[ENG] Tarragona, a Roman city in Catalonia [ESP] Tarragona, una ciudad romana en Cataluña

in Architecture+Design3 years ago

Tarragona, a Roman city in Catalonia

Old wall of Tarraco and the archaeological walk (Antigua muralla del Tarraco
y el paseo arqueológico)

     Tarragona is a Catalan port city, located in the northeast of Spain, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea on the so-called Costa Dorada. With an average temperature of 20 degrees Celsius all year round. It has a population of about 130,000 inhabitants and is famous for the fact that the largest archaeological sites in the area are found within its limits. It was declared a "World Heritage Site" by UNESCO in 2000.

Tarragona meeting of architectural styles (Tarragona encuentro de estilos

     The historic center is located in the upper part of Tarragona. Its origins date back to the arrival of the Roman legions 217-18 years BC. who set up a small military camp that soon became a city of the Empire outside of Italy, after the Amphitheater, the Roman Circus, and the Aqueduct were built there, which we can see even today. Currently, the old town of Tarragona is surrounded by Roman walls, which in their time were the protection of the city against invasions, with a medieval part, headed by the Cathedral and old stately homes.

Part of the Roman wall with the Mediterranean
as a historical witness (Parte de la muralla romana con el Mediterráneo como testigo histórico)

     Some architectural jewels that I will show you today were photographed by my brothers-in-law Alfonso and Violeta in 2018, to whom I thank for their kindness and generosity for allowing me to use them in this post. Others (3 in total), due to the short time they were there, but which I consider very important to get to know this beautiful Roman city of Catalonia, have been taken from other sources that are indicated in the respective photo.

Two architectural styles coexist in the same place (Dos estilos arquitectónicos conviven en un mismo lugar)

     We will start with the Roman Amphitheater, built in an oval shape at the end of the 2nd century AD. next to the sea, during Roman times, whose stands were carved into the rock. The amphitheater measures 109.5 by 86.5 meters in total and could hold about 14,000 spectators; it was used to fight gladiators and beasts or for public executions; At present, part of the stone stands that surround the arena are preserved and can be seen from the Amphitheater Park. You can also go inside to see the vaults and the remains of the medieval church of Santa María del Miracle from the 12th century, built on the remains of a Visigothic church from the 6th century.

Part of the amphitheater, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea (Parte del anfiteatro, a orillas del mar Mediterráneo)

     The Roman Circus, which, together with the Amphitheater, are the two main constructions of the Roman Empire, in the 1st century AD. With capacity for more than 25,000 people, it is one of the best preserved in Europe; It was used for horse and chariot racing. Currently, you can see part of the steps and three of the interior vaults, one of which leads to the Praetorium, a Roman tower that facilitated access by stairs to the Provincial Forum, which ended up being the palace of the kings of the crown of Aragon in the twelfth century and later a prison that was in use until the last century. At the top, it has a viewpoint from which you can see fantastic panoramic views of the city

Alfonso, my brother-in-law, on the archaeological tour, with the Roman Circus aside (Alfonso, mi cuñado, en el paseo arqueológico, con el Circo Romano a un costado)

     The Archaeological Walk, of little more than a kilometer next to the old wall of Tarraco, from the 2nd century BC. C. The wall is the oldest Roman construction outside of Italy and reached 3,500 meters in length, its walls being reinforced during the 16th and 17th centuries to withstand attacks with more modern weapons and better protect the city. From outside the wall, you can see the Archbishop's Tower and the Minerva Tower, which has the oldest Roman sculpture and inscriptions in the Iberian Peninsula.

Partial view of the Cathedral, from one side (Vista parcial de la Catedral, por un costado)

     The Cathedral of Santa Tecla, built in 1171, is located in the Plaza de la Seu which is surrounded by historic buildings such as the Palau de la Cambrería. The Cathedral, with its Roman-style that was rebuilt according to the Gothic-style, was never finished because of the Black Death. This church was built on the former temple of Emperor Augustus, of which some remains can still be seen in the cloister area. The exterior of the church has a Gothic-style main door with ogival arches, several sculptures of apostles. Inside it is the Diocesan Museum and the altarpiece of Santa Tecla. Regarding the Diocesan Museum, the collections of religious art from medieval and modern times from Tarragona and its diocese stand out.

Plaça de la Font: converted into the nerve center of the Upper Part and also of the city, its main building is the Town Hall (Plaça de la Font: convertida en el centro neurálgico de la Parte Alta y también de la ciudad, su edificio principal es el Ayuntamiento)

     The Plaza de la Font, located between the Rambla Nova and the old town, was built on a large part of the old Roman circus, and on one of its sides is the neoclassical Town Hall building.

Tunnels through which the public entered the Roman Circus (Túneles por donde el público entraba al Circo romano)


The city with its narrow alleys and its small buildings of family rooms (La ciudad con sus callejuelas estrechas y sus pequeños edificios de habitaciones)

Tarragona, una ciudad romana en Cataluña

The Cathedral of Santa Maria, which is dedicated to Santa Tecla, patron of the city, is located in the same place where an ancient Roman temple was erected dedicated to Augustus. Built between the 12th and 14th centuries, it was consecrated in 1331 and was left unfinished due to the arrival of the Black Death in the city. (La Catedral de Santa María, que está dedicada a Santa Tecla, patrona de la ciudad, está ubicada en el mismo lugar donde se erigía el antiguo templo romano dedicado a Augusto. Construida entre los siglos XII y XIV, se consagró en 1331 y se dejó inacabada a causa de la llegada de la peste negra a la ciudad)

     Tarragona es una ciudad portuaria catalana, ubicada al noreste de España, a orillas del mar Mediterráneo en la llamada Costa Dorada. Con una temperatura media de 20 grados centígrados todo el año. Tiene una población de unos 130.000 habitantes y es famosa por que en sus límites se encuentran los conjuntos arqueológicos más grandes de la zona. Fue declarada “Patrimonio de la Humanidad” por la UNESCO en 2000.

The Praetorium, part of the Roman Circus (El Pretorio, parte del Circo romano)

     El núcleo histórico se encuentra situado en la Parte alta de Tarragona. Sus orígenes se remontan a la llegada de las legiones romanas 217-18 años a.C. quienes montaron un pequeño campamento militar que pronto se convirtió en una urbe del Imperio fuera de Italia, luego que allí se levantaran el Anfiteatro, El Circo Romano y el Acueducto, que todavía podemos ver. En la actualidad, el casco antiguo de Tarragona se encuentra rodeado de murallas romanas, que en su tiempo eran la protección de la ciudad contra las invasiones, con una parte medieval, encabezada por la Catedral y antiguas casas señoriales.

Family buildings next to a piece of Roman city history (Edificios familiares al lado de un trozo de historia de la ciudad romana)

     Algunas joyas arquitectónicas que les mostraré hoy fueron fotografiadas por mis cuñados Alfonso y Violeta en 2018, a quienes les agradezco su gentileza y generosidad por permitirme hacer uso de las mismas en este post. Otras (3 en total), debido al poco tiempo que estuvieron allí, pero que considero muy importantes para conocer esta bella ciudad romana de Cataluña, han sido tomadas de otras fuentes que se indican en la foto respectiva.

Impressive access tunnel to the Roman Circus (Impresionante túnel de acceso al Circo romano)

     Comenzaremos con el Anfiteatro Romano, construido de forma oval a finales del siglo II d.C. junto al mar, durante la época romana, cuyas gradas se excavaron en la roca. El anfiteatro mide 109,5 por 86,5 metros en total y tenía capacidad para unos 14.000 espectadores; servía para realizar lucha de gladiadores y fieras o para ejecuciones públicas; en la actualidad, se conserva una parte de las gradas de piedra que rodean la arena y que se pueden observar desde el Parque del Anfiteatro. También se puede acceder al interior para ver las bóvedas y los restos de la iglesia medieval de Santa María del Miracle del siglo XII, construida sobre los restos de una iglesia visigótica del siglo VI.

Part of the amphitheater (Parte del Anfiteatro)

     El Circo romano, que, junto al anfiteatro, son las dos principales construcciones del Imperio Romano, en el siglo I d.C. con capacidad para más de 25000 personas, es uno de los mejores conservados de Europa; se utilizaba para las carreras de caballos en carros. En la actualidad, se puede ver una parte de las gradas y tres de las bóvedas interiores, de las que una de ellas lleva hasta el Pretorio, una torre romana que facilitaba el acceso por unas escaleras al Foro Provincial, la cual terminó siendo el palacio de los reyes de la corona de Aragón en el siglo XII y más adelante una prisión que estuvo en uso hasta el siglo pasado. En la parte superior tiene un mirador desde el que se pueden ver unas fantásticas vistas panorámicas de la ciudad.

Facade of the Roman Circus (Fachada del Circo Romano)

     El Paseo Arqueológico, de poco más de un kilómetro junto a la antigua muralla de Tarraco, del siglo II a. C. La muralla es la construcción romana más antigua fuera de Italia y llegó a alcanzar los 3500 metros de longitud siendo sus paredes reforzadas durante los siglos XVI y XVII para soportar los ataques con armas más modernas y proteger mejor la ciudad. Desde exterior de la muralla se pueden ver la Torre del Arzobispo y la de Minerva, que tiene la escultura y las inscripciones romanas más antiguas de la Península Ibérica.

Accessing through the cloister of the cathedral, at the back, there are the Diocesan Museum and the altarpiece of Santa Tecla (Accediendo por el claustro de la catedral, en la parte posterior, se encuentran el Museo Diocesano y el retablo de Santa Tecla)

     La Catedral de Santa Tecla, construida en 1171, se encuentra en la Plaza de la Seu la cual está rodeada de edificios históricos como el Palau de la Cambrería. La Catedral, con su estilo romano que posteriormente fue reconstruida acorde con el estilo gótico, nunca fue terminada a causa de la Peste Negra, Esta iglesia fue construida sobre el antiguo templo del emperador Augusto, del que todavía se puede ver algún resto en la zona del claustro. El exterior de la iglesia tiene una puerta principal de estilo gótico con arcadas ojivales, varias esculturas de apóstoles. Dentro de ella se encuentra el Museo Diocesano y el retablo de Santa Tecla. En lo referente al Museo Diocesano, destacan especialmente las colecciones de arte religioso de la época medieval y moderna procedentes de Tarragona y de su diócesis.

View of the Cathedral from the Praetorian Tower (Vista de la Catedral desde la Torre del Pretorio)

     La Plaza de la Font, situada entre la Rambla Nova y el casco antiguo, fue construida sobre una gran parte del antiguo circo romano y en uno de sus laterales se encuentra el edificio neoclásico del Ayuntamiento.

In front of the Cathedral rises one of the typical human towers of Catalonia, which has been immortalized on the Rambla Nova with "Monumento dels castells", dedicated to this tradition al human towers of the city and of many Catalan municipalities (Frente a la Catedral se levanta una de las típicas torres humanas de Cataluña, que han sido inmortalizadas en la Rambla Nova con "Monumento dels castells", dedicado a estas torres humanas tradicionales de la ciudad y de muchos municipios catalanes)


In the background “Tarraco Scipionum Opus”, in the foreground my brother-in-law Alfonso with a friend. (Al fondo El “Tarraco Scipionum Opus”, en primer plano mi cuñado Alfonso con un amigo)

Photo gallery (Galería de fotos)





The Aqueduct of Les Ferreres or "Pont del Diable", located 3 kilometers from the center, is only a 200-meter section of the aqueduct from the 1st century BC. C. that carried water from the river Francolí to the Roman city of Tarraco, this section is perfectly preserved and you can see two levels of superimposed arches that reach a maximum height of 27 meters (El Acueducto de Les Ferreres o Pont del Diable, situado a 3 kilómetros del centro, es solo un trozo de 200 metros del acueducto del siglo I a. C. que llevaba agua desde el río Francolí a la ciudad romana de Tarraco, este tramo está perfectamente conservado y se pueden ver dos niveles de arcos superpuestos que alcanzan una altura máxima de 27 metros) Image

Plaza del Forum with its cafés and restaurants, where there are remains of the corner wall of the Roman Provincial Forum (Plaza del Forum con sus cafetines y restaurantes, donde se encuentran restos del muro angular del Foro provincial romano) Image

The people of Tarragona have the custom of going to the Balcony of the Mediterranean "to touch iron", which according to tradition will bring them good luck (Los tarraconenses tienen la costumbre de ir al Balcón del Mediterráneo “tocar ferro”, que según la tradición les traerá buena suerte) Image


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Hola amigos de Pinmapple, buen domingo desde Caracas. Muchas gracias por colocar mi post en su mapa

Hello friends of Pinmapple, good Sunday from Caracas. Thank you very much for placing my post on your map. Sorry I answered you in Spanish

@tipu curate

Hello Tipu, good morning from Caracas, thank you very much for your Liquid reward and your vote, Happy Sunday and a better week to come.

Hiya, @ybanezkim26 here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Honorable Mentions in Daily Travel Digest #1505.

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Hello again friends of Pinmapple, thanks to the @pinmapple team for curating my post. Fraternal greetings to all.

It is amazing to see historical remains that still live up to this day, good morning!

Hello dear Afterglow, thank you very much for your comment. Truly, preserving what we have done well is what makes us proud of the human race. Receive a fraternal greeting. Happy week.

I'm constantly in awe of archaeological sites around the world most especially when they entail architectural ruins of massive significance. They offer you interesting glimpses into ancient construction methods, cultural practices, and design conventions. Tarragona, a Roman city in Catalonia, Spain seems like a place that could quench my thirst for real exploration and adventure.

Dear friend Benjamin, which particular historic building there caught your curiosity the most and why?

Hello dear and appreciated friend Erne. Thank you for your wise comment. When I was doing my doctoral studies in Barcelona, ​​quite some time ago, I was lucky enough to meet Tarragona and I was simply stunned. The construction that caught my attention the most was the Roman Circus, especially because it was used to present plays, gladiator fights, chariot races, among other shows, and that is where the pejorative expression "To the People Pan and Circus" came from. ". Which doesn't mean that I didn't love many of its constructions, much later than the Roman origins of the city, such as the Cathedral and Las Ramblas. Receive a big brotherly hug

Awesome choice! Thank you for sharing your remarkable thoughts. Best wishes always. 😊

 3 years ago  

Congratulations @besamu! We're delighted to specially curate your awesome publication and award it RUNNER-UP in Architecture Brew #59. More power!


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Hello Aplusd, I am very grateful to you for having curated my post and having placed it on the list of RUNNER UP in Architecture Brew # 59. Receive a cordial and fraternal greeting

 3 years ago  

Greetings @besamu. Glad to have you as one of the best authors in our beloved community. Keep up the amazing posts! 😀

Thanks a lot aplusd for your words. I will do my best to keep on writing posts for this amazing community.

 3 years ago  

Wish you all the best always dear @besamu. 😀

Wow - I love Roman history so this place looks amazing. I'm adding it to my bucket list !

Hello Hoosie, thank you for your words and for adding my post to your bucket list. Receive my sincere greeting.