Visit to the Gran Teatro de la Habana "Alicia Alonso" [ESP-ENG]

in Architecture+Design2 years ago (edited)



Last Saturday I motivated my son and his girlfriend to accompany me on a visit to this great theater, I had been wanting to visit this center for a long time, but due to the closures originated by the pandemic the theater had stopped giving fusions and is still without them, but a few days ago I found out that they had created a system of visits with guide included to tour this monumental building and learn about its history, I really like to involve young people in these activities and I did not overlook it.
The main entrance of this great building is located right in front of the Central Park, on Paseo del Prado Avenue between San José and Boulevard de San Rafael. As you can see the walls of the facade of carved stones there are 4 sculptural groups that stand out for their whiteness, as they were made in marble, representing allegories of Charity, Education, Music and Theater, works of Giuseppe More, this detail was given to us by the guide, although I also saw it in related pages at the end.

El sábado pasado motivé a mi hijo y a su novia para que me acompañaran en una visita a este gran teatro, llevaba mucho tiempo queriendo visitar este centro, pero debido a los cierres originados por la pandemia el teatro había dejado de dar fusiones y sigue sin ellas, pero hace unos días me enteré que se habían creado un sistema de visitas con guía incluido para recorrer este monumental edificio y conocer su historia, me gusta mucho involucrar a los jóvenes en estas actividades y no lo pasé por alto.
La entrada principal de este gran edificio se encuentra justo enfrente del Parque Central, en la Avenida Paseo del Prado entre San José y Boulevard de San Rafael. Como se observa las paredes de la fachada de piedras talladas hay 4 grupos escultóricos que destacan por su blancura, ya que fueron realizados en mármol, que representan alegorías de la Caridad, la Educación, la Música y el Teatro, obras de Giuseppe More, este detalle nos lo dio la guía, aunque también lo vi en páginas relacionadas al final.



In the front it has a large portal surrounded by stone walls in the form of arched very well carved, a beauty. It has several white painted doors with glass and marble steps. The main entrance is a varnished black mahogany door and crystals and on the exterior facade there is a very nice iron and glass cantilevered roof. Next to the door there are two large lamps supported on decorated iron pedestals. The floors have different colors and in front of the main entrance on it are intertwined the letters NT, that is, National Theater.

En la parte delantera tiene un gran portal rodeado de muros de piedra en forma de arco muy bien tallado, una belleza. Tiene varias puertas pintadas de blanco con cristales y escalones de mármol. La entrada principal es una puerta de caoba negra barnizada y cristales y en la fachada exterior hay un techo voladizo de hierro y cristal muy bonito. Junto a la puerta hay dos grandes lámparas apoyadas en pedestales de hierro decorados. Los suelos tienen diferentes colores y frente a la entrada principal se entrelazan las letras TN, es decir, Teatro Nacional.



According to the research carried out in the pages that I relate at the end, in addition to the data provided by the guide of the visit, I was able to know that the Gran Teatro de La Habana, now Alicia Alonso, in its beginnings was only the Tacón Theater, named after Captain General Miguel de Tacón, governor of Cuba, which was inaugurated in 1838. The architect was Antonio Mayo and it has an eclectic style. This theater was the largest and most luxurious, in its time, of the Americas.
The present building was inaugurated in 1914, it covers the whole block, that is to say, all the territory adjacent to the theater that was acquired in 1906 by the Sociedad de Beneficencia de Galicia, to erect its association, this project was put in the hands of the Belgian architect Paul Beau, the construction firm that executed it was Purdy & Henderson, it presents a European baroque style. The result was a very elegant construction. All this construction in addition to the theater included ballrooms, casinos, restaurants, cafes, dressing rooms and offices.
This charming building was restored from 2013 to 2015 and it was in January 2016 when it reopened its doors to the public, under the name of El Gran Teatro Alicia Alonso. In its restoration the original idea was respected, so the result is nothing but an architectural gem.

Según las investigaciones realizadas en las páginas que relato al final, además de los datos aportados por el guía de la visita, pude saber que El Gran Teatro de La Habana, actual Alicia Alonso, en sus inicios solo era el Teatro Tacón, que fue nombrado así en honor al Capitán General Miguel de Tacón, gobernador de Cuba, el cual fue inaugurado en 1838. El arquitecto fue Antonio Mayo y tiene un estilo ecléctico. Este teatro fue el más grande y lujoso, en su época, de las Americas.
El edificio actual fue inaugurado en 1914, abarca toda la manzana, es decir, todo el territorio adyacente al teatro que fue adquirido en 1906 por la Sociedad de Beneficencia de Galicia, para erigir su asociación, este proyecto se puso en manos del arquitecto belga Paul Beau, la firma constructora que lo ejecutó fue Purdy & Henderson, presenta un estilo barroco europeo. El resultado fue una construcción muy elegante. Toda esta construcción además del teatro incluía salones de baile, casinos, restaurantes, cafés, camerinos y oficinas.
Este encantador edificio fue restaurado de 2013 a 2015 y fue en enero de 2016 cuando reabrió sus puertas al público, con el nombre de El Gran Teatro Alicia Alonso. En su restauración se respetó la idea original, por lo que el resultado no es mas que una joya arquitectónica.




Crossing the entrance threshold is a large hall, with ornate ceilings, walls and doors and with a small staircase leading to a landing, surrounded by beautiful columns ending in ornate arches and the coat of arms of Spain in the center, where the model of the whole place is located, in a glass urn. The marble floors are decorated.

Al cruzar el umbral de entrada se encuentra un gran vestíbulo, con techos, paredes y puertas ornamentadas y con una pequeña escalera que conduce a un rellano, rodeado de hermosas columnas que terminan en arcos ornamentados y el escudo de España en el centro, donde se encuentra la maqueta de todo el lugar, en una urna de cristal. Los suelos de mármol decorados.


From this rest you can see the statue of Alicia Alonso, prima ballerina assoluta, who raised the name of the National Ballet of Cuba, which is why it gives its name to this beautiful center. The statue is of great size and performing a dance step, it looks beautiful, imposing as was her personality, that even being blind she danced complicated stagings in different theaters of the world and in an impeccable way. This sculpture, as the guide explained to us, was the work of Cuban artist José Villa Soberón. The marble floor where the sculpture is located is beautifully decorated and near the stairs is like a border, a delicate detail.

Desde este descanso se puede ver la estatua de Alicia Alonso, prima ballerina assoluta, que puso el alto el nombre del Ballet Nacional de Cuba, por lo que le da nombre a este bello centro. La estatua es de gran tamaño y realizando un paso de baile, se ve hermosa, imponente como era su personalidad, que aún siendo ciega bailaba complicadas puestas en escena en diferentes teatros del mundo y de forma impecable. Esta escultura, según nos explicó el guía, fue obra del artista cubano José Villa Soberón. El piso de mármol donde se encuentra la escultura está bellamente decorado y cerca de las escaleras es como una cenefa, un delicado detalle.


If we look up from where the statue is, we can see the coat of arms of Galicia, the stairs and balconies, with large windows, which on each side have beautiful marble columns that adorn them, above the windows are embedded angels which creates some similarity with the Louvre Museum and at the end a large and beautiful glass dome, from which hangs a beautiful chandelier.

Si miramos hacia arriba desde donde está la estatua, podemos ver el escudo de Galicia, las escaleras y los balcones, con grandes ventanales, que a cada lado tienen hermosas columnas de mármol que los adornan, encima de los ventanales están incrustados unos ángeles lo que crea cierta similitud con el Museo del Louvre y al final una gran y hermosa cúpula de cristal, de la que cuelga una hermosa lámpara.


On the second floor, on the left hand side, in a large room that at the time was closed and that we could only see through a glass, is what was the casino of the association, in which was the second largest bar on the island, made of black mahogany.

En la segunda planta, a mano izquierda, en una gran sala que en ese momento estaba cerrada y que sólo pudimos ver a través de un cristal, se encuentra lo que era el casino de la asociacion, en el cual se encontraba la segunda barra más grande de la isla, hecha de caoba negra.



On the third floor there are some beautiful rooms with ceilings, walls decorated in relief and beautiful lamps, at present they are not being used, it is a pity, it is thought, as the guide explained to us, to make exhibition rooms of different works of art made to Alicia by famous artists of the plastic arts.

En la tercera planta hay unas salas preciosas con techos, paredes adornadas a relieve y hermosas lámparas , en la actualidad no se están utilizando, es una pena, se piensa, según nos explicó el guía, hacer salas de exposición de diferentes obras de arte realizadas a Alicia por famosos artistas de las artes plásticas.



Then we went up to the rooftops, it was something super impressive, you can see up close the statues of the towers, which as the guide explained to us, represent Spain, Galicia and Cuba, each one weighs almost 2 tons. From this rooftop you can see the Capitol and several buildings of the city center, the entire rooftop completely restored.

Luego subimos a las azoteas, fue algo super impresionante, puedes ver de cerca las estatuas de las torres, que como nos explicó el guía, representan a España, Galicia y Cuba, cada una pesa casi 2 toneladas. Desde esta azotea se puede ver el Capitolio y varios edificios del centro de la ciudad, toda la azotea completamente restaurada.



Finally we went to the Theater that as you can appreciate the construction is quite different, although they could only show us the central courtyard, which I liked very much, it has a white color with very nice yellow decorations, less sumptuous than the more modern rooms but with a refined style. In the courtyard is the theater plaque and the layout of the plants.

Finalmente nos dirigimos al Teatro que como podéis apreciar la construcción es bastante diferente, aunque sólo nos pudieron enseñar el patio central, que me gustó mucho, tiene un color blanco con decoraciones amarillas muy bonitas, menos suntuoso que las salas más modernas pero de estilo refinado. En el patio está la placa del teatro y la disposición de las plantas.


The guide took us to the dressing rooms and led us to the stage of the theater, I was very excited, since I was a little girl I had never been on one, I am always in front of it, my world is not exactly the artistic one haha. It was quite dark but I was able to take some pictures, although I apologize for the poor quality. You can see on the sides of the stage the presidential balconies which was where the aristocracy sat and in these balconies shows the representation of the trajedia and comedy, in the center the musical instruments although they are barely distinguishable.

El guía nos acercó a los camerinos y nos condujo al escenario del teatro, yo estaba muy emocionada, desde pequeña no había subido a ninguno, siempre estoy delante de él, mi mundo no es precisamente el artístico jaja. Estaba bastante oscuro pero pude hacer algunas fotos, aunque pido disculpas por la mala calidad. Se puede ver en los laterales del escenario los balcones presidenciales que era donde se sentaba la aristocracia y en estos balcones se muestra la representación de la trajedia y la comedia, en el centro los instrumentos musicales aunque apenas se distinguen.



This is the elevator of the theater and its interior staircase has a different aspect to the rest of the building but without losing the beauty and distinction. The stairs are railed with marble handrails.

Pongo esta foto de internet para que podáis apreciar la belleza del escenario del teatro, porque sé que con las tomadas por mí no se aprecia con claridad.


I put this photo from the internet so you can appreciate the beauty of the stage of the theater, because I know that with the ones taken by me you will not appreciate clearly.

Este es el ascensor del teatro y su escalera interior tiene un aspecto diferente al resto del edificio pero sin perder la belleza y distinción. Las escaleras son de barandilla con pasamanos de mármol.



The current entrance of the theater is part of the more modern construction, where the access stairs are different from the interior stairs, these are completely made of marble. It is a wide staircase that forks and the ceilings are ornamented, the stairs reminded me of those in the movie "The Titanic", with a lot of glamour.

La actual entrada del teatro forma parte de la construcción más moderna, donde las escaleras de acceso son diferentes a las interiores, estas son completamente de mármol. Es una escalera amplia que se bifurca y los techos están ornamentados, las escaleras me recordaron a las de la película "El Titanic", con mucho glamour.


Well friends, it was a great walk through the whole building, which I enjoyed enormously, I hope you also enjoyed and were able to appreciate this architectural treasure. I only consider that a greater use should be given to those splendid halls, I am sure that many do not know them and it is a pity that so much beauty is not appreciated. Greetings and see you later to continue sharing important places of my beautiful city of Havana.

Bueno amigos fue un gran paseo por todo el edificio, que disfruté enormemente, espero que ustedes también hayan disfrutado y podido apreciar este tesoro arquitectónico. Solo considero que se debería dar un mayor uso a esos espléndidos salones, estoy segura que muchos no los conocen y es una pena que no se aprecie tanta belleza. Saludos y nos vemos luego para seguir compartiendo lugares importantes de mi bella ciudad de La Habana.


Las fotos fueron tomadas con mi teléfono Huawei P20 lite,
Utilice Traductor DeepL



Wow this building is impressive. I am so glad you share this one with us. All the details in the walls are beautiful. If I've had a chance to visit Cuba, this is certainly in my list.

Hello friend @dora381 , you will not regret it , it is a beautiful building but it also has a lot of history and art, thanks for commenting

Hello there @lileisabel. What a fantastic Cuban architectural treasure you have showcased here! Besides, who wouldn't be impressed by that historic theater right? With the legendary name of Alicia Alonso (prima ballerina assoluta) attached to that building, it has definitely transformed into a design icon of your beloved country! 😊

Everywhere you gaze at that famous landmark, whether at the exterior facade or interior spaces, there are plenty of distinctive details that catch your attention and spark your curiosity. You must have enjoyed the time of your life there! 👍

So, if destiny allowed you to be performing on that theater's stage soon with an enormous audience to watch your presentation, would you say yes to that rare opportunity?

It was a great experience on that visit to step on stage but only that my friend 😀Hello friend @storiesoferne , you have made me smile with your idea, I would really feel very honored if I were an artist and had that great opportunity, unfortunately I do not have the skills for that and I am clear about it, but what I would really enjoy would be to be in one from their presidential boxes watching a great ballet, I like the classic but also the contemporary, even a good work by the group "La colmenita", a children's project that is very beautiful in my country.👌

That's alright my friend @lileisabel, no pressure at all! I was simply curious about your reaction, haha. 😁

Anyway, what's truly important is that you had a huge blast with your family in enjoying the marvelous architecture of that renowned theater. And we absolutely loved it too! Until your next awesome post, have fun! 😊👍

Thank you friend @storiesoferne I am very amused by your occurrences. And in a few days you will have new and beautiful places that you will appreciate, see you soon 😊

Ya veo por qué la Habana es tan turística, que belleza

This theater is undoubtedly a jewel of the Cuban architect. Greetings from Venezuela, dear friend. @lileisabel

Thank you very much friend @armasdiaze for appreciating this architectural jewel, it was a visit where we really enjoyed being able to see all that beauty up close, a hug!!

Luckily you encouraged your son to go because just by seeing the architecture of the safe place he was delighted as it is like a work of art in itself that attracts all eyes. I loved the details on the ceiling and the windows are wonderful.

That's right friend @ginethchira , I love these outings with young people, I really like that they appreciate the beauties that exist in our country. That theater is a jewel, the ceilings, walls, doors and windows all of incalculable refinement and beauty.❤️

 2 years ago  

Architecture Brew #84. More power!Congratulations @lileisabel! We're delighted to specially curate your awesome publication and award it GOLD MARK in


Thank you for subscribing to Architecture+Design, an OCD incubated community on the Hive Blockchain.

Thank you very much @aplusd I feel very proud to have obtained such an important mark, that makes me try harder every day to share quality content in this community. 🤗❤️

 2 years ago  

We are honored to have you dear @lileisabel as one of our beloved community's most distinguished authors. Continue doing what you love by sharing incredible stories about architecture and design for the entire world to experience. Best always! 😀

Really a beauty Cuba its charms! The last time I was in Cuba I could not visit everything was very rushed I was only 3 days in Havana and from there to Varadero, it is really impossible to know all the great places in Havana in such a short time. Havana in such a short time.

Thanks for sharing , I hope to visit someday . Greetings from Venezuela 😊

Realmente una belleza Cuba sus encantos!! La última vez que estuve en Cuba no puede visitarlo todo fue muy apresurado solo estuve 3 días en la Habana y de allí a Varadero, realmente es imposible conocer todos los grandes un lugar la Habana en tan corto tiempo.

Gracias por compartirlo , espero visitarlo algún día . Saludos desde Venezuela 😊

Hello @cvnuitter an affectionate greeting also for you, if it was a short visit that you did and Havana has many beautiful places with amazing colonial architecture, but it takes time to appreciate them, I was in Venezuela for 2 months 8 years ago and I visited many beautiful places, unfortunately I lost many photos, I hope to have the opportunity to visit it again 🤗

Hola @cvnuitter un afectuoso saludo también para ti, si fue una visita corta la que hiciste y La Habana tiene muchos lugares hermosos con una arquitectura colonial increíble, pero lleva tiempo apreciarlos, estuve en Venezuela por 2 meses hace 8 años y yo Visite muchos lugares hermosos, lamentablemente perdí muchas fotos, espero tener la oportunidad de visitarlo nuevamente🤗

¡Espectacular visita! Qué imponente edificación y qué bueno que actualmente lleve el nombre de esa gran bailarina, ¡saludos @lileisabel!

Spectacular visit! What an imposing building and how nice that it currently bears the name of that great dancer, greetings @lileisabel!

Hello friend @sofathana , I don't know how I missed responding to your comment, excuse me yes, that theater is a great work and represents a lot for the National Ballet of Cuba, which was represented by that ballet icon Alicia Alonso, I have a lot of information that they gave me during the visit but I only focused on the architecture because the publication was too long for me, but that place also houses a lot of art, Alicia felt it as her home, in fact when she died there they watched her to receive the last goodbye of all who admired her. Thanks for stopping by friend ❤️

Hola amiga @sofathana , no se como me perdí responder a tu comentario, discúlpame si, ese teatro es una gran obra y representa mucho para el Ballet Nacional de Cuba, que estuvo representado por ese icono del ballet Alicia Alonso, yo tengo mucha informacion que me dieron durante la visita pero solo me enfoque en la arquitectura porque la publicacion se me hizo muy larga, pero ese lugar tambien alberga mucho arte, Alicia lo sintio como su casa, de hecho cuando murio allí la velaron para recibir el último adiós de todos los que la admiraban. Gracias por pasarte amiga ❤️

No te preocupes @lileisabel, a cualquiera le puede pasar jeje, oye qué interesante lo que cuentas, entonces nos mostrarás más aspectos interesantes de este gran teatro, ¡un abrazo!

Don't worry @lileisabel, it can happen to anyone hehe, hey how interesting what you tell, then you will show us more interesting aspects of this great theater, a hug!

I have to see dear, many times I don't know in which community to place all this information, because I don't like to talk about a place that I already mentioned in some community, that's what happened to me in the Museum of Fine Arts, anyway for now it remains in knowledge for me, I'll see how I do hahahaha, greetings beautiful ❤️

¡Hay muchísimas comunidades! Echa un vistazo a las de fotografía: Photography Lovers, Black and White... estoy segura de que encontrarás dónde poner toda esa información jejeje, ¡saludos!

There are so many communities! Check out the photography ones: Photography Lovers, Black and White, Photography... I'm sure you'll find where to put all that information hehehe, greetings!

Thank you beautiful, I'll explore, success and see you on the road 😘❤️

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Amazing, this theater is beautiful, I love every detail of its facades, it has so many decorative elements. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

It was an incredible experience dear @doriangel I am very happy that you like it, it is a beautiful place, an icon of Cuban architecture ❤️

Wow, that looks amazing!😍

If it is very beautiful, a great place to appreciate, an architectural gem, thank you❤️