En/Es. Arrangement of the water pumping that supplies the community/Arreglo del bombeo de agua Que surte a la comunidad.

in Architecture+Design4 years ago

Saludos amigos de hive, gracias a Dios por este día, les voy a hablar del arreglo del bombeo de aguas del balneario el pueblito que enviamos el agua para la comunidad de mi pueblo.

Greetings hive friends, thank God for this day, I am going to talk to you about the arrangement of the pumping of waters from the spa the town that sends the water to the community of my town.


Hoy equipo de la alcaldia y mi persona nos trasladamos al balneario donde estaba el problematica que se tenia que atender de emergencia.
Esto era de una de las bombas principales de aguas dañadas que asi a los habitantes de la localidad.

Today the mayoral team and myself moved to the spa where the problem that had to be dealt with in an emergency was.
This was from one of the main damaged water pumps that thus affect the inhabitants of the town.



Pero Gracias a Dios hoy mismo se soluciono esa problematica con la ayuda de la alcaldia y mi persona, donde se activo la reanudacion de bombeo de agua ya que muchos sectores carecian del vital liquido. Quedando contentos la comunidad en general.

But thanks to God, this problem was solved today with the help of the mayor's office and myself, where the resumption of water pumping was activated since many sectors lacked the vital liquid. The community in general is happy.

Espero que sea de su interes y agrado nos vemos en el próximo contenido.

I hope it is of your interest and you like to see you in the next content.


These old pumps are quite fascinating and life saving for many communities around the world. Even rural pockets of Australia still operate these pumps.

Esas bombas son las que están instalada en nuestra comunidad. Y a cada rato se dañan.

 4 years ago  

Greetings @beni10, welcome to the Architecture+Design Community! Thank you for giving us a glimpse of your water pumping system!

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