Architecture+Design Community Contest: World Architecture Day/ Famagusta area or Cyprus

in Architecture+Design3 years ago (edited)

I can't believe that nine days have gone by since I wrote my last post. It's a good thing I spotted this contest OCD Community Boost Contest S2 #1: Highlighting Architecture & Design

Built using stones from the area to perfectly fit the landscape photo_2021_10_13_07.48.27.jpeg

Came up at a perfect time for me. I am so fascinated with this new area where I am visiting with my son and daughter

There is so much to see here and the coastline is filled with spectacular sights. If you are lucky enough to do a boat trip along the coast, the church of the Prophet Elias Profitis Ilias can be clearly seen and will always be pointed out by the captain of the cruise boat.

This is at the foot of the Profitis Elias church untitled_1.jpg

This mountain is lit up at night and looks like something out of a fairy story book.

It's quite a climb to the top - some 156 steps. I managed quite nicely but took a few stops to breathe in the lovely fresh air on the way up.

Early morning view of the base of the mountain whatsapp_image_2021_10_12_at_22.59.54.jpeg

Staying true to Greek Orthodox churches, its interior is decorated with icons and paintings from the Bible and it’s exterior is of Byzantine style. Profitis Ilias was built in 1984, in the place of an older chapel, and honoured its region by using stones of the area, thus being in perfect harmony with its natural surroundings.

This is the most known church of Protaras and is used for many weddings and christenings.

The church is made of stone and is of Byzantine architecture.

It was not as difficult as I had imagined and on the way up there is a lovely view of the surrounding town and houses.

From here it looks like its a long way up

Pretty houses are at the base of the mountain photo_2021_10_13_07.47.33.jpeg photo_2021_10_13_07.47.45.jpeg

View of the sea and houses - almost at the top whatsapp_image_2021_10_12_at_22.59.53_1_.jpeg

Beautiful from all angles photo_2021_10_13_07.48.08.jpeg

At the pinnacle - finally whatsapp_image_2021_10_12_at_22.59.53_4_.jpeg

Stunning view - which I believe I should see in the evening some time whatsapp_image_2021_10_12_at_22.59.53.jpeg

On the way downthe many steps
photo_2021_10_13_08.13.24.jpeg photo_2021_10_13_08.13.32.jpeg

My kids were very attentive to my needs as my son carefully monitored my steps and my daughter constantly supplied me with water to drink on the way up and on the way down.

For me, the emotions of enjoying this beautiful hike up the mountain and experiencing it with my son Jack, and his lovely wife Lesley will be a lasting memory.

As a family we have vastly reduced giving physical gifts to one another and prefer to share memories like these. As a
wedding gift to them my daughter gave them air tickets to Israel.

Hundreds of visitors to the Island visit this church which can be seen from far and wide - especially in the summer months.
On the 20th July every year there is a special celebration there which attracts thousands of tourists and believers.

The story is told that the prophet was a sailor and as soon as he got tired of sailing he found a remote place in the mountains and lived there for the rest of his life.

You can find details of the contest here


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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

What an amazing church! I would like to visit any building with this style of Byzantine architecture. I don't remember reading the location of this work, could you tell me where it is located? What was your first impression when you saw this beautiful architecture?

Great all the pictures 💛

It was heartwarming to see such a pretty church and I would love to see the inside which I believe is very beautiful.
Thank you for visiting and reblogging my post.Thank you @dimascastillo90. This wonderful church is situated in the centre of Protaras in Cyprus. There are quite a few articles written about it on Google.

Hello @christinepoulos, a warm welcome to the Architecture+Design Community! There's a popular saying that goes like this:

When everything feels like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top.

This pretty much sums up your mountain climb of 156 steps with the winning prize waiting for you at the peak: the Profitis Elias Church. And doing it with your son and daughter even made that experience more cherished. With that accomplishment, you've also enjoyed a breathtaking panorama of the surrounding townscapes from that point - a beautiful way indeed to culminate the invigorating ascent.

We're grateful for your participation in the OCD Community Boost Contest for Architecture+Design. Kindly don't forget to subscribe to this community to be qualified for the contest. Great publication!

Thank you - I was under the impression that I had joined the community.

Thanks also for your wonderful comments - so much appreciated. I was so happy to find the community, to be a place where I could post the treasured photographs of the church and the view.

I loved your comment When everything feels like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top Thank you - that sums it up so perfectly.
Your comments have warmed my heart.

With pleasure @christinepoulos. Thank you for your beautiful words. Have fun! 😊

For me, the emotions of enjoying this beautiful hike up the mountain and experiencing it with my son Jack, and his lovely wife Lesley will be a lasting memory.

What a big happy family?
Having nice time with family is one of the nice feelings

It sure is and I am very blessed to have a good relationship with all my adult children.

Wow! That is so cool

Yes, it truly is a blessing from above

Wow that looks like a great trek with such amazing scenery and interesting history to boot!

It looks like a plce that I would be happy hiking and snapping pictures one day too.

So glad that you shared it here (now I know it exists, it's on my travel

Happy to have inspired you. Hope you get to see it one day.

Yeah me too!
And certainly going to make sure I try!

I went to Greece once, but unfortunately only to Roda for a couple of weeks and found it hard to find anything really authentic Greek cause it was so full of poms...(British..)

But what I did see was just a tiny taste of how extraordinary I know it really is.

Cyprus is not Greece. I love Greece more but then that's because my late father was Greek

That is a very good point and I do know that but I think I was having a seniors moment sorry...😬

It's a very common mistake - believe me - most people think that Cyprus is Greece

True but I have an old friend who is a Greek Cypriot and he explained it to me years ago. Like I said, I was having one of far too many seniors moments...🙄

I love this kind of structure. Using stones give the structure a natural beauty straight from nature itself. It is so lovely. Good luck with your entry and have a nice day.

And it is so beautiful at night when they light up the mountain. Thank you for your good wishes.

Dear Christine, that is nice to see your post - and so interesting one - again! I will reblog it and will, probably, participate in the contest too. ❤️

Es un hermoso recorrido el que has realizado, que bueno que pudiste lograrlo. La iglesia es hermosa y con un contenido histórico religioso muy significativo.
Me agrado la parte donde dices que han disminuido los regalos físicos por este tipo de experiencias, es realmente hermoso. Saludos y bendiciones para usted y toda su familia.

It is a beautiful tour that you have done, good that you were able to make it. The church is beautiful and with a very significant religious historical content. I liked the part where you say that the physical gifts have diminished because of this type of experience, it is really beautiful. Greetings and blessings to you and all your family.

Thank you so much for your beautiful comment @kattycrochet - blessings to you and your family as well