Hive reachout

in Hive Reachout2 months ago

Good day everyone on hive reach out I will be sharing with my friends on how to maintain financial stability.

1.HAVE A BUDGET AND STICK TO IT:a person that wants to be financially stable must have a budget.on what he or she human we
have needs and wants.
But to be financially stability you must learn to put
aside your wants and take care of your needs because needs are necessities that must be taken care of like water , food,shelter, clothes those are needs but sometimes it depends on the situation of a person.
You can only think about your want when you have extra money to spend but if not control yourself.

2.HAVE SAVINGS : don't be extra vagant in spending have a certain amount you save either everyday or every month which ever that is easier for you as a person.
You must be very self control to be able to save, you must not have a fixed amount inorder to save
E.g you can save your HBD and spend your HP.
You must not buy your needs at them bit bit by bit like I need a keyboard and alot of things to make video but I just got a ring light, headphone,a very small music box and am saving my hbd some money from my HP was added to buy them and am doing Acapella for now because, I don't have instruments and I don't know how to play them but in the future I will learn guitar and I will buy it,so you learn how to impprovice and manage in order to have a stable account



3.NO PROCASTINATION:yes friend don't procrastinate anything that boost your account
Let give an example I have procasted I didn't write on the topic the topic my plan for 2025 and it has past no matter how little I would have gotten it is still something to my account and that why I decided to sit up this work and write as early as possible to boost my savings, cause hive is my main source of income for now so I will not jopadise with my source of income because of Procrastination and laziness
4.IMPROVE: you must learn to improve in what ever you are doing that brings in money for you because the better your performance the better your pay the better your pay, the better your savings and the better your savings the more stable your finance get
LAST BUT NOT THE LEAST CONTROL YOUR APPETITE: when I said appetite i don't mean food alone,I mean whatever you like so much like it may be cloth,gist and some time play, control them,let me talk about appetite for snacks and gist,I am trying these days I don't eat snacks like before and I control the level of how I gist so that other activities that bring income will not suffer and I have learnt to bake and do some of the snacks at home, because doing them in large
quantity is more economical and it helps me not to spend as much as buying bit by bit.another reason is to be able to fast and fasting help your spiritual growth and your spiritual growth reflect the physical.

Believe me my friend on hive if you apply these strategies you will have no reason to regret parting financial stability.


Having a budget and sticking to it has been a major challenge to many but thank you for sharing this light.

Yes friend agreed it not really easy as you have stated friend but that is where determination comes in play friend and control of appetite

Nice technique that you have listed here I think I will try them thanks ma

Thanks please try it and trust me you would have no reason to regret,it would be nice bro

Thank you for sharing beautiful tips to help our finances 👍

For years now I have been trying to see how I can actually improve in my financial life, but all effort is to no Vail, due to some of the things you outlined here .
Thanks for sharing.

Thank you too for reading, hope you would try to put an end to those things because maintaining a financial stability account is not easy at all but it is sweet at the end

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 2 months ago  

You save up your HP and withdraw your HBD instead, as newbies you're expected to build your stake and only withdraw HBD when need arises. Your Hive power will build more influence for you on Hive Blockchain and you get to earn via curation rewards in the long run. Your HBD is liquidity at hand (i.e if you did not stake it) you can convert to Hive and to your local currency. I think you mistake the two of them..

You see why I call you boss, you always are on point and call me to order when am wrong but either ways,I just hope and pray that my friends understand what am trying to relate and thanks boss for the correction,noted

Wonderful goals.
I really like the part about having budget and controlling one's appetite. Thanks for sharing @diamond2025

Thank you also for reading, hope you try them too friend

Yeah, I'm working in that already.

This is really helpful, l liked how you explained that needs must not be bought at once. we prioritize the needs that are necessary per time.

well articulated write up.
Maintaining a stable finance is a good thing.If we truly control our appetite, for sure we will have a stable

Well am glad to know that I must improve if I want to maintain financial stability 🙌

Also learnt how to avoid procrastinating@ntul001 .... Is nice sharing this Inside with us, am glad to have learn about savings and how it's very Important, I have also gotten full insight about need and wants....