Hotel Meliá La Unión: one of the oldest hotels in Cienfuegos [En-Es]


Hello friends, I am going to show you the Hotel La Unión which I visited with my family one night for dinner. I was impressed by its exquisite service, but what motivated me the most, besides being with my family, was seeing all its structure, furniture, and old objects, which transport you to another era, as well as transmitting comfort. I passed near it together with my niece, the place dazzled me, we went in and made the reservation and that's how we surprised the others, since the day was splendid I took advantage and took some photos of the outside, the rest I took the night of dinner.

Hola amigos les voy a mostrar el Hotel La Unión el cual visité con mi familia una noche para cenar. Me impresionó su exquisito servicio, pero lo que más me motivó, además de estar con mi familia, fue ver toda su estructura, mobiliario y objetos antiguos, que te transportan a otra época, además de transmitir comodidad. Pasé cerca de él junto con mi sobrina, me deslumbró el lugar, entramos e hicimos la reserva y así sorprendimos a los demás, como el día estaba espléndido aproveché y tomé algunas fotos del exterior, el resto las tomé la noche de la cena.


The most significant thing that can be seen in its exterior architecture is colonial architecture. The hotel occupies almost a block, it is located on D'Clouet street, between San Fernando and San Carlos streets. The set of buildings that make it up have different colors in light tones: green, white and pink, which gives a cheerful and refined touch to those cobbled streets. It belongs to the Meliá chain, a Spanish hotel group, which has 55 hotels throughout the island of Cuba.

Lo más significativo que se puede apreciar en su arquitectura exterior es arquitectura colonial. El hotel ocupa casi una manzana, está ubicado en la calle D'Clouet, entre las calles San Fernando y San Carlos. El conjunto de edificios que lo componen tienen diferentes colores en tonos claros: verde, blanco y rosa, lo que le da un toque alegre y refinado a esas calles empedradas. Pertenece a la cadena Meliá, grupos hoteleros español, que cuenta con 55 hoteles en toda la isla de Cuba.



This hotel is one of the oldest in this province and presents a neoclassical style from the 19th century. It has its origins in 1885, but in 1960 it closed its doors as a hotel to convert it to residential use, a citadel, as we say in Cuba, with many technical defects. In 1995 it was decided to undertake an investment, reopening its doors in the year 2000 with the same name that was originally given.

Este hotel es uno de los más antiguo de esta provincia y presenta un estilo neoclásico del siglo XIX. Tiene sus orígenes en 1885, pero en 1960 cerró sus puertas como hotel para convertirlo en uso residencial, una ciudadela, como decimos en Cuba, con muchos defectos técnicos. En 1995 se decide acometer una inversión, reabriendo sus puertas en el año 2000 con el mismo nombre que se le dio originalmente.


On the hotel's façade, above the entrance, there are four lion faces embedded in the wall and from their jaws hang chains that support the cantilevered metal roof that covers the entrance. The roof has very nice cast iron work. To the right of the main entrance is a gold leaf bearing the name of the hotel, also reflected on the floor in a square of cast granite.

En la fachada del hotel, sobre la entrada, hay cuatro rostros de león incrustados en la pared y de sus fauces cuelgan cadenas que sostienen el techo metálico en voladizo que cubre la entrada. El techo tiene un trabajo de hierro fundido muy bonito. A la derecha de la entrada principal hay una lámina dorada que lleva el nombre del hotel, también reflejado en el piso en un cuadrado de granito fundido.



I must confess that, although I have passed through the vicinity of this hotel several times, I had never entered it, in my country it is not easy to go to a hotel due to the economic situation and they are very expensive, so I felt very happy to have this opportunity. Although its exterior design is very attractive with its large windows and balconies with wrought iron bars, the interior shows a much more exquisite taste.

Debo confesar que, aunque he pasado varias veces por las inmediaciones de este hotel, nunca había entrado en él, en mi país no es fácil ir a un hotel por la situación económica y son muy costosos, por lo que me sentí muy feliz de tener este oportunidad. Aunque su diseño exterior es muy vistoso con sus grandes ventanales y balcones con rejas de hierro forjado, el interior muestra un gusto mucho más exquisito.





Upon entering, there is a spacious lobby where there are some colonial-style ornaments, a large marble sculpture of a woman and elegant appliances where some vintage tableware is kept. In addition, there is a showcase with a large mirror with turned frames, on the showcase some black and gold porcelain vases, a beauty.

Al entrar se encuentra un amplio vestíbulo donde hay algunos adornos de estilo colonial, una gran escultura de mujer de mármol y elegantes aparadores donde se guardan algunas vajillas de época. Además, hay una vitrina con un gran espejo con marcos torneados, sobre la vitrina unos jarrones de porcelana negra y dorada, una preciosidad.


Next to the entrance door there is a sketch where the entire surroundings of the Hotel are marked, locating all the tourists in the specific place of the city where they are.

Junto a la puerta de entrada hay un croquis donde se marca todo el entorno del Hotel, ubicando a todos los turistas en el lugar específico de la ciudad donde se encuentran.



To the right of the vehicle is the restaurant, to the left - the reception, where we will confirm our reservation. Upon arriving at the place, while my husband and my nephews confirmed, I observed the place, it is very well decorated. It is very spacious, with huge windows that preserve the colorful stained glass windows and from some half-open window you can see the magnificent Boulevard that is San Fernando Street, one of the streets that borders the hotel.

A la derecha del vestíbulo está el restaurante, a la izquierda - la recepción, donde vamos a confirmar nuestra reserva. Al llegar al lugar, mientras mi esposo y mis sobrinos confirmaban, observé el lugar, está muy bien decorado. Es muy amplia, con enormes ventanales que conservan los coloridos vitrales y desde alguna ventana entreabierta se ve el magnifico Boulevard que es la calle San Fernando, una de las calles que bordea al hotel.





The reception windows are covered with gold and beige curtains. The wooden furniture upholstered in beige in combination with the curtains and the color of the walls, all very harmonious. What caught my attention the most was the carpentry that had the area of ​​the folder where in the upper part it has some openwork flowers and the coat of arms of the city in the center. Large and beautiful style lamps with glass tears hang from the ceiling. The workers attended us with great courtesy and ceremony. Everything in that great hall transported us to that time of the old colonial bourgeoisie.

Las ventanas de la recepción están cubiertas con cortinas doradas y beige. Los muebles de madera tapizados en beige en combinación con las cortinas y el color de las paredes, todo muy armonioso. Lo que más me llamó la atención fue la carpintería que tenía la zona de la carpeta donde en la parte superior tiene unos calados de flores y el escudo de la ciudad en el centro. Del techo cuelgan grandes y hermosas lamparas de estilo con lágrimas de cristal. Los trabajadores nos atendieron con gran cortesía y ceremonia. Todo en ese gran salón nos transportaba a esa época de la vieja burguesía colonial.





We went to the restaurant, which is very spacious with a large number of tables. There were walls with large arches that provided some isolation while respecting spaces. The floors were made of black and white mosaics, and there were large colonial-style cabinets where the utensils and tableware for the service are kept, I thought it was a very good option for decoration and utility. Everything corresponded and harmonized with the design of the hotel, both exterior and interior.

Fuimos al restaurante, que es muy espacioso y con muchas mesas. Había muros con grandes arcos que proporcionaban cierto aislamiento respetando los espacios. Los pisos eran de mosaicos en blanco y negro, y había grandes armarios estilo colonial donde se guardan los utensilios y vajillas para el servicio, me pareció una muy buena opción por decoración y utilidad. Todo correspondía y armonizaba con el diseño del hotel, tanto exterior como interior.




We had a very nice family evening where we occupied a large table, we were 8 people. The gastronomic offer was spectacular, and we all ordered a variety of dishes. In my particular case, I ordered fish, which I really like, and for dessert, a rich shortbread ice cream. The attention was very good, and we were all very happy with the offer and the service, although the prices were a bit high so it was practically empty.

Pasamos una velada familiar muy agradable donde ocupamos una mesa grande, éramos 8 personas. La oferta gastronómica fue espectacular, y todos pedimos platos variados. En mi caso particular, pedí pescado, que me gusta mucho, y de postre, un rico helado de mantecada. La atención fue muy buena, y todos quedamos muy contentos con la oferta y el servicio, aunque los precios eran un poco elevados por lo que estaba prácticamente vacío.


Leaving the restaurant, I asked permission to take photos in some common areas. As they explained to us, the few guests were in the rooms or in the hotel cabaret at that time, so they only allowed me to go to the interior patios and the pool that was not working at the time. But, although it was night, I wanted to show you something that caught my attention. The pool is guarded by two marble lions in the same position as the ones at the entrance to Parque Martí, a few meters from there, which is described in my previous post, here is the link, it is an exact replica.

Al salir del restaurante, pedí permiso para tomar fotos en algunas áreas comunes, solo me permitieron ir a los patios interiores y la piscina que no estaba funcionando en ese momento. Pero, aunque era de noche, quería enseñaros algo que me llamó la atención. La piscina está custodiada por dos leones de mármol en la misma posición que los de la entrada del Parque Martí, a pocos metros de allí, lo cual se describe en mi post anterior, aquí está el link, es una réplica exacta.



In an area in front of the pool, where the snack and cocktail service is provided, there are the only original brick walls of that construction, a worker explained to me later, we couldn't see that because it was covered with vegetation, which made it makes you look very pretty.

En un área frente a la alberca, donde se brinda el servicio de snack y coctelería, se encuentran las únicas paredes de ladrillo originales de esa construcción, me explicó luego un trabajador, eso no lo pudimos apreciar porque estaba cubierto de vegetación, lo que la hace ver muy bonita.




I was able to go through a large corridor that leads to two very beautiful interior patios, one with metal furniture and the doors that lead to it, at the top have beautiful stained glass windows. It had very white walls and black columns, in the patio and in the rest of the upper floors and its lanterns gave it a touch of distinction, combined with the vegetation of the place, very cozy.

Pude pasar por un gran corredor que conduce a dos patios interiores muy hermosos, uno con muebles de metal y las puertas que dan a este, en la parte superior tienen hermosos vitrales de colores. Tenía paredes muy blancas y columnas negras, en el patio y en el resto de plantas altas y sus faroles le daban un toque de distinción, combinado con la vegetación del lugar, muy acogedor.



The other inner courtyard was painted dark blue with a large fountain in the center decorated with mosaics. In this patio there was also vegetation and lanterns, the columns were painted white. It seemed to me that this patio had something Arabic in its style, it must be because of the fountain and the mosaics.

El otro patio interior estaba pintado de azul oscuro con una gran fuente en el centro decorada con mosaicos. En este patio también había vegetación y faroles, las columnas estaban pintadas de blanco. Me pareció que este patio tenía algo de árabe en su estilo, debe ser por la fuente y los mosaicos.

I hope that this short visit to the Hotel La Union has pleased you as much as I did, greetings to all, wishing you a beautiful day, see you!!

Espero que esta breve visita al Hotel La Unión les haya gustado tanto como a mí, saludos a todos, deseándoles un hermoso día, nos vemos!!

Las fotos fueron tomadas con mi teléfono Xiaomi Note 11

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To press some data I consulted this page / Para presionar algunos datos consulté esta página


Cuba has always had good hotel infrastructures, throughout the island I understand that in their time they made good investments in building hotels, although it had its decline due to political issues, then they recovered those spaces to enhance one of the main economic inputs for the country such as tourism, and undoubtedly the vast majority of these hotels have magnificent buildings as shown in this publication.

!discovery 40

If @wilfredocav is very well informed, this is how the Cuban hotel industry has gone, since 1995 the entire hotel infrastructure began to be revitalized, now after the post-pandemic strike it has declined a bit due to logistics but those monumental buildings are there, thanks for stopping by here 👋

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What a beautiful hotel, I'm glad you were able to visit it and have a nice time with your family.


Así es querida tener tiempo con la familia es muy importante y si es disfrutando de un buen lugar entonces es perfecto 👍

That's right dear, having time with the family is very important and if it's enjoying a good place then it's perfect 👍

What a beautiful hotel my sister @lileisabel ,Cienfuegos has wonderful places , not for nothing they call it the Pearl of the South.🌹🌷🏵️🌺🌺🌼🌻🌸🌸💐💮🪻🪷☘️

Así es muy bien puesto ese nombre , es una provincia del país espectacular ❤️

That's how well put that name is, it's a spectacular province of the country ❤️


Wao! Que gusto leerte! ❤👏

Sentí que me dabas un tur personal por todo el hotel. Me encantó el post. Muy lindas todas las fotos! 📸🙌

 2 years ago  

Dear @ceciliajess. Please be reminded that as part of our community rules, we highly encourage authors to always add/provide the English language translations to their comments/replies using other languages for the reading convenience of our international Hive audience. Thank you for your consideration.

Gracias querida , cuánto gusto me da que lo hayas disfrutado, yo disfruté mucho esa salida en familia y quise compartirla con ustedes. Un besitos 😘

Thank you dear, I'm so glad you enjoyed it, I really enjoyed that family outing and I wanted to share it with you. A little kiss 😘

Looks like a lovely hotel I really like the architecture and the pastel colours on the outside. Great fountain too !! Also looks like you had a nice time with your family !

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Greetings @lileisabel tourism in Cuba is an important source of income that is why the conservation of first class hotels, I am struck by the old style but very elegant, you see the value they give it, this one you show us is a work of art, thanks for showing it and it looks like you had a nice evening, I congratulate you.

Thank you very much @sorprendente, the evening was luxurious, nothing better than being with my family, but also the place is splendid, you are absolutely right, tourism is an important source of income in the country, hence the need to have these places, thanks for visiting ❤️

@lileisabel cómo estás? Gusto de verte por estos lados. Que belleza de fotos, siempre me ha llamado la atención conocer el turismo de tu país.gracias por mostrarme este lugar.

@lileisabel how are you? nice to see you around these parts. What beautiful pictures, I have always been interested in knowing the tourism of your country.thanks for sharing me this place.

Hola preciosa, todo bien por acá , me alegro mucho que te haya gustado, el turismo en mi país es algo que prácticamente se da solo porque está isla es hermosa, las instalaciones hoteleras son muy buenas, embullate y ven a conocernos😜😘

Hello precious, everything is fine here, I am very glad that you liked it, tourism in my country is something that practically occurs only because this island is beautiful, the hotel facilities are very good, get excited and come and meet us😜😘

Greetings dear @lileisabel, thank you for sharing your tour of this amazing hotel, it is a great architectural work with beautiful decor, sharing with family is great, it allows us to treasure beautiful moments with loved ones and enjoy a fun ride.

Happy week!

 2 years ago  

Curated Content Catalog and was awarded SILVER MARK in Architecture Anthology™ 27. More power!Congratulations @lileisabel! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected to be part of our


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Infinitely grateful for your hard work and not allowing the quality of the community to decline, regards 👋

 2 years ago  

Definitely dear @lileisabel. We continue to uphold the quality standards of our beloved community. And we are truly thankful for your exceptional A+D stories that contribute to this achievement. Cheers! 😀

What a nice building! Very careful and exquisite design that they have known how to care for and maintain since the past, that's how nice it is. A really different Melià hotel, as there are many Melià chain hotels but with personality, history and charm like this I don't think. Thanks for showing us!😊
¡Qué bonito edificio! Muy cuidado y exquisito diseño que han sabido cuidar y mantener desde el pasado, así da gusto. Un hotel Melià diferente realmente, pues hoteles de la cadena Melià hay muchos pero con personalidad, historia y encanto como éste no creo. Gracias por enseñárnoslo!😊

Me alegra mucho que compartas ese criterio , pienso lo mismo , es una joya arquitectónica y por lo general los hoteles tienen construcciones mas modernas , que se haya conservado este hasta nuestros días después de 100 años y tan bien es impresionante , gracias por pasarte 👍

I am very glad that you share this opinion, I think the same, it is an architectural gem and usually hotels have more modern buildings, which has been preserved to this day after 100 years and so well is impressive, thank you for stopping by 👍

🤗 Sí, además todos iguales y modernos sería muy aburrido... ¡Feliz día!