[Eng Spa]Architectural proposal and luxury designs in my city/Propuesta Arquitectonica y diseños de lujo en mi ciudad

Greetings Dear friends of this wonderful Community of architecture and design, I hope you are very well this week as we all know Greater Week or Holy Week, today I bring you an architectural proposal for my city San Juan de los Morros Guárico state as a whole with different proposals for interior design I hope you like it and it serves you well.


Saludos Apreciados amigos de esta maravillosa Comunidad De arquitectura y diseño, espero se encuentren muy bien en esta semana como todos conocemos semana mayor o semana santa, el dia de hoy les traigo una propuesta arquitectonica de mi ciudad San juan de los morros estado Guárico en conjunto con diferentes propuestas para diseño de interiores espero les guste y les sirva de provecho.

architecture has provided us with innumerable proposals in the field of our homes, in the field of our cities it is common for us to come across buildings where countless people live, this is due to the effective use of land since cities are already overpopulated and this Architectural proposal is a reasonable solution to population growth or the displacement of people to the city with hopes of improving economically, labor, in short, in their quality of life and it is like everything I think that every rational human being has the desire to improve and grow as a person.


la arquitectura nos ha proporsionado innumerables propuestas en el ambito de nuestros hogares, en el ambito de nuestras ciudades es frecuente que nos topemos con edificios donde habitan numerables personas, esto se debe al aprovechamiento eficaz de los terrenos ya que de por si las ciudades son superpobladas y está propuesta Arquitectonica es una solucion razonable al crecimiento demografico o al desplazamiento de personas a la ciudad con esperanzas de mejorar en lo economico, laboral, en fin en su calidad de vida y es como todo creo que cada ser humano racional tiene deseos de superarse y crecer como persona.

In my personal experience, I live in an apartment and I can say that it is a comfortable place, although with multiple limitations imposed by the condominium board, such as I love pets and in my apartment I cannot have them since their access is restricted by the condominium board likewise respects the neighbors making as little noise as possible is the main thing, and it is somewhat difficult when you have small children. but nevertheless it is still a pleasant place an apartment which located in the center of the city gives you close access to shops, grocery stores, clinics among others.


en mi esperiencia personal vivo, en un apartamento y puedo decir que es un lugar comodo, aunque con multiples limitaciones impuestas por la juntade condominio, como por ejemplo me encantan las mascotas y en mi apartamento no puedo poseerla ya que su acceso se encuentra restringido por la junta de condominio de igual forma respetar a los vecinos hacer la menor cantidad de bulla posible es lo principal, y es algo dificil cuando tienes niños pequeños. pero sin embargo no deja de ser un lugar agradable un apartamento el cual ubicado en el centro de la ciudad te da acceso cercano a las tiendas, bodegas abastos, clinicas entre otros.

but in general it is a comfortable place where you can live and by adjusting your habits a little you can live quietly, in my case I have a house where I have my pets, dogs and cats to be specific that I visit regularly and many times I alternate where I spend the night, I love this building's structure and its bright colors, coupled with the finish of that classic design that makes it look elegant within the buildings of the city.



pero por lo general es un lugar comodo donde se puede habitar y ajustando un poco las constumbres se puede habitar tranquilamente, en mi caso tengo una casa donde tengo mis mascotas, perros y gatos para ser especifico que visito regularmente y muchas veces alterno donde paso la noche, de este edificio me encanta su estructura y sus vistosos colores aunado a ello el acabado ese diseño clasico que lo hace ver elegante dentro de los edificios de la ciudad.

Another fundamental and personal meeting point is the moment to choose the interior design of your apartment or house. Here I will leave you some proposals. I hope they will serve as a reference for you. In the first place, it is my special place, which is the kitchen, which is a sacred place. in which food is prepared for the day to day so in my opinion it should be a spacious place full of harmony and mainly order, personally I love the spaces that are tidy and clean because this shows order in our lives .


otro punto fundamental y de encuentro personal es el momentode elegir el diseño interior de tu apartamento o casa aquí les dejare algunas propuestas espero les sirvan de referencia para ustedes, en primer lugar es mi lugar especial el cual es la cocina la cual es un lugar sagrado en el cual se preparan los alimentos para el dia a dia asi que en mi opinion debe ser un lugar amplio lleno de armonio y principalmente de orden, en lo personal me encantan los espacios que se encuentran ordenandos y limpios pues esto demuestra orden en nuestras vidas.


In the same way, here I leave you these interior proposals, I hope you like them and tell me what you think is the case, as for our room and resting place, I leave you these options that I hope you like and share if you like, we can summarize that the architecture is complemented by the design that we choose to decorate our homes and that will give it that touch of difference or adding personal characteristics that it will do. that from a house or apartment become our home.







de igual forma aqui les dejo estas propuestas de interiores espero sean de su agrado y me digan que les parece tal el caso cono para nuestra habitacion y sitio de descanso les dejo estas opciones que espero les guste y compartan si es de su agrado podemos resumir que la arquitectura es complementada por el diseño que elijamos para adornar nuestros hogares y que le dara ese toquede diferencia o añadiendo características personales que hara. que de una casao apartamento se convierta en nuestro hogar.

this was all appreciated community I hope you liked my content thank you very much for reading me if you want you can share and give your support God bless you today tomorrow and always see you in the next content hugs and blessings to all.

esto fue todo apreciada comunidad espero les alla agradado mi contenido muchas gracias por leerme si quieren pueden compartir y dar su apoyo que Dios los bendiga hoy mañana y siempre nos vemos en el siguiente contenido abrazos y bendiciones a todos.

@armasdiazePhone Plum GatorGoogle Traslated
 3 years ago  

Congratulations @armasdiaze! We're delighted to specially curate your awesome publication and award it RUNNER-UP in Architecture Brew #63. More power!


Thank you for subscribing to Architecture+Design, an OCD incubated community on the Hive blockchain.

Greetings!! dear and appreciated friend @aplusd, this mention is very significant for me, truly grateful to this great community.

 3 years ago  

Greetings dear friend @armasdiaze. It is an honor to have you in our beloved community. Blessings! 😀

Hello @armasdiaze. These are incredible interior design proposals for modern homes! Due to space constraints, most of them are designed with functionality in mind, of course without compromising their structural integrity and architectural aesthetics. These furniture layouts are intended for urban condominiums and multi-level city apartments that utilize every square meter of expensive allocated space.

If you were to choose, would you rather reside in a separate house situated in gated residential communities or rural areas, away from the cramped environments of high-rise apartment living?

Greetings my dear friend @storiesoferne, in relation to your question as a child I grew up in a rural area, where I used to run after the turkeys, bananas, chickens that were on that farm, the neighbors were somewhat distant due to the division of the land , but not everything was silent, you could hear the trill of innumerable birds that had their nests among the fruit trees of the patio, and above all the sound of the fish hunting in a lagoon a few meters from the house, it is the memories that I have of my childhood a place where I always want to return and find myself in a pleasant environment in direct contact with nature, where little by little I grew up listening to the bellowing of the cows in the mornings and afternoons and that with the passing of time and my personal projects made me immigrate to the city, but my favorite place is without a doubt the rural area where I have direct contact with the environment and nature, I never stop admiring the city its s large structures and how it grows and reinvents itself as they are overpopulated, I had to get lost in my first undergraduate career and see how people were always limited in time and in a hurry little by little I adapted and understood that particular hurry Today I have been living in the city for more than 10 years, here I formed my home and my family, but nevertheless I miss the rural area where I grew up as a child and that will always be my favorite place, greetings and blessings dear friend thank you for your valuable appreciation.

Oh yes, dear friend @armasdiaze. Living in the city will always have its pros and cons. But it's the natural environments of the countryside that constantly lure us back to them. Without a doubt, nothing beats the calmness, serenity, and laid-back atmosphere of rural communities when it comes to settling for a stress-free lifestyle. Thank you for revealing your beautiful thoughts! 😊

La verdad me gustó mucho la mesa de cristal con las sillas que tienen cojines anaranjados como también la cama que tiene almohadas plateadas y cubre cama plateado, es decir color en la sala y colores claros en el cuarto.

I really liked the glass table with the chairs that have orange cushions as well as the bed that has silver pillows and silver bed covers, that is, color in the living room and light colors in the bedroom.

Hello, friend, thank you very much for appreciating excellent taste, greetings and blessings @ginethchira2301

The part that caught my attention was the part of the facade where it has a cylinder in a corner of color I think turquoise or blue, from table I liked the dark wooden vase with the green pineapple vase.

@oscargonzalez123 Hello, cordial greetings, dear friend, thank you very much for your visit and for your appreciation, I am very happy that you liked it, greetings and blessings

Yay! 🤗
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