Happy and blessed beginning of the week for everyone, especially for lovers of the majestic constructions made by man, I am immensely pleased to have the opportunity to share with you a little more of the architecture of my region. In Mérida, Venezuela, we can appreciate a beautiful contrast of different architectural styles and buildings that speak for themselves a little of the history of the region. Today I want to share with you some pictures of our visit to an important community in the center of the city.
Bethlehem is a sector of Mérida, located a few blocks from downtown, between Avenues 7 and 8, is a fairly quiet and beautiful place, walking through its streets can lead us to enjoy the typical cuisine of the Andes, in the middle of quiet streets, surrounded by colonial architecture. It is a great meeting place, the favorite place for students who live in Mérida, especially in the mornings, because many of us love to go to Belén to have breakfast in the famous Andean cakes, desserts and handmade sweets or just go to read a little in its beautiful square.
A few days ago, we were visiting this area and many memories came to my mind, as I used to come here a lot with my sister, every time she had to run errands at the school of accountants, since then, I have always admired the Church of Our Lady of Bethlehem, I found very interesting the architecture of the Seraphic College and the quiet Square Rivas Dávila, These are just some of the places we can visit in Bethlehem, besides them we can find some educational institutions, a health center, a recreation park and various icons of the local cuisine, perhaps we will visit later, if we have the opportunity.
Feliz y bendecido inicio de semana para todos, en especial para los amantes de las majestuosas construcciones realizadas por el hombre, estoy inmensamente complacida de tener la oportunidad de compartir con ustedes un poco más de la arquitectura de mi región. En Mérida, Venezuela, podemos apreciar un contraste hermoso de distintos estilos arquitectónicos y de construcciones que nos hablan por sí solas un poco de la historia de la región. Hoy quiero compartirles algunas fotografías de nuestra visita a una comunidad importante del centro de la ciudad
Belén es un Sector de Mérida, ubicado a pocas cuadras del centro, entre las Avenidas 7 y 8, es un sitio bastante tranquilo y bonito, caminar por sus calles nos puede llevar a disfrutar de la gastronomía típica de los Andes, en medio de unas calles tranquilas, rodeadas de arquitectura colonial. Es un gran sitio de encuentro, el sitio preferido para los estudiantes que hacen vida en Mérida, especialmente en las mañanas, pues a muchos nos encanta ir a desayunar en Belén los conocidos pasteles andinos, postres y dulces artesanales o simplemente ir a leer un poco en su bella plaza.
Hace unos días, estuvimos de visita en esta zona y muchos recuerdos llegaron a mi mente, ya que solía venir mucho con mi hermana, cada vez que ella debía hacer diligencias en el colegio de contadores, desde entonces, siempre he admirado la Iglesia Nuestra Señora de Belén, me ha parecido muy interesante la arquitectura del Colegio Seráfico y la tranquila Plaza Rivas Dávila, estos son solo algunos de los sitios que podemos conocer en Belén, además de ellos podemos encontrar algunas instituciones educativas, un centro de salud, un parque de recreación y distintos locales iconos de la gastronomía local, que tal vez visitemos luego, si tenemos la oportunidad.
Colonel Luis María Rivas Dávila Square
Plaza Coronel Luis María Rivas Dávila
This is an ideal place to spend some time in the afternoon, take the kids and let them enjoy the free space, one of the things I like about the design of this square, is that it has a lot of completely free space for enjoyment, take the kids to skate, ride a bike or run for a while is an excellent plan, while adults enjoy a little contact with nature, in the middle of the city.
Este es un lugar ideal para pasar un rato por las tardes, llevar a los niños y dejar que disfruten del espacio libre, una de las cosas que me gustan del diseño de esta plaza, es que tiene mucho espacio completamente libre para el disfrute, llevar a los niños a patinar, manejar bicicleta o que corran un rato es un excelente plan, mientras que los adultos disfrutamos un poco del contacto de la naturaleza, en medio de la ciudad.
And the second thing that I like is its tall and leafy trees, with the typical stick beard that we find in the Andes, a perfect symbiosis that adds a mysterious effect to the merideñas squares. While my son was enjoying the birds that we usually find here and running everywhere, I was observing for a while its design, which is a rectangular plant, but is divided into two environments, the first one I mentioned, which is an open space in concrete surrounded by planters, where people usually sit to enjoy a little. Next, we have the central area where we find the bust of the independence hero to whom they pay tribute in this site and from here there are about 8 walkways, where we find a series of benches and lanterns with decorative details.
Y es que lo segundo, que me gusta, son sus altos y frondosos árboles, con la típica barba de palo que encontramos en los Andes, una simbiosis perfecta que le agrega un efecto de misterio a las plazas merideñas. Mientras mi hijo, disfrutaba de las aves, que generalmente encontramos aquí y corría por doquier, estuve observando por un rato su diseño, la cual es una planta rectangular, pero se divide en dos ambientes, la primera que les mencione, que es un espacio abierto en concreto rodeado de jardineras, donde las personas suelen sentarse a disfrutar un poco. Seguidamente, tenemos el área central donde se encuentra el busto del prócer de la independencia a quien rinden homenaje en este sitio y desde aquí surgen alrededor de 8 caminerías, donde encontramos una seria de bancas y faroles de luz con detalles decorativos.
The Bust of Colonel Luis María Rivas Dávila, is a beautiful bronze work, full of details, it is located on a marble pedestal, one of the tallest I have seen, it shows some signs of wear, but this does not make it stop being a beautiful work, in front we have a plaque where it says textually.
Colonel Rivas Davila
Born in Mérida on August 19, 1778, he was a national hero and died on February 12, 1814 in the Battle of La Victoria.
El Busto del Coronel Luis María Rivas Dávila, es un hermoso trabajo en bronce , lleno de detalles, está ubicado sobre un pedestal en mármol, uno de los más altos que he visto, muestra algunas señales de desgaste, pero esto no hace que deje de ser una obra hermosa, al frente tenemos una placa donde dice textualmente.
Coronel Rivas Dávila
Nace en Mérida el 19 de agosto 1778, Prócer de la Patria y muere el 12 de febrero de 1814 en la Batalla de la Victoria.
On this day, the wind was blowing the leaves off the trees. The current state of the square is good, but in general terms, I would like to take a little more advantage of the planters, to beautify and give color to the square. A little maintenance in all the ornamental part, is necessary to give it a more colorful image, but actually the place is very nice.
Este día, el viento, dejaba caer las hojas de los árboles. El estado actual de la plaza es bueno, pero en términos generales, me gustaría que aprovecharan un poco más las jardineras, para embellecer y darle color a la plaza. Un poco de mantenimiento en toda la parte ornamental, es necesario para darle una imagen más vistosa, pero en realidad el sitio es muy bonito.
Our Lady of Bethlehem Church.
Iglesia Nuestra Señora de Belén
In front of the square we have this church, with a blue on its walls that gives a lot of serenity. Its facade is simple, but its harmony makes it very beautiful, its towers are very high, giving it a lot of presence. Unfortunately, it was closed, I would have liked to see its interior too, but I remember that it has 3 naves, full of details that make it unique. In addition, I understand that several ancient relics are preserved here, which make it a cultural and religious heritage.
I really like the symmetry of its facade, we have the central area that culminates with the gable roof, where the main entrance is located in arch with a beautiful wooden door and on its sides two rectangular towers of great height, culminating with the bell tower. The coating of its walls, shows that time has passed and left its traces, requires attention and a little love, but still remains a temple worthy of admiration thanks to each of those details that, although simple, enhance the design.
Al frente de la plaza tenemos esta iglesia, con un azul en sus paredes que da mucha serenidad. Su fachada es sencilla, pero su armonía, hace que sea muy bella, sus torres son muy altas, otorgándole mucha presencia. Lamentablemente, estaba cerrada, me hubiese gustado ver su interior también, pero recuerdo que tiene 3 naves, llenos de detalles, que la hacen única. Además, tengo entendido, que aquí se conservan varias reliquias antiguas que la convierten en un patrimonio cultural y religioso.
Me gusta mucho la simetría de su fachada, Tenemos el área central que culmina con el techo a dos aguas, donde se encuentra la entrada principal en arco con una bella puerta de madera y a sus lados dos torres rectangulares de gran altura, que culmina con el campanario. El revestimiento de sus paredes, deja ver que el tiempo ha pasado y dejado sus huellas, requiere de atención y un poco de cariño, pero aun así sigue siendo un templo digno de admirar gracias a cada uno de esos detalles que, aunque son sencillos, enaltecen el diseño.
Seraphic College.
Colegio Seráfico.
This is a private school, which was initially a seminary, something about the facade of this institution is quite interesting to me, and I like the parallel lines that form the windows that make up this three-storey building. It is an old building, maybe from the 50's or 60's, quite large, its white color combines perfectly with black and yellow, creating a visual harmony between geometric shapes and color, its doors are made of wood and although it does not have great architectural decorations, it is attractive, at least for me. It is an expensive school administered by a religious organization, and is one of the institutions with a good reputation in the city of Mérida. Like the church, it needs maintenance on its facades and this was something I noticed in most of the buildings in the area.
Este es un colegio privado, que inicialmente fue un seminario, algo de la fachada de esta institución me resulta bastante interesante, y es que me gusta la las líneas paralelas que forman las ventanas que conforman este edificio de tres plantas. Es un edificio antiguo, tal vez de los años 50 o 60, bastante grande, su color blanco combina perfecto con el negro y el amarillo, creando una armonía visual entre las formas geométricas y el color, sus puertas son de madera y aunque no tenga grandes decoraciones arquitectónicas, resulta atractivo, al menos para mí. Aquí imparten clases de secundaria, es un colegio costoso administrado por una organización religiosa, es una de las instituciones que gozan de buena reputación en la ciudad de Mérida. Al igual que la iglesia, necesita mantenimiento en sus fachadas y esto fue algo que note en gran parte de las edificaciones de la zona.
This has been my tour of the Belen Sector, I am sure we will return soon, because very close there is a park that my husband used to frequent as a child and he is curious to see its current conditions. If one day you are visiting Merida do not hesitate to visit this area, it has a lot to offer.
Este ha sido mi recorrido por el Sector Belén, seguro volveremos pronto, porque muy cerca existe un parque que no conozco al que mi esposo solía frecuentar de niño y le causa curiosidad ver sus condiciones actuales. Si un día estás de visita en Mérida no dudes en conocer esta zona, tiene mucho que ofrecer.
I hope that my publication has been to your liking, I will be sharing buildings of my region that call my attention.
Espero que mi publicación haya sido de su agrado, estaré compartiendo edificaciones de mi región que llamen mi atención.
My language is Spanish so I use the translator DeepL, in its free version, the images were taken by me, with my Yezz max phone, cover created in canva.
Mi idioma es el español por tanto uso el traductor DeepL, en su versión gratuita, las imagenes fueron tomadas por mi, con mi telefono Yezz max, portada creada en canva.
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What beautiful places my friend. That square reminds me of the one in Caripe, Monagas state. It has similar spaces.
Besides the bushes have beards hehehehe, it is a very fresh and colonial place, like the one you present us in your city.
It's good that Angel is enjoying these walks and now is what's missing.
I hope to continue getting to know more of Merida through your blog.
You know that today I was telling my co-workers that when I started blogging, I wanted to blog about the city and the truth is that I haven't really gotten into it, telling myself that it's all in books and on the internet.
But I feel like taking up that idea again. When I was young, one of the careers I wanted to study was tourism, but I didn't do it because it was not possible to study here, it was possible in Margarita and of course I couldn't afford it.
And thank goodness, because soon I got pregnant and I would have lost that chance. Of course, you never know what would happen. I've already left the subject hehehehe.
Greetings and blessings my beautiful friend 😙🥰.
Hello friend. Thank you very much, I find those stick beards very mysterious, I like them very much. It is a plant that lives on another one but it is not really a parasite, they help each other.
I would love to get to know Mérida as a whole and to let you know about it, and to travel to the other beautiful municipalities. I am sure that Cumana is full of beautiful places. The difference between Hive and what we find in books or internet is that in Hive, we tell and describe the lúgares according to what we perceive from our own experience.
I like tourism too and I love architecture and everything related to construction. It's never too late friend. Happy day and many blessings @leidimarc .
Hello @doriangel, the belen sector of the city of Merida has beautiful spaces and architectural work ideal for family recreation and spend a relaxing time in contact with nature, the park has large areas for children's fun; Seraphic school if you have windows, the architect organized the distribution of the same with great care, you had a great ride.
Greetings and blessings!
Hi @belkyscabrera , sorry for my late reply, must have missed the notification, sorry. Yes, I love the windows of this school, I like the visual effect it causes. Bethlehem is very nice, the truth, I think it is one of the most beautiful areas of downtown. Greetings and blessings!
Curated Content Catalog and was awarded RUNNER-UP in Architecture Anthology™ 26. More power!Congratulations @doriangel! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected to be part of our
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Thank you very much, it makes me very happy.
Happy beginning of the month, may it be a month full of success in your projects.
Much appreciated dear @doriangel. More blessings to all of us in our beloved community as we begin another month. Stay incredible! 😀