New Year's celebration at home, while grilling simple chicken and corn

in Daily Blog2 months ago


Greetings to the daily blog community and hive friends.Happy New Year to my community friends from any country.Hopefully in this new year we will become better people and progress in our activity.

New Year's celebration is a day that will be celebrated later.By everyone.Because of the joy and enthusiasm Surrounding An atmosphere full of hope welcoming the new year.


On this New Year's Eve, I celebrated Eat and gather it at home With family.Different from previous years, we celebrated it by Eating outside while watching fireworks and firecrackers The magnificent.


In my country now it's the rainy season,The Streets Also stuck Wherever It's a shame for the children when they travel in weather like this. so we just celebrate it at home.While grilling corn and grilling Chicken. Very simple but enjoyable to be able to gather again with family.




After we finished grilling we ate together Using banana leaves for our mats Eat .Eating together like this is really delicious.While chatting.Because it is rare to have a gathering like this. Usually we Busy with each other's affairs.

There are also those who celebrate the new year at places of worship, with New Year's Prayer.Pray that in this new year life will be better and faith will be strengthened.That is also our hope.

What about the countries of hive friends?Is it celebrating with great joy and also the glitter of the New Year world? Usually in developed countries, New Year's celebrations involve lots of parties. Magnificent fireworks and firecrackers and musical performances.

Different from in the village There is no New Year's excitement like in the city.You know, villagers usually like peace and quiet.Don't like noise. where we just gather and eat together. By praying to the Almighty with full hope that the new year will be full of peace. And blessings of life Aamiin.

Happy New Year to all hive friends wherever you are.