Dancing in the storm is part of living

in Hive Reachout5 days ago

Thank you @Ovey10 and host of others For this brain storming Topic. In time like this when things are tough and hard this type of topic is actually good for people to work on it because it will help one to encourage his or herself.
The time of storm is not a time to give up or time to quarrel.

But time to think of what positive things to do and live happily.

Dancing in the storm is a process where by one who is in pains still counts it all joy trusting God to turn things around for his or her good.

My Director professor Ochayi S .G once told me when I lost my father four years ago that",we don't grow when things are easy,we grow when we face challenge "

Friends, there is no doubt, there are some events in life that are absolutely storms that you cannot AVOID.

All of us must expect to experience one storms or the other
therefore we must not let ourselves be crushed by the storms of life instead we must simply work out the best means of dealing with them by Trusting God, being patience and depend solemnly on God for a away out.Remember after storms, there is always peace.

My Great #HiveReachout community members and friends,life is not about waiting for the storm to pass but learning how to dance in the storms.This open our eyes on the importance of resilience and adaptability in the face of life's challenges.

The deeper meaning of dancing in the storms of life
embraces Challenges instead of avoiding difficulties or waiting for them to go away.This encourages individuals to confront challenges head-on and find joy or meaning even in tough situations.
Dancing in the storm also symbolizes finding happiness and fulfillment even when circumstances are less than ideal.
There are importance or benefits you can get from dancing in the storm of life .
Some of the benefits are,
It leads to personal growth, resilience, and a deeper understanding of oneself,
cultivation of a more positive and fulfilling experience,
Preparation for Future Challenges,Learning to navigate tough and confidence to handle future storms more effectively.

To be candid, dancing in the storm advocates for a proactive, joyful approach to life's inevitable difficulties, highlighting that true fulfillment comes not from avoiding challenges but from learning to withstand them.
Our current situation in the nation or country Nigeria is very stressful. Everything is hard . I don’t think it’s necessary to explain the whole situation. But I’ll roughly describe the current situation in our country today as a storm of life. What we are passing through today is one of the worst pains we have not experienced before.

My heart aches every day and it’s taking up a lot of my power and energy to get through the day because of the storm of life we are passing through today in our nation.That is why this topic: dancing in the storm is crucial to take close look at for proper encouragement in this hard time.
I want you to do anything to get rid of this stress and pressure you are feeling, because it’s creating serious physical problems for us. Learning to dance in the storm for me right now is hard, because we have lost some things but I encourage us to

do try to encourage ourselves to dance in the storm. I know one day everything is gonna be fine . Do everything in your power to dance in the storm as much as you can, and wait for the storm to be calm and peace will be still .

In conclusion,
I charge you too read James 1:2-4 as quoted "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

Thank you all for reading.

all pictures are mine

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It is always part of life to look at storm, confront it and overcome it when it comes

thank you for reading