Hive Reachout weekly prompt engagement/∆\27>my favorite Christmas experience and why it's unique and special ✌️✌️.

in Hive Reachout3 months ago

Greetings everyone! I welcome you all to this week edition on Hive Reachout, trust God we all had a great and blessed day, and enjoy our stay althrough last week. Just as a form of Reminder Christmas is already here, alot of preparation has been dealt with and we are all set for the perfect hours to celebrate and express our Gratitude to God, although some has started already, I wish you all merry Christmas and prosperous new year 🥰.

In this week edition we are considering our favorite Christmas experience, and why it's special ✌️, that's a very nice and interesting topic, all thanks to the admin of Hive Reachout community.

In each Christmas season that we celebrate, all of them are very unique and special with different kinds of experience that we had during the season, and as such in some season we might not find it easy and funny, but still on, the goal is that we celebrate, of course that's the overall of it all.

So concerning my favorite Christmas experience, It had happened when I was about 16 yrs of age at our cousin grandparents village, I and my immediate elder brother, after the celebration in the church with our parents, we moved straight to the village trekking ( because it's not actually far from were we are).

But even with that it still had to pain us because of the hot oiled fried meats and chin-chin we ate when our mom was frying them, a journey that was supposed to be an hour journey ended becoming two hours, because of how the hot oiled was dealing with us inside 😂, if you know, you know, it wasn't actually funny Sha 😔.

But still on we made our way to our grandparents house. Usually it has been a custom and traditions at our grandparents village that in every Christmas season, after church service, in the evening there's always cultural dances every year.

The dance began few hours after our arrival, Omo 😱 come see dance, we had to join the dance to shake those dizziness and relief our body 🤣, although we don't know how to dance the cultural dances well like that, we had no option but to, and the important thing is that even if you don't know how to dance, the way the Eggon cultural dances drummers are playing, singing and dancing, naturally you will dance 😁😁. I rate them the best on that 👍👍.

And our Grandparents, cherished and love us so much, our most Christmas we love to always celebrate it with them in their village, to the extent in some years, for us to return home, it will be after new year, when returning home to our parents, it will be a moment of quarrels for us, because we left and the asked us to return home the next day, but the love and merriment made us to disobey, by staying till after new year 😂😂, so we will face the consequences of quarrels, you know.

**>>Why it was actually my favorite Christmas, is as a result of the love, care from my Grandparents and most importantly is the cultural dances, that continues like that in different neighboring churches around the village, that was actually one of the reasons for our disobedience Sha 😁, although we are not amongst the cultural dancers but we follow them up and down in each day, because there we meet alot of our friends and acquittances, we will gist and build creative memories in our life's, so for the experience of that year, it has been my favorite and best Christmas.

Thanks for reading 🥰, and engaging on my post.

Hive Reachout weekly prompt engagement/∆\28

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


christmas is always fun, I'm happy you enjoyed yourself

Thanks bro