My tour of the station our wild visitors (Caroní walk) Puerto Ordaz (Eng - Esp)

in Architecture+Design2 months ago (edited)



Hello friends who love architecture and design, it is a pleasure to greet you, wishing you an excellent and blessed week together with your loved ones, a new year begins and with it our purposes and goals to achieve, on this occasion I share The last part of my visit to the Caroní promenade in the city of Puerto Ordaz, Bolívar state, Venezuela, the Promenade consists of three stations and each of them has a particular charm, the first is the manger combined with the country's traditional games, which indicates the birth of Jesus, in the second the gifts that the wise men bring to the Child and in the third a very curious and particular name which is: "Our Wild Visitors", it recreates part of the fauna and flora characteristic of this area of ​​the country such as they are; the iguana, macaw, monkeys and a friendly morrocoy called Toy, of all the seasons, I must say that this is my favorite, when I saw the animals I couldn't help but feel excited and happy, because at home we have a little morrocoy that is our pet and spoiled, I loved Toy and I felt very identified with these animals, my son quickly took several photos with the morrocoy, in fact I took a photo at the bottom of the poster, since there is a painting of the Morrocoy with a gift and his Christmas hat, welcoming visitors to enjoy this beautiful walk.

After crossing the street where station number two ends, we find an arch made of rebar which has several stars of different sizes, at the bottom of the arch and at both ends there are two stars completely covered with lights and in the rest of the arch we can see stars of different sizes ranging from the smallest to the medium ones, these cover the entire arch, then we see a small wall with blue brick, when observing this space we can see that there are an abundance of trees, I think it is the station that has the most trees, we continue walking and we came across the nice iguana Juanita, she is large and is smiling and happy to accompany the children on their visit to the park, she has a red crest and the parts of her body combine the colors gray, light green, green dark, yellow and red, on the tail it has the colors gray and red, these are the ones that can be seen during the day, perhaps at night the colors are totally different, since you can see the true color of the lights and a more complete vision of this beautiful iguana, the Iguana is resting on its front legs and its long wavy tail.


Hola amigos amantes de la arquitectura y el diseño, es un placer saludarles deseando que tengan una excelente y bendecida semana en unión de sus seres de sus seres queridos, un nuevo año inicia y con él nuestros propósitos y metas por lograr, en esta ocasión comparto la última parte de mi visita al paseo Caroní en la ciudad de Puerto Ordaz estado Bolívar Venezuela, el Paseo consta de tres estaciones y cada una de ellas tiene un encanto en particular, la primera es el pesebre combinada con los juegos tradicionales del país, que indica el nacimiento de Jesús, en la segunda los regalos que los magos llevan al Niño y en la tercera un nombre muy curioso y particular que es: "Nuestros visitante Silvestres", en ella se recrea parte de la fauna y flora característica de esta zona del país como lo son; la iguana, guacamaya, monos y un simpático morrocoy llamado Toy, de todas las estaciones, debo decir que está es mi favorita, al ver los animales no pude evitar sentirme emocionada y feliz, pues en casa tenemos una morrocoyita que es nuestra mascota y la consentida, amé a Toy y me sentí muy identificada con estos animales, mi hijo rapidamente se tomó varias fotos con el morrocoy, de hecho tomé una foto a la parte inferior del cartel, ya que allí se ubica una pintura del morrocoy con un regalo y su gorro navideño, dándole la bienvenida a los visitantes para que disfruten de este hermoso paseo.

Luego de cruzar la calle donde termina la estación número dos, nos encontramos con un arco hecho de cabilla el cual tiene varias estrellas de diferentes tamaños, en la parte inferior del arco y en ambos extremos se ubican dos estrellas forradas totalmente con luces y en el resto de arco podemos ver estrellas de diferentes tamaños que van desde la más pequeñas hasta las medianas, estas cubren todo el arco, seguidamente vemos un pequeño muro con ladrillo de color azul, al observar este espacio podemos apreciar que abundan los árboles, creo que es la estación que tiene más árboles, seguimos caminando y nos topamos con la simpática iguana Juanita, es de gran tamaño y está sonriente y feliz de acompañar a los niños en su visita al parque, tiene la cresta de color rojo y las partes de su cuerpo combina los colores gris ,verde claro, verde oscuro, amarillo y rojo, en la cola tiene los colores gris y rojo, estos son los que se pueden apreciar en horas del día, tal vez en la noche los colores son totalmente diferentes, ya que se puede ver el verdadero color de las luces y una visión más completa de esta hermosa iguana, la Iguana está descansando en sus patas delanteras y su larga cola ondulada.

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Continuing with the tour we see several buildings on both sides of the road, these have a rectangular and square shape, there are also several commercial establishments, from this point we have a more complete view of the iguana located in a natural environment, which represents its life, Well, in her natural habitat, she usually walks in the trees and eats leaves. In this environment she has enough food to eat and have energy when the children come to visit her. In the large area you can also see an orchid, the national flower of Venezuela. We move forward and meet a square swing that is made of wood and is much smaller than the ones located in station number one, those are more similar to hanging benches, in the hidden and restless trees they find the monkeys Lili and Ramón, according to what read on the sign, they are some very naughty monkeys that come from Cachamay park to have fun and eat sweets, they are affectionate brothers who spend their time running around in the park, if you are careless you can be caught by one of them, the The trees where the monkeys are found are decorated with stars, also lined with lights.

Continuando con el recorrido observamos varios edificios a ambos lados de la carretera, estos tienen forma rectangular y cuadrada, se ubican también varios establecimientos comerciales, desde este punto tenemos una visión más completa de la iguana ubicada en un entorno natural, que representa su vida, pues ella en su hábitat natural, acostumbra a andar en los árboles y comer hojas, en este entorno tiene suficiente alimento para comer y tener energía cuando lleguen los niños a visitarla, en el amplio terreno también se observa una orquídea la flor nacional de Venezuela, avanzamos y nos encontramos con un columpio cuadrado que está hecho de madera y es mucho más pequeño que los que se ubican en la estación número uno, aquellos son más parecidos a unos bancos colgantes, en los árboles escondidos e inquietos encuentran los monos Lili y Ramón, según lo que se lee en el cartel son unos monos muy traviesos que vienen del parque Cachamay a divertirse y comer golosinas, son unos cariñosos hermanos que se la pasan correteando en el parque, si te descuidas puedes ser atrapado por uno de ellos, los árboles donde se encuentran los monos están decorados con estrellas, forradas también con luces.

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We continue walking until the final part of the walk and we find beautiful orchids located on a pedestal of tubes, this one has a square shape and on this base rests one of the orchids, on the trees we also find large orchids with beautiful petals lined with lights, The decorations of the walk are mostly made with rods, towards the end of the road you can also see several buildings, advertising billboards and a wall painted white and blue that refers to the location of the park and the name of the mayor's office, then on another pedestal with a rectangular shape, triangular sides and a bar in the center there is a cute Aurora macaw, she wears a hat on her head, her wings are open and the colors are red, yellow and blue, her legs can be seen White in color and as I mentioned before, perhaps at night the lights and colors are totally different, the macaw is a very common bird in Venezuela, which stands out for its beautiful and vibrant colors.

Thus, we arrive at my favorite space, which is where Toy the morrocoy is located. This beautiful friend is wearing a Christmas hat and is eating delicious vegetables. His shell is yellow and green. According to information from a resident, the morrocoy has the peculiarity that It can be mobilized at night when the lights are activated. Here, take the opportunity to take a short walk around the place and greet tourists and visitors. The sculpture rests on an iron base that also allows it to move. It is located at the end of the station. a concrete walkway, painted in yellow, red and blue, between these and the next avenue there are small circular gardens with ornamental plants of striking colors, in the area around the walk between both avenues you can also see the various constructions and buildings that surround this beautiful walk, as it is located in the heart of the city, that's it for my visit to this charming walk where family and children can enjoy the Christmas lights and especially at the third station take photos with their favorite animals, the intention of this station according to information provided by a resident, is to raise awareness in both children and adults about the importance of taking care of animals and nature, it was a very exciting and fun tour that I enjoyed in the company of my son.

Seguimos caminando hasta la parte final del paseo y nos encontramos con bellas orquídeas ubicadas en un pedestal de tubos, este tiene tiene forma cuadrada y en esta base reposa una de las orquídeas, en los árboles también encontramos grandes orquídeas con hermosos pétalos forrados con luces, los adornos del paseo en su mayoría están hechos con cabillas, hacia el final de la carretera se observa también varios edificios, vallas publicitarias y un muro pintado de color blanco y azul que hace referencia a la ubicación del parque y el nombre de la alcaldía, luego en otro pedestal con forma rectangular, laterales triangulares y una barra en el centro se ubica una linda guacamaya Aurora, lleva un gorrito en su cabeza, sus alas están abiertas y los colores son rojo amarillo y azul, sus patas se ven de color blanco y como lo mencioné anteriormente tal vez en la noche las luces y los colores son totalmente diferentes, la guacamaya, es un ave muy común en Venezuela, que destaca por sus hermosos y vibrantes colores.

Así, llegamos a mi espacio favorito que es donde se encuentra Toy el morrocoy, este hermoso amigo lleva un gorro navideño y está comiendo deliciosos vegetales, su caparazón tiene los colores amarillo y verde, según información de un residente el morrocoy tiene la particularidad de que se puede movilizar en horas nocturnas cuando activan las luces, aquí aprovecha para dar un pequeño paseo por el lugar y saludar a los turistas y visitantes, la escultura descansa en una base de hierro también que le permite desplazarse, al final de la estación se ubica una caminería de concreto, pintada con los colores amarillo, rojo y azul, entre estas y la siguiente avenida se ubican unos pequeños jardines circulares con plantas ornamentales de llamativos colores, en el entorno del paseo entre ambas avenidas se aprecian también las diversas construcciones y edificios que rodean este hermoso paseo, pues se encuentra en pleno centro de la ciudad, hasta aquí mi visita en este encantador paseo donde la familia y los niños pueden disfrutar las luces navideñas y especialmente en la tercera estación tomarse fotos con sus animales favoritos, la intención de esta estación según la información suministrada por un residente, es crear conciencia tanto en los niños como en los adultos sobre la importancia de cuidar a los animales y la naturaleza, fue un recorrido muy emocionante y divertido que disfruté en compañía de mi hijo.

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          All images are my own.
   Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría.
Translated with

What a nice place to take a leisurely stroll and enjoy all the decorations they have arranged. I loved the oversized iguana. It was a nice pleasure to get to know this place through your words.

Qué lindo lugar para dar un paseo tranquilo y disfrutar de todos los adornos que han dispuesto. Me encantó la iguana de gran tamaño. Ha sido un lindo placer conocer este lugar a través de tus palabras.

Hello friend, the Caroni walk, it is an excellent place for family fun and recreation, it has wide spaces, squares and many trees, the best time to go and contemplate the decorations is in the evening because you can see the colorful lights and also avoid the embracing heat of the day.


Thank you so much for sharing your numerous and wonderful skills with this amazing turtle sightings with crocodiles on a jaguar resort tour in the city. Thank you so much for sharing the endless beauty of these amazing buildings and animal structures. I love the view of these hilly trees which are amazing with nature. Also the structure of the bird is very beautiful. All in all I wish you success in your travels.

In this station of the tour we emphasized the importance of flora and fauna, they are fundamental in the preservation of the planet, the sculptures of these cute animals were beautiful, their varied colors make them eye-catching, they did a great job adding every detail.


 2 months ago  

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Greetings @aplusd, excited to be part of the Architecture Anthology catalog.


 2 months ago  

Always a huge pleasure to have you here dear @belkyscabrera. Blessings! 😀


Thanks for stopping by, it's a nice place for family fun.


The iguana is very beautiful. I think it's a real iguana

Hi @tomidiwirja, it's true, the iguana is beautiful and very smiling waiting for visitors.



This is so cute..

Hi @viviehatrdika, definitely the iguana is one of the big attractions of the walk, its vibrant colors are beautiful and eye-catching.


What an interesting Venezuelan promenade @belkyscabrera! I'm particularly fascinated by the station's unique name "Our Wild Visitors" - offering tribute to the untamed creatures of our natural world, especially the ones discovered in your local ecosystem. The giant animal sculptures are fantastic works of art, becoming iconic attractions of this beautiful place. Have an enjoyable one! ☺️

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Hello @storiesoferne, the last station is my favorite because of its colorful animals, they did a great job with each sculpture, they look very good and invite visitors to enjoy the ride in the company of these friendly friends, Toy is my favorite, I loved it Since I saw it, although I must say that they are all beautiful, the children do know how to enjoy this space created for family recreation, where they can get to know some of the fauna of the area.

Happy weekend!

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Thank you very much @worldmappin.


This is one of the most interesting public spaces I've seen. Apart from wearing a peculiar name for one of its stations, its biological exhibitions in the form of your beloved animals are great wake-up calls for community awareness, nature's protection, and the appreciation for sculptural art. Awesome find @belkyscabrera. ☺️

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Greetings @rchmoments, Christmas decorations usually have the characteristic elements of the time, this one, however, stands out for its large and colorful animals that make it unique, it is a beautiful combination of art, design and creativity that transmits a great message about the importance of caring for the flora and fauna, to make the planet a more pleasant and comfortable place, it was a nice journey.

Blessed day!

What a beautiful and colorful park. I learned a lot reading your publication about the fauna and flora of your country. Orchids are beautiful flowers, a beautiful flower to represent Venezuela.

Hello friend, the decoration of the Caroni promenade was beautiful, this station is my favorite for its colorful and colorful animals, it is true, orchids are beautiful flowers and abound in the Guiana jungle. 🤗🌸🌺



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