The essence of my hometown.

in Daily Blog4 months ago

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It feels like after ages I have a lazy weekend to spend when I don't have to worry about making breakfast for my family or the to-do list for the rest of the day!

This is what a parent's home feels like after we have been away, no?

I'm currently staying at my mom's place. It means a lot of food, her, garden, spending time with family; and everything I love. Let me give you a glimpse of my weekend.

The day started with a light breakfast with roti and vegetables. My mom is in her 70's but we are grateful she can still do everything herself. And she enjoyed doing that. We have busy schedules in our daily lives, so whenever any shilling visits her; she makes sure we can relax and doesn't allow us in her kitchen.



While having our breakfast, I was finishing up this coloring paper with my son. I always love doing this random thing with him.



My mom has a beautiful garden in her front yard, on the rooftop, and some on her balcony too. It is always a pleasure trip for me to stroll around and see her plants, veggies, and fruits.


She is aging and can't take care of the garden like before. The rooftop looked off, I helped pick out some weeds and make the soil.


In the evening, I made a cheese-loaded chicken pizza. Fortunately, it turned out great. And we had a delightful evening with a lot of gossiping and fun.


My mom made a local dessert for dinner. We call it Laccha Semai, it looked so good; we ate the whole serving.

We will be back to our regular life in two days. My son is having a blast with his cousins. And all this fun will be gone but it sure will be in our memory.

Visiting my hometown is not just about the people but about the experience. We kind of spend a boring routine life in our city. So when we go back to our hometown we make sure to gather memories for the rest of the year.

I hope you are enjoying your day too.

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It feels different when we are at home with our parents right? They can be very good in spoiling their kids mo matter what their age, they will still babysit them. Glad to know you are having a lovely time in your mothet's home. ┏(^0^)┛

And the grandchildren too. lol
My son is getting Prince treatment 😊
Thanks for your warm words. Have a good day.

Whenever such things are made at home and they turn out to be tasty, then everyone appreciates a lot and then these things are always started to be made at home.

Indeed. Food makes it more home-like than anything.

With this post you gave us such comfy feelings, hometown ❤️ and what food, yummy 🤤🤤

It's my pleasure. I'm enjoying every moment here :)