Hi, my dear friends!
The last week of October has come to an end. What was he like? Bright, warm and very rainy. And he was also unusually quiet. Today I went out into the yard and heard the air defense working and I thought that I had not heard these sounds for a long time. Even if there are air raids at night, I hear little because I always have music or a movie on (after the occupation I can’t sleep in complete silence), and during the day we haven’t been shelled for a long time.
They say the russians are hoarding missiles to fire at our infrastructure in the winter to create cold, darkness and chaos. But I'm afraid they will be disappointed. Firstly, all the houses are already literally filled with various devices such as power stations (my son-in-law and daughter gave me one for my birthday), power banks, rechargeable flashlights, and so on. And secondly... today I walked down the street in a T-shirt and I wasn’t cold. The weather is on our side!
Unfortunately, my dogs and I had few trips to nature. The reason is the endless rains. But even on those rare days when there was no rain, forest and field roads remained so washed out that it was impossible to drive along them. I hope November will be drier and we will be able to walk more.
Luckily none of my animals got sick. This is really important because the financial issue will remain difficult, war sets its own rules. Fortunately, Romashka’s illness turned out to be a minor stomach colic and now she is already feeling well.
And finally, my tablet gave me a little surprise by collecting some photos of my birds and making a short video. It did it itself and it was very nice. I added this video to my YouTube and am sharing it with you.