Anger manager!

in Hive Reachout2 months ago



Anger is the general innate behavior of every living creature. It's a strong feeling of displeasure, hostility or resentment in response to a wrong, insult or injury. It's a normal human character and it comes with a feeling of frustration , irritation and antagonism to the wrong doings of others. To be candid, everybody is prone to anger, but getting angry to the extreme is what can tarnish ones image and identity.

No wonder there's a popular saying in my local language that says, " anger does not know that it owner has no identity." Yes, this popular saying is the absolute truth as people who in one way or the other committed crime due to their anger will always face the consequences of their anger which can be punishable under the law, no matter whom you are in status, age or gender, don't let anger push you to committing crime as the end there of is destruction.

I have seen many instances where lives, destiny, homes and marriages were scattered, shattered and destroyed just because of the five letters words, A.N.G.E.R. In one of those instances, there was a woman who in anger killed her three kids just because of her husband infidelity. Though, the husband was wrong, but getting angry to the point of killing ones kids is not acceptable under any guise. Even if you think you are right on a particular issue, don't let anger control you, instead manage your anger and seek a legal redress.

No one is above anger and even the holy bible says something about anger, the scripture says," in your anger, do not sin, do not let the sun set while you are still angry and do not give the devil a foothold." Yes, that's what the scripture says, what this is telling everyone is that anger is normal, but committing sin while angry is bad and this is because you've given the devil a foothold. This can be seen from the instance I gave the other time. The portion of the scripture is also telling us to manage our anger. By this portion of the scripture, I will like to share my own ways of managing my anger and this is because I used to get angry. Though not as before, but all the same, I still used to get angry.

The first way through which I used to manage my anger is silence. Keeping silence or quite while boiling with anger has really helped me greatly. To be candid, my silence is my great asset and it's really helped me to avert so many issues that might have destroyed me and my home. There's a time I got angry with my wife over a trivial issue and what was that issue? The issue was on how we used to get to church very late due to her dressing, so, I used to wait and exercise patience for her to be done with her dressing. So, on that particular sunday morning, we were already late for church and the worker's prayer meeting. So, I couldn't exercise the patience I used to exercise while waiting for her, so, I took bible and left for church, as i was about to leave for church, she bursted into tears and was like I did not love her enough and had It been that I love her, i would exercise more patience with her, I wanted to talk when I heard this, but i controlled myself and begin to pet her, just to quicken her and let's us go to church, while doing that, we wasted another 30 minutes, but I kept quite, though I was boiling with anger, but kept quite. It's not that I don't actually know what to say, but I keep mum and it's later I told her that what she did in the morning was bad, I narrated how things supposed to be to her and ever since then, she adjusted. Can you now see that silence like they say is golden.

Another way through which I have been using to manage and control my anger is walking away. I have walked away from many people that hot me angry in one way or the other.but before I share my little experience, let me say walking away is quite different from walking out from some one. Walking away is to prevent shame or avert unwanted problems while walking out in most cases is to disrespect others, most especially, the elderly. So back to my way of managing my anger, whenever I'm angry with anyone, I do walk away so as to avert unforeseen issues. Sometimes ago in my school. One of my colleagues came to meet me in class and started shouting at me. It was during the examination and I was tough with my supervision so as not to allow the students to engage in examination malpractice, it was when I caught one of the students who happened to be a candidate to that colleague of mine that everything when rowdy, noise full everywhere and both that colleague of mine and the students were shouting on me. Even some of the staff were also in support of what happened, within me, I was angry, but to save the situation, I walked away and it's then that I have peace. Though they came back to apologize, but the deed was done already and my walking away really saved the occasion.

Also, taking things lightly has really helped me in managing my anger. It's not everything that needs your reaction, there's something that needs your reaction, but one thing that can save you is not to react to everything that comes your way. Do you know people will intentionally step on your toes just to see what would be your reaction? Don't be predictable. Whenever people think you should get angry manage your anger and see what would become of them. I have tried this so many times, and it has really disappointed a whole lot of people who were waiting for me to get angry.


Lastly, the four letters word L.O.V.E has really helped me in managing and saving myself from unnecessary anger. One thing is that LOVE conquers everything including anger. So, when and where there's love, anger will not stay and this is because that thing that will get you angry will not come, love will make you love others as yourself and in the process, you will see others as yourself. Love really matters and this is because it conquers all things including anger. Remember, love see no flaws and it does not get angry unnecessary. It also corrects. So, the characteristics of love alot conquer anger and it helps in making me manage my anger.

So, these are my four major ways of managing my anger when it comes, remember getting angry is normal, but while anger set in , do not sin and let love prevails.

Anger destroys and love amends.

This is my entry to the hivereachout weekly prompt.

Thanks for reading.

Posted Using INLEO

 2 months ago  

Getting angry isn't a sin but it what we do as a result of the anger that makes it a big deal

God bless you, you're on point

As long as we have blood running in us, we are prone to anger. It'll come no matter how careful we are.

Hmmm, the woman that killed her three children because of anger. That's bad. She'll live with that guilt the rest of her life

Yeah, for sure. Thanks for the comment sir