Things I can do when I find love

in Hive Reachout2 months ago


Love is an unplanned emotional affection that exist between two or more persons. Love is an expression of interest or feelings, that a man has over a woman or vice versa.  In this content I will limit my view to just two persons. Love is unique i.e. it’s a very special type of feelings which is why when you love someone, you sometimes don’t know how it happens because it’s a form of connectivity we often can’t explain how it happens, but we felt it impact when given time to nurture in our heart.
When you really understand the concept of a magnetic and electrical properties with charges, you will understand that like charges repel while unlike charges attract. 


The body chemistry of love works in this conceptual fact whereby we get attracted to other via the different properties that exist in every human being. Our unique qualities makes us different from each other which is why we attract some qualities we don’t have, and we see our self drown to each other as a result of the covalent bonding between the two individuals. By covalent bonding I mean there is a share of interest, dreams, vision, passion, materials e.t.c because of the love we have for each other.
When you love some genuinely, it is measure by the depth of our relative actions and commitment; for this is govern by the genuine characteristics of pure love which is patient with each other, caring, respect, supportive, not proud and boastful.

Love is a concrete noun which cannot be seen with the naked eyes but can be felt and expressed by our actions. But the degree of our action depends on the depths of our feelings and affection.

There are many things I can do for love, depending on whether the person worth it or not.


1.Communication: when I love someone genuinely, I often create time out of my busy schedule to ensure we have a moment of heart to heart conversation. In this process we are able to known our intentions and vision as to discuss how to blend with each other in order to avoid the do and the don’t. Communication is essential in every relationship. There is need for physical contact communication because it strengthen the bond between each other and it ease tension and fear.


2.Render some help and assistance: I can help my partner in whatever way I can. For example; when I visit her and found her chocked up with some house chores, I will be pleased to help her do some of the chores in order to make her finish on time and to also reduce stress.
Another way I can help my partner is in time of financial issues, when I know or she requested for a financial assistance, it will be delightful of me to give her any amount of money she needed if my financial capacity permit me. Because there are moment in life that we surely get broke and the only help we could get is through our love once.

3.RESPECT: respect for each other is what I consider very important in my relationship. Even as the man in the relationship i respect my woman a lot and she also respect me. As for me I can’t stay in a relationship where there is no respect.

4.Maintaining a very high level of confidentiality: I have seen a lot of relationship tearing apart for lack of keeping secret of each other, I cannot expose the secrets we shared even when we breakup because of the love we shared. It’s too foolish to expose the secret of your partner to someone else.

5.I can be patience and forgiving: there was a certain time my girlfriend offended me, she took my phone and subscribe to an online Christian music channels with my ATM card; I was not even aware, this incident happen when she visited me in school. So when she left after one month I saw a debit alert of 2,000 naira ($1.33) and that was the only money left in my account within that period, I was angry and I get to ask her how comes she did not informed me? She could not say anything rather to apologies. I have to forgive her and let go of what happened. If you can’t be patient and forgiving each other, then such relation will not go far.



Love is sacrifice, love is Peace and love is kindness.... Thanks for reading through. Please share your thoughts on the comments section.🙏🙏

 2 months ago  

The degree of our action shows the depth of love and that is true bro. Love is sacrifice and sacrifice depicts love..
Thank you for sharing...

Yes boss, our actions speakout the love we have ......💕💕💕💕

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