How I handle my Anger issues

in Hive Reachout2 months ago

Anger is one emotion I’ve had to learn to manage over the years. I’m naturally sensitive, so it’s easy for little things to get to me angry, But I realized early on that allowing anger to control me only leads to regret Sobi have developed my own way of handling it, and while I’m not perfect, these steps have been more like a helper.


First, I give myself space. If something upsets me, my instinct is to leave the situation, even if it’s just for a few minutes I’ve learned that staying in the heat of the moment doesn’t help anyone instead Walking away gives me a chance to breathe, think, and regain control of my emotions.
Speaking of breathing, this is another thing that works wonders for me,I’ve made it a habit to pause and take deep, slow breaths when I feel the anger creeping in. It’s almost like a reset button for my mind. Sometimes, I even close my eyes and count my breaths it helps me shift my focus from the emotion to something calming, Another thing that has helped me is perspective. I’ve come to understand that not every action or word directed at me is personal. People are dealing with their own battles, and sometimes their reactions have nothing to do with me, This realization has saved me from overreacting more times than I can count,When I’m calm enough to talk, I prefer to express myself honestly but carefully. Instead of pointing fingers, I explain how I feel For example, rather than saying, “You always annoy me,” I’d say, I felt hurt when this happened It might sound small, but it makes a big difference in how the conversation goes,


Finally I reflect After the dust has settled, I take some time to think about what happened Why did I react that way? Was the issue worth my energy, How can I handle it better next time This reflection has helped me grow emotionally and take more control over how I respond to situations for me I believe I’m still a work in progress, but learning to manage my anger has made me feel more in control of myself and my relationships It’s not about suppressing how I feel it’s about handling it in a way that doesn’t cause harm.
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I write to inspire
Luminomind to the world

 2 months ago  

I read your introductorypost, you're welcome to Hive..Thank You for joining the community @luminomind

Thanks for the warm welcome