I remember that during my childhood and adolescence the square was the meeting point par excellence. I was thrilled when I had to go to a square in order to meet with family or friends and, if we left our city, when we went through each town, we always stopped in its square, which was usually in front of the church or in front of the building of the highest governmental authority.
The square is the fundamental piece of urban design because it is there where the possibility of human contact and development converges. There are squares of all sizes and shapes in all the cities of the world, but there are very few squares that are considered baroque in style, which is why St. Peter's Square (1667) is considered one of the most important achievements, along with the construction of St. Peter's Basilica by the great Baroque sculptor, painter, and architect, Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Iconic and representative pieces of Christianity on a global scale.


Recuerdo que en mi niñez y adolescencia, la plaza era el punto de encuentro por excelencia. Me emocionaba cuando debía ir a una plaza para reunirme con familiares o amigos y, si salíamos de nuestra ciudad, siempre nos deteníamos en la plaza de cada pueblo que por lo general estaba frente a la iglesia o frente al edificio de la máxima autoridad gubernamental.
La plaza es la pieza fundamental del diseño urbano porque allí es donde converge la posibilidad del contacto y desarrollo humano. Existen plazas de todos los tamaños y formas en todas las ciudades del mundo, pero son muy pocas las plazas que son consideradas de estilo barroco propiamente dicho, por eso la Plaza de San Pedro (1667) es considerada uno de los logros más importantes, junto con la construcción de la Basílica de San Pedro del gran escultor, pintor y arquitecto barroco, Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Piezas icónicas y representativas de la cristiandad a escala mundial.


Ten years ago I traveled to Rome with my wife and one of the places we were eager to visit was the smallest country in the world, Vatican City. We had stayed in a bungalow villa on the outskirts of the Italian capital and getting there meant a journey of two buses, several subway stations and a walk of at least 20 minutes along the great city wall.

Hace diez años viajé a Roma junto a mi esposa y uno de los sitios que estábamos deseosos por visitar era el país más pequeño del mundo, la Ciudad del Vaticano. Nos habíamos hospedado en una villa de bungalows hacia las afueras de la capital italiana y llegar hasta allí, significó una travesía de dos autobuses, varias estaciones de metro y una caminata de al menos 20 minutos bordeando el gran muro de la ciudad.

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Above: together with my wife minutes before leaving the villa.
Arriba: junto a mi esposa minutos antes de salir de la villa.

Above: walking along the perimeter wall of the city.
Arriba: caminando junto al muro perimetral de la ciudad.





If I remember correctly, it was after 1:00 pm and there was a lot of pedestrian life around. We were still in Rome, but only a few steps away from the Holy See. Finally, after passing through a large, very ancient-looking portico with several words written in Latin, we arrived at the famous St. Peter's Square.



Si mal no recuerdo, eran pasadas la 1:00 pm y había mucha vida peatonal en los alrededores. Aún nos encontrábamos en Roma, pero a unos pocos pasos de la Santa Sede. Finalmente, después de atravesar un gran pórtico de aspecto muy antiguo y con varias palabras escritas en latín, llegamos a la famosa Plaza de San Pedro.




Up to that point, I had only seen St. Peter's Square on television during the Angelus prayer masses usually prayed by the Pope. You don't know how big the place is until you are there in person. The square is a total of 76,800 square meters and can accommodate up to 300,000 parishioners at a time. To give you an idea, that's 375 times the number of people in Vatican City. For this reason, the Italian police are in charge of guarding and maintaining order in this space.



Hasta ese momento, sólo había visto la Plaza de San Pedro en la televisión durante las misas de oración del ángelus que suele rezar el Papa. Uno no sabe lo grande del lugar hasta que se está allí en persona. La plaza tiene un total de 76 mill ochocientos metros cuadrados y en ella pueden acomodarse hasta 300 mil feligreses a la vez. Para que tengan una idea, eso es 375 veces la cantidad de personas que habitan la Ciudad del Vaticano. Por esa razón, la policía italiana es la que se encarga de custodiar y mantener el orden en este espacio.


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The square was built by the master architect and Baroque artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini
and is made up of two areas, one is oval-shaped and is flanked on its north
and south sides by two semi-oval colonnades that then join another pair of colonnades
that continue in a straight line towards the sides of the basilica give shape to the second area of the square, also known as the straight square.


A Bernini le tomó once años construir la plaza (1956-1967) y está conformada por dos áreas, una tiene forma elíptica y está flanqueada por sus lados norte y sur por dos columnatas semi ovaladas que luego se unen a otro par de columnatas que continúan en línea recta hacia los lados de la basílica dando forma a la segunda área de la plaza, también conocida como la plaza recta.

Screenshot from Google Maps
Captura de pantalla desde Google Maps

Screen Shot 2021-11-21 at 11.12.03 PM.png

In this plan view, you can see the actual shape of the square. In front of the basilica, the square is in the shape of a trapezoid that later joins the elliptical shape. See the lighter lines that converge in the center where the obelisk is located and the two fountains that are next to it.

En esta vista de planta se puede ver la forma real de la plaza. Frente a la basílica la plaza tiene forma de trapecio que se une luego con la forma elíptica. Vean las líneas más claras que convergen en el centro donde se encuentra el obelisco y las dos fuentes que están a cada lado.

Screenshot from Google Maps
Captura de pantalla desde Google Maps


In this second wider view you can see how the square that is open on its western side merges with the Via della Conciliazione, as that avenue is called and which was one of the last urban modifications during the mandate of Benito Mussolini in 1936.

En esta vista más amplia se puede ver cómo la plaza que está abierta en su lado occidental se fusiona con la Vía della Conciliazione, como se le llama a esa avenida y que fue una de las últimas modificaciones urbanísticas durante el mandato de Benito Mussolini en 1936.


View of St. Peter's Square and St. Peter's Basilica from Via della Conciliazione, Rome, Italy.

Vista de la Plaza de San Pedro y de la Basílica de San Pedro desde la Via della Conciliazione, Roma, Italia.

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By my own estimation, each of the columns supporting this structure stands at least 15 meters high. On the roof of the colonnades are erected 140 sculptures of saints, each with a height of 3.2 meters.


Según mi propia estimación, las columnas que soportan esta estructura se alzan a por lo menos 15 metros de altura. Sobre el techo de las columnatas están erigidas 140 esculturas de santos, cada una con una altura de 3,2 m.



The floor of the square is covered with black stone pavers. Although you can see lines and elements of the infrastructure covered in red stone, gray, cement, and marble. In its center is the obelisk and between the obelisk and each of the two colonnades, there is a fountain.

El piso de la plaza está revestido por adoquines de piedra negra. Aunque pueden verse líneas y elementos de la infraestructura revestidas en piedra roja, gris, cemento y también mármol. En su centro está el obelisco y entre el obelisco y cada una de las dos columnatas hay una fuente.







As I mentioned before, in the center of the square there is an obelisk and it is of an Egyptian type, carved in pink granite 25 m high, which is called "silent witness" because it is believed that next to it was crucified, St. Peter.



Como mencioné antes, en el centro de la plaza hay un obelisco y es de tipo egipcio, tallado en granito rosa de 25 m de altura, el cual es llamado “testigo mudo” porque se cree que a su lado fue crucificado San Pedro.

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Vatican City, where St. Peter's Basilica and St. Peter's Square are located, was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1984.

Incredibly, this city is also considered to be the most urbanized in the world because between St. Peter's Square and St. Peter's Basilica it already occupies 20% of its total territory.

Es tal la importancia histórica, cultural y religiosa, que la Ciudad del Vaticano fue declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en 1984.

Increíblemente esta ciudad también es considerada como la más urbanizada del globo porque entre la Plaza San Pedro y la Basílica San Pedro ya ocupan el 20% de su territorio total.



From the square, there is an entrance to the Vatican City which is guarded by the Swiss Guard. The costumes they wear are picturesque, but don't be confused and don't try to pass.

Desde la plaza hay una entrada hacia la Ciudad del Vaticano que está custodiada por la Guardia Suiza. Los trajes que usan son pintorescos, pero no te confundas y no trates de pasar.




Placed in an orderly and specific manner can be seen on the floor of the large plaza these oval marble stones with bas-relief illustrations of astrological style figures pointing to each of the cardinal points. When I saw them, I couldn't help but think of the movie that Tom Hanks had starred in and his journey in the scene that had unfolded in this very spot. I told my wife about it and then looked for others and photographed them. An interesting aspect is that the oval shape was one of the most accepted geometric shapes by the Christian Church due to its cosmological connotations and for that reason, it is one of the most repeated shapes throughout the Vatican.



Situados de una manera ordenada y específica se pueden ver en el piso de la gran plaza estas piedras de mármol ovaladas con ilustraciones de bajo relieve de figuras con estilo astrológico que apuntan a cada uno de los puntos cardinales. Cuando los vi, no pude sino pensar en la película que había protagonizado Tom Hanks y su periplo en la escena que se había desarrollado en este mismo lugar. Se lo comenté a mi esposa y entonces busqué otros y los fotografié. Un aspecto interesante es que la forma ovalada era una de las formas geométricas más aceptadas por la Iglesia cristiana debido a sus connotaciones cosmológicas y por esa razón es una de las formas que más se repite en todo el Vaticano.

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On the right side of the picture you can see how part of the colonnade is covered by the restoration work. If you click on the image and enlarge it you will notice how the columns and sculptures of that part of the structure look magnificent and shiny.

Al lado derecho de la fotografía se puede ver como parte de la columnata está tapada por los trabajos de restauración. Si hacen click en la imagen y la amplían notarán como las columnas y esculturas de esa parte de la estructura se ven magníficas y relucientes.



Restoration is one of the tasks that must be performed on all antique works of art. If it is not done frequently, they could deteriorate to such an extent that they would be lost forever. After admiring for several minutes and photographing what I saw in front of me, I realized that part of the structure of the colonnade on the south side was covered and inaccessible to the public due to the restoration work that was being carried out. The difference between the newly restored structure and the rest was easily distinguishable. The statues rising above the colonnades on the south side looked spotless, pristine, as if they had just been built, while the colonnade and sculptures on the north side, which had not yet been restored, looked dark and ugly, not to say somewhat dirty and battered.



La restauración es una de las tareas que se debe realizar a todas las obras de arte antiguas. Si no se realiza con cierta frecuencia, éstas podrían deteriorarse a tal punto que se perderían para siempre. Luego de admirar por varios minutos y de fotografiar un poco a lo loco lo que veía al frente, me di cuenta de que parte de la estructura de la columnata del lado sur estaba cubierta e inaccesible al público debido al trabajo de restauración que se estaba llevando a cabo. La diferencia entre la estructura recién restaurada y el resto era fácilmente distinguible. Las estatuas que se levantaban por encima de las columnatas del lado sur se veían impecables, pristinas, como si las hubieran acabado de construir, mientras que la columnata y esculturas del lado norte que aún no habían sido restaurados, lucían oscuros y feos, por no decir algo sucios y maltratados.


Close up on the area of the restored colonnade in which the ornate baroque style stands out. See the design of the cornices, the columns, the capitals that support the lintel, and above, the monumental sculptures of hundreds of saints.

It is incredible how a building that is more than 350 years old can still be a place of gathering, introspection and common prayer for millions of Christian parishioners, and thanks to the magnificent conservation work it will remain standing for many centuries to come.

Close up sobre el área de la columnata restaurada donde se ve el estilo recargado del barroco. Vean el diseño de las cornisas, las columnas, capiteles que sostienen el dintel y más arriba, las esculturas monumentales de cientos de santos.

Es increíble como una construcción que tiene más de 350 años pueda aún hoy día ser un lugar de reunión, introspección y oración común para millones de feligreses del cristianismo y gracias al magnífico trabajo de conservación seguirá en pie por muchos siglos más.

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All photos are of my authorship.
Camera: Canon EOS 40D
Edition: Adobe Photoshop
Banners: Canva
Source: about the square:
Translation: DeepLGoogle Translate & myself

Todas las fotos son de mi autoría.
Cámara: Canon EOS 40D
Edición: Adobe Photoshop
Banners: Canva
Traducción: DeepLGoogle Translate y yo mismo


Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you very much @ewkaw and @qurator Team. I really appreciate your support. 🙂

You're very welcome :)

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Standing in person on St. Peter's Square, the world's most important courtyard for the Christian faith, is indeed a dream come true for you. And I'd like to sincerely congratulate you and your wife for that marvelous achievement, and most especially, for sharing with us a comprehensive review of its remarkable architecture plus your actual experiences and observations in the world's smallest country, Vatican City.

In all the architectural elements you've witnessed and described, which ones appeared mysterious and aroused your curiosity the most?

Hello, my friend. Thank you for your kind comment. It was truly a blessing to have been in this place.

Regarding your question, I would like to tell you that the elements of the plaza that deeply caught my attention were its colonnades. They are formed by rows of four columns at a time and in total there are 284 columns, that's a lot of columns. There is no functional explanation for this monument, only the glorious aspect that they wanted to give it. In the following image of the post, you can see how this structure frames the square and that distinguishes it significantly from other squares, at least from modern squares where its approach is completely open and natural. Instead, its urbanistic relationship with the surrounding streets, unlike the Via della Conciliazione, is somewhat chaotic and unharmonious, but also because of that same aspect, I think it makes it unique in its style because it transports you to another era.


Oh wow! I find the colonnades of St. Peter's Square fascinating as well. As you know, these gigantic stone pillars were constructed at a time (1656 to 1667) when reinforced concrete (invented in 1849) was not yet available as construction technology. So, these massive Doric-styled columns are made entirely of stone and carry the overall loads of the upper roofing structures. Aside from the visual statement of presenting a glorious atmosphere for the public experience of nostalgia, these special building components also act as load-bearing members. Thus, the several rows of columns were technically designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini for that specific purpose.

Thank you so much for your valuable insights and positive feedback. Stay awesome my friend. 😊

How interesting what you comment @storiesoferne, I did not dare to say it in the post because I was not sure, but while I was writing it I remembered that my impression of many elements of the square, including the columns, was that they were carved in travertine marble. Of course, maybe it's another stone with a similar beta, but that was my initial impression.

No worries. We can always research them online by asking Google haha. 😁 And you're right about the travertine marble. See, it's quite amazing how architecture can transport us to different times and places. I'm glad you have a keen interest in this field.

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Image by barbara-orenya

Thank you very much @cccf for your support. 🤗

St. Peter's Square is one of the places that I would like to visit. It must have been a wonderful experience seeing it in person. Greetings from the Philippines!

Hi, @afterglow! Yes, it was a nice and interesting experience bro and I hope yo can visit it very soon. Thanks for the comment and support my friend 👏

You're welcome (^_^)

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