Hola amigos de Hive.
Hoy os quiero mostrar un poquito más de una Ciudad muy querida por mi, esa es Cádiz, "la tacita de plata".
Una ciudad que esta limitada por el mar y por ello no puede crecer más de lo que es, desde hace cientos de años.
Una de sus características más bonitas para los visitantes que la visitan diariamente y uno de los inconvenientes para la población gaditana que hay prácticamente prohibitivo los precios de las viviendas dentro de su casco antiguo y que limita mucho todo lo que se refiere a la venta de nuevas viviendas.
Today I want to show you a little bit more of a city that is very dear to me, that is Cadiz, the "tacita de plata".
A city that is limited by the sea and therefore cannot grow more than it has for hundreds of years.
One of its most beautiful characteristics for the visitors who visit it every day and one of the disadvantages for the people of Cadiz is that the prices of houses in the old part of the city are practically prohibitive and this limits everything that refers to the sale of new houses.
Hay varios proyectos de rehabilitación de viviendas dentro del centro pero en su mayoría serán destinadas a viviendas turísticas debido a la gran demanda de este tipo que hay.
Es cierto que visitar la capital gaditana es un viaje al pasado desde luego y sobre todo cuando nos referimos a las grandes viviendas de familias de prestigio pero no solo eso hay en Cádiz.
There are several projects for the rehabilitation of dwellings in the centre but most of them will be destined for tourist housing due to the great demand for this type of housing.
It is true that a visit to the capital of Cádiz is a trip back in time, especially when we refer to the large houses of prestigious families, but that is not all there is in Cádiz.
La gran mayoría de sus edificios son viviendas plurifamiliares, de viviendas de pocos metros, debido a su gran limitación de espacios.
Cierto es que también hay grandes pisos de techos de casi tres metros de los que hoy en día una vez restaurados y reformados a todo lujo de detalles, disfrutan solo unos pocos.
Muestra de las calles y paisajes urbanos gaditanos son las imágenes que os muestro.
Una forma muy fácil de entender el paisaje de la tacita de plata.
Edificios de tres o cuatro plantas, son el por mayor de las calles y callejones gaditanos.
The great majority of its buildings are multi-family dwellings of few metres due to their limited space.
It is true that there are also large flats with ceilings of almost three metres that nowadays, once restored and refurbished in great detail, are enjoyed by only a few.
A sample of the streets and urban landscapes of Cádiz are the images I show you here.
A very easy way to understand the landscape of the "tacita de plata".
Three or four-storey buildings are the main feature of the streets and alleys of Cádiz.
Portones de madera que te adentran en unos patios de vecinos para subir a las viviendas que son en su mayor parte, pisos de dos o tres dormitorios a lo sumo. De no muchos metros cuadrados como es obvio, viendo las fachadas de los edificios.
Eso sí, viviendo en el centro histórico de este tipo de ciudades te puedes sentir un autentico privilegiado.
Wooden gates lead you into the courtyards of the neighbours to go up to the houses, which are mostly flats with two or three bedrooms at the most.Not many square metres, as is obvious from the façades of the buildings.
However, living in the historic centre of this type of city you can feel truly privileged.
La vida se hace a tú alrededor y es muy cómodo, no tener que hacer grandes desplazamientos y tenerlo todo absolutamente todo, a un paso.
O como dicen los andaluces, a tiro de piedra.
Es poder disfrutar de vivir sin vehículo de transporte, si no lo quieres.
Hablando de vehículos, al ser viviendas de tiempos muy pasados. Os podéis imaginar que no tienen garajes en los sótanos de los edificios, es más. Por el nivel freático de Cádiz, muy pocos edificios de la capital son los que tienen garajes o incluso sótanos.
Así que el tener un coche es uno de los lujos que se tienen para los habitantes del casco histórico de Cádiz.
Como os muestro en estas capturas, creo que vivir en un casco histórico tan limitado como es el de la Ciudad de mi post de hoy. Es más un privilegio, una forma diferente de vida. En la que te puedes desplazar a pie o en bicicleta a todos los lugares que necesitas.
Y en momentos dados que quieres salir del entorno urbano, tienes tranvía y diferentes medios de transportes públicos para poder utilizar.
Apto solo para unos pocos y una forma de vida muy dinámica y juvenil deseada para muchos.
Life is all around you and it is very convenient not to have to make long journeys and to have everything, absolutely everything just a stone's throw away.
Or as the Andalusians say, a stone's throw away.
It is to be able to enjoy living without a vehicle if you don't want to.
Speaking of vehicles, as they are homes from times long past. You can imagine that they don't have garages in the basements of the buildings, what's more. Due to the water table in Cádiz, very few buildings in the capital have garages or even basements.
So having a car is one of the luxuries for the inhabitants of the historic centre of Cádiz.
As I show you in these pictures, I believe that living in such a limited historic quarter as the one in the City of my post today. It is more of a privilege, a different way of life. In which you can move on foot or by bicycle to all the places you need to go.
And at times when you want to get out of the urban environment, you have trams and different means of public transport to use.
Suitable only for a few and a very dynamic and youthful way of life desired by many.
Imágenes capturadas con / Images captured with Samsung Galaxy S21 2.021.
Todos los derechos / All rights reserved by @Garvi.

I love this place, it must have been a great experience sitting at those chairs when the night comes.
Yes, enjoying the environment is one of its gifts.
Best regards 😊Hello @afterglow.
Hello @garvi. How are you doing? I'm tremendously delighted to welcome you back to our beloved community!
As the popular saying goes, "There's no place like home", the city of Cadiz in southwestern Spain is definitely the place where your heart belongs. With a rich heritage of historical buildings, houses, and multi-family dwellings, less pollution due to a few cars, and a relaxing atmosphere, it's an ideal location to settle down. I'd imagine the comfortable activities, positive vibes, and fabulous experiences of both residents and tourists there. That beautiful landmark certainly hosts a healthier lifestyle because people there can simply travel around on foot, a productive way to physical exercise. Thank you very much for unraveling the architectural mysteries of "La Tacita de Plata". 😊
Hello, @storiesoferne.Thank you very much for your welcome 😊.
Really, as you say, Cadiz is special for me, but it is true that it has for its limitations quiet, smoke-free streets, low buildings and a wonderful cultural atmosphere.
Best regards 🤗
Architecture Brew #55. More power!Congratulations @garvi! We're delighted to specially curate your awesome publication and award it RUNNER-UP in
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Thank you so much @aplusd 😊
With utmost pleasure @garvi. Keep up the amazing publications, and stay awesome! 😀
I lived last year for a year in Cádiz historic centre. On Plaza de España in one of those impressive buildings with 3 meter high ceilings. It was so nice… I felt lucky… as the apartment was large.
My last post here in this community (yesterday) and also between the runner ups from our dining table does, show a photo and part of the 40m2 living room with the 3 meter heigh ceilings facing the plaza 😎
My other post below it from the salon table shows the other side of the living room.So great to see Cádiz and it’s small and narrow streets 😊 @garvi
I loved living in Cádiz, but we had to move because of work unfortunately.
The windows you see and the front of the buildings… the old historic buildings, the ease of how easy you can walk to everything. It’s all charming.
It’s such a stunning city that must be on travel plans… 😉
A very easy city to visit and enjoy.
I'm sure you will keep nice and pleasant memories of it.
Best regards 😊I totally agree with you @littlebee4
Best regards!Thank you @garvi 😊