Lipowy Gościniec Hotel. You can feel here like in an antique building or in a traditional country cottage

in Architecture+Design2 years ago (edited)



When I entered the Lipowy Gościniec hotel, I felt as if I had gone back to the old days. So far I have seen such places in folk museums. Whitewashed walls, old country-style furniture, traditional embroidered curtains. The only thing missing was a hostess who would treat the guests with traditional country food... but on the other hand, it was not entirely missing, because I stayed in this hotel the night after the wedding, so I was full and all I needed was to put my head to the pillow and fall asleep in a comfortable bed.

Gdy weszłam do hotelu Lipowy Gościniec poczułam, jakbym cofnęła się do dawnych czasów. Tak urządzone miejsca widziałam dotychczas w muzeach ludowych. Bielone ściany, stare meble w wiejskim stylu, tradycyjne haftowane firanki. Brakowało tylko gospodyni, która poczęstowałaby gości tradycyjnym wiejskim jedzonkiem... choć z drugiej strony nie do końca brakowało, bo w tym hotelu zatrzymałam się w nocy po weselu, więc byłam najedzona i potrzebowałam tylko przyłożyć głowę do poduszki i zasnąć w wygodnym łóżku.



Even though I was tired, I immediately noticed that Lipowy Gościniec is a unique place. I really liked the mallard duck-shaped platter, which you can see below. The rest of the kitchenware is not my style, but they created a characteristic mood of this place.

Ale nawet mimo zmęczenia od razu zauważyłam, że Lipowy Gościniec to wyjątkowe miejsce. Bardzo mi się spodobał półmisek w kształcie kaczki krzyżówki, który możecie zobaczyć poniżej. Reszta zastawy kuchennej to nie moje klimaty, ale tworzyły unikalny nastrój tego miejsca.



These huge wooden spoons by the bed look funny. The bed is covered with a throw in a traditional pattern of colorful stripes from Lowicz.

Zabawnie wyglądają te ogromne drewniane łyżki przy łóżku. Łóżko jest pokryte pledem w tradycyjny łowicki wzór w kolorowe paski.


When I went to my hotel room, I felt like I was visiting an open-air museum. Each element of the interior design of Lipowy Gościniec was like an exhibit in such a folk museum. There were paintings on the walls showing old country cottages, carts with horses, women portraits, country gardens, storks nest.

Gdy szłam do mojego pokoju czułam się jakbym zwiedzała skansen. Każdy element wystroju wnętrza Lipowego Gościńca był jak eksponat w takim ludowym muzeum. Na ścianach wisiały obrazy na których widać było dawne wiejskie chaty, furmanki z końmi, portrety kobiet, wiejskie ogrody, gniazdo bocianów.





In addition, folk paintings on the walls.

Do tego folkowe malowidła na ścianach.


Antique furniture like this sideboard and tableware. An additional decorative element on the walls in the corridor were large stones driven into the wall. You can see how tastes in what is fashionable change over the years.

Na korytarzy stały zabytkowe meble, jak ten kredens i elementy zastawy. Dodatkowym elementem ozdobnym na ścianach w korytarzu były duże kamienie wbite w ścianę. Widać po tym jak zmieniają się gusta, co do tego co jest modne, na przestrzeni lat.


There was even a reproduction of Józef Chełmoński's famous painting "Storks" on the wall. The original hangs in the National Museum in Warsaw. In the painting, the villagers are watching storks flying across the sky.

Na ścianie wisiała nawet reprodukcja słynnego obrazu Józefa Chełmońskiego "Bociany." Oryginał wisi w Muzeum Narodowym w Warszawie. Na obrazie mieszkańcy wsi obserwują bociany lecące po niebie.



Virtually every element of the space has been used to present something. As I was going up the stairs, I noticed the old-fashioned wooden washboards hanging on the walls.

Właściwie każdy element przestrzeni został wykorzystany do zaprezentowania czegoś. Gdy wchodziłam po schodach zauważyłam wiszące na ścianach używane w dawnych czasach drewniane tarki do prania.



There was a large tiled stove in the corridor. Every detail was taken care of to give this place the impression of being in a real country cottage from the old days.

W korytarzu znajdował się duży, kaflowy piec. Nieźle, zadbano o każdy szczegół, żeby nadać temu miejscu wrażenia jakby się było w prawdziwej wiejskiej chacie z dawnych lat.



My room - clover / Mój pokój - koniczyna 🍀

The rooms in the hotel had interesting names. Mine was called clover, and right next to it was a room with the name of another flower - forget-me-not. Inside, the beds were the most conspicuous. They also had their own atmosphere. and on the walls there are pictures and colorful paintings of flowers.

Pokoje w hotelu miały ciekawe nazwy. Mój nazywał się koniczyna, a tuż obok znajdował się pokój z nazwą innego kwiatu - niezapominajka. W środku najbardziej rzucały się w oczy łóżka. One również miały swój własny klimat. a na ścianach obrazki i kolorowe malunki przedstawiające kwiaty.



The floral curtain and the embroidered curtain were also very nice. Wooden shutters and textiles hung in them created a very cozy, stylish element of the room.

Bardzo fajna była też ta kwiecista zasłonka i firanka z haftem. Drewniane okiennice oraz tekstylia zawieszone w nich tworzyły bardzo przytulny, stylowy element pokoju.


I slept on an antique wooden folk bed. It was comfortable and I fell asleep quickly in it. But before that, being in this room felt like I was transported to another era.

Spałam na zabytkowym, drewnianym ludowym łóżku. Było wygodne, szybko w nim zasnęłam. Ale zanim to nastąpiło, przebywając w tym pokoju czułam się jakbym przeniosła się do innej epoki.





The bathroom looked a bit more contemporary, although traditional elements were included - such as an embroidered napkin attached to a wooden table under the sink. The tiles in a fruit and floral pattern looked interesting. Painted in the old style.

Łazienka wyglądała nieco bardziej współcześnie, choć zawarto w niej tradycyjne elementy - np. haftowaną serwetkę przytwierdzoną do drewnianego stolika pod umywalką. Ciekawie wyglądały w niej kafelki, w owocowo-kwiatowy wzór. Namalowane w dawnych stylu.


This hotel was unusual, a bit like a folk museum, but it did the job. He provided conditions for a good night's sleep. The rooms were clean and interestingly designed. Something great if someone likes time travel and rural interiors.

Ten hotel był niecodzienny, nieco jak folkowe muzeum, ale spełnił swoje zadanie. Zapewnił warunki do dobrego noclegu. Pokoje były czyste i interesująco zaprojektowane. Coś świetnego, jak ktoś lubi podróże w czasie i wiejskie klimaty.


 2 years ago  

Curated Content Catalog and was awarded SILVER MARK in Architecture Anthology™ 12. More power!Congratulations @katiefreespirit! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected to be part of our


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Wow! That's amazing! Thanks a lot @aplusd 😊🙏🌼

 2 years ago  

You truly deserve this awesome recognition dear @katiefreespirit. And we are excited to experience your next architecture and design content. Have fun! 😀

It is a house out of a fairy tale. I loved it, although it feels a bit overloaded. It is interesting to spend a night there among such cozy furniture that invites you to talk until late at night and maybe tell some fairy tales, or a little more terrifying ones.

Great idea @tibaire 😊! I love such conversations before bedtime 😉 And it would be great to have them in this hotel. Such an environment stimulates the imagination 🔮🪄

I think you can have some good conversations and turn them into interesting stories. You have the ideal place for it. When you do, let me know so I can read you.

You always find really interesting places to explore and present. I love the concept of naming the rooms with flowers. The rooms look very cozy, too! Makes for a wonderful getaway. I wonder if guests are allowed to touch the artifacts scattered all around the hotel?Such a beautiful hotel @katiefreespirit

Thanks @blind-spot for the nice words about the places I write about on my blog 😊 I also like that the rooms had such names. Similarly, I like when streets have names related to nature. E.g. Lily of the Valley Street, Wild Rose Street, or Forest Street. It's immediately nicer to live at such an address, or spend the night in a hotel room called a clover 😉 Unfortunately, I don't know if you can touch the antique elements of the hotel's decor. I was just photographing them.

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Thank you @LivingUKTaiwan 🌸🙏😊 I really appreciate that.

This is the first time I am seeing this kind of interior wall... Is that built from bricks or any other materials? In our country, normally we build walls with bricks or blocks. But it's a totally different look than this.


In my country, buildings are also mostly made of bricks or concrete blocks. Unfortunately, I don't know what this hotel is made of. Looking at this photo from the outside, I suppose it was built of bricks or concrete blocks, and the walls may have been covered with plaster (or some other material) and such unevenness was specially made to make them look more like the walls of an old country cottage.

Wow! What a cozy way to travel back in time @katiefreespirit! Architecture is certainly one of the most effective time machines out there, transporting you to an era of historic significance. The Lipowy Gościniec Hotel has achieved that, without a doubt, by constructing the necessary atmosphere for guests to relive past experiences. Plus the props, ornaments, decors, paintings, materials, finishes, and furniture truly add to its nostalgic environment. Brilliant! 😊👍

Speaking of decors, I'm particularly fascinated by the old-fashioned wooden washboards exhibited on the walls. To confirm, are they the ones used in spanking or beating clothes while hand-washing them?

Haha, exactly! 😊 The creators of this hotel did their best to make you feel how people used to live. The amount of antique decorations is amazing, thanks to which you can rest from the 21st century and modern design for a while 😉

As for the old-fashioned wooden washboard. As you probably know, such washboards were used in the old days, when there were no washing machines. Although some people still use them nowadays. Because they are eco-friendly. The washboard was placed in a bowl. First, the clothes were soaked in water, and then soaped and rubbed the soaped clothes on the washboard. The clothes were then rinsed in water 😊 It is possible that some people also used the technique you mentioned. They beat their clothes against the washboard to remove the dirt 🫠

Exactly, the hotel operators successfully transported you on a historical journey! They've actually made it easy for hotel guests to fall in love with their homey place. And your emotional narrative is strong proof of that, haha. 😆

As for the washboards, I wasn't accustomed to seeing clothes being rubbed on them while washing but more on the beating actions as this method is quite common in rural areas and mountain villages in Asia. Thanks for that interesting info! 😊

What a beautiful place, very beautiful. I love the paintings on the walls, especially the flowers. A very cheerful and colorful place.

Yes, those paintings on the walls were joyful! They brought a lot of positive energy to the hotel space 😊

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