Hello everyone, wishing u all an amazing, beautiful and wonderful weekend.
Am so happy to be welcome again in this hive reach- out community to share, partake and emphasized on the topic, strategy for maintaining financial Stability.
Well as we all know, anything related to finance is a bit complex to handle, we can see the level of crack in our economy finances today due to poor planning and management.
A very big thank you to this community for creating unforgettable awareness, at least it Will go a long way for serious individual like us that had in mind to achieved some future targets.
I know dealing with finances as a whole is not something easy to handle if the knowledge and educational aspect of it is not there, when it come to the grass- root of education, we are train by our parents to acquired the necessary knowledge and skills purposely for the betterment of our future target, it is less for us to help yourself financially to build our future target.
Some of our parents today are having a lot of challenges because the ignore the strategic plans on how to maintain and managed their finances, which later took them to square zero .
So what am trying to say is that ,we should do better, for me this is my year of financials growth that is, from zero to hero, that is my plans.
Sometime we see others grow financially and we imagine and wonder how they do it, when you compare your own financial state with theirs , you get to see a lot of differences, so you see there is no magine in this, the only thing is planning, and have the knowledge and learn experience from other better than you, by so doing you are already creating, striving and paving ways for better tomorrow.
They are some key elements , I will like to shares with you base on my own strategy of knowledge in maintaining financial stability. But please before I go deep into that ,here are some highlight and clarity about some certain terms for better understanding.
Let get to know what strategy means?
When talking about strategy, we get to understand that, it is a plans, action or decision guided by an individuals, organization or even co- operatives society in achieving certain goals and objective.
While on the other hand, maintaining financial stability entailed managing and maintaining your finances effectively and accurately to ensure you meet your financial goal and obligation.
Based on my own thinking and acquired knowledge here are some key strategic
Firstly, I will like to go with the knowledge first , because even in the Bible they is a credit to that, in the book of Hosea 4 : 6 it say my people perish for lack of knowledge so you see knowledge is power .
For you to be financially permenance we need the knowledge and understanding.
As human we all know having the money or getting the money is not worth it is , but what maintaining or how to managed the money is the problem, so I suggests we get the knowledge first , learn from other people that had the experience already, believing me with the knowledge, we can strategies our finances excellently, accurately and effectively.
Remember, we are not only educated to work and earn money, not at all, we are educated to play a role when it come to marketing and businesses, not only that, but also adhering to strive more for better future target.
Secondly , we go with budgeting : so how do u plan your budget, for you to be better tomorrow, you have to plan a budget be long or short term.Sometimes we face challenges because we fail to make a project for our selves.
Try to make a comparative list of what you had in mind to do , avoid unnecessary debt, some people have the money but due to too much debt and poor management, they are still having financial challenges, so what am trying to say is that we should go for what we needs not what we wants, because our needs are Mandatory unlike wants which happen to be occasional, we should ignore the habit of unnecessary spending like lodging hotels, hosting parties shows and the rest, try as much as possible to be financially stable from what we do , be it skill acquisition, your hobbies or even your business.
Let me use myself as one, I do egusi business and I appreciate God , even from what I earn , I know it has been of help to me because people generate a lot of income there.
Thirdly I will emphasised on saving: I believed we all know the important of saving, it play a very important role in ones life especially me as a person, from the little you save , you will be suprise in time to come be it emergency situation , sincerely speaking I personally save a little portion of what earn be it from business or even from this hive online experience, nothing is underestimated, just be calculative and believing me , you will be suprised at the end of the tunnel.
Lastly investment gat me, investment happen to be another strategy for maintaining financial balance and solidity.
For you finances to be permenence , investment is the best , you try to invest the resources, money or income earn to something better be it agricultural products, animals production such as animals rearing and fish production , it will go a long way in creating more wealth and more growth financially
I invest from the business I run , I do that not because I didn't have problem , but because am striving to created wealth for better tomorrow, risk taking is necessary in investment but we believed they are meant for us to be stronger.
I strongly believed, if we adhere to the listed strategy above , we would definitely achieved our plans
Thank you, do have a bless weekend.
Thank you for this.
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