you will be amazed with the experience ♥️

A spectacular place... I would like to visit it one day. I love the works of this wonderful architect. Thank you for taking us on a beautiful tour.

I'm glad you loved it as much as I did, it's definitely a place every architecture lover should visit (and UFO lover too 🤣)

Oh! Yes...🖖🏼👽

 2 years ago  

Curated Content Catalog and was awarded SILVER MARK in Architecture Anthology™ 38. More power!Congratulations @lunaticanto! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected to be part of our


Thank you for subscribing to Architecture+Design, an OCD incubated community on the Hive Blockchain.

Thank you very much team 🙌

 2 years ago  

Always a great delight dear @lunaticanto to feature your incredible A+D stories. Greetings! 😀

I don't need to read your vlog for me to fall in love with the architecture of this building for the first time. It looks simple but the color combination and vision on camera is stunning. very beautiful building @lunaticanto

It is one of my favorite museums, both aesthetically and for its bizarre subject matter.

What an interesting building and I love how it looks.

I hope someday you can visit it, I'm sure you would fall in love with this city too.