Early afternoon work (2024.08.24)

in Daily Blog26 days ago

Work time: Two hours.
Location: El Médano.

I arrived back in the cave/tent living community before 16:00, and I spent the rest of the day with my Harris's hawk, and with my friends in the community place.

We were mostly under the shadows provided by the agave. The weather was sunny, as it is most of the time, and the temperature was mostly around 27 °C.

Today's statistics

€12.05 Euro€2.24 Euro€9.81 Euro
Nestlé Dolca Milk chocolate tablet (100 gramm) (€0.98 Euro)€447.52 Euro (in this month so far)
Chicken liver (0.28 Kg) (€1.11 Euro)
Reusable shopping bag (€0.15 Euro)

Exactly one week (seven days) is left from this month (August).

I will continue to document this progress on the Hive blockchain until the end of the month.

I will write a conclusion about it, then I will continue to document my life, but not these financial things.

I document this is only for the first month experience.

My saving for this month probably will be somewhere around €500 Euro.

Of course this is only an estimation.

I already saved almost €450 Euro.

And this is already much more than my initial goal for this month (to save at least €50 Euro in this month).

Soon (literally one week later) we will see exactly how much I saved in this month.

Either way, I am very satisfied and I am very happy with these small jobs, as I already wrote this multiple times.

And of course I know that it is not really safe to walk with hundreds of Euros in my wallet in the rocky semi-desert. Especially after I openly (publicly) document it on the internet.

Do not worry. I have already put most of it to my bank account.

Have a nice day. Greetings and much love from Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.


Just keep going and reporting :)

Thank you.

I will certainly continue posting it daily until the end of this month (August).

This is my first time, first month experience with small jobs.

Of course I will continue doing the small jobs in the next months too.

I am just not planning to document the financial progress of the small jobs daily on the Hive blockchain from the next month.