A short summary of my February /// Un pequeño resumen de mi febrero 🗓️

in Daily Blog8 months ago

Hello dear community! Happy beginning of March. Today I want to share with you how my month of February went. Although it was calm there were some things that made me.

To start the month, I bought for the first time an agenda, which besides being super nice has helped me to organize my days more easily, to take better scheduled patients, to have more visible my monthly expenses, which helps me to be more selective with my expenses and take care of my finances.

Hola querida comunidad!!! Feliz inicio de Marzo. Hoy quiero compartirles como fue mi mes de febrero. Aunque estuvo calmado hubo algunas cosas que me hicieron.

Para comenzar el mes, me compré por primera vez una agenda, que además de que está súper linda me ha ayudado a organizar mas fácilmente mis días, llevar de mejor manera los pacientes agendados, tener más visibles mis gastos mensuales, lo que me ayuda a ser mas selectivos con mis gastos y cuidar mis finanzas.

By the second week I began to have my first patients at home, although they were only simple cures I had a great appreciation and the owners were very grateful for the good service, which is something I always keep in mind, treat the pets well, help and give advice to the tutors.

Ya para la segunda semana comencé a tener mis primeros pacientes a domicilio, aunque solo eran curas simples les tuve un gran aprecio y los dueños estuvieron muy agradecidos por el buen servicio, que es algo que siempre tengo presente, tratar bien a las mascotas, ayudar y dar consejos a los tutores.

On February 17 I was invited to a wedding of some colleagues from work, the wedding was in the Yurubi National Park, a very green place despite the drought we are going through, very quiet and beautiful. The wedding was outdoors, a simple but very emotional ceremony, then a small reception where we shared with the spouses and finally the bouquet launching, which I ended up taking it.

Para el 17 de febrero me invitaron a un matrimonio de unos compañeros del trabajo, la boda fue en el Parque Nacional Yurubí, un lugar muy verde a pesar de la sequía que estamos pasando, muy tranquilo y lindo. El matrimonio fue al aire libre una ceremonia sencilla pero muy emotiva, luego una pequeña recepción donde compartimos con los esposos y para finalizar el lanzamiento del bouquet, que lo termine agarrando yo.

I also started writing in Hive, a community that I find wonderful and although my publications have not reached much I hope that people read them and are nourished by the knowledge that I try to transmit, since that is my main goal, to make people who have pets or want to have one to be quite prepared for this.

And to finish the month I found a kitten about a month old, who had been left on the street, I felt so sorry for her that I could not leave her alone on the street, so I took her to the office, gave her food, dewormed her and put her up for adoption, with the good fortune that we found her a responsible family quickly.

También empecé a escribir en Hive, un comunidad que me parece maravillosa y aunque mis publicaciones no han alcanzado mucho espero que las personas las lean y se nutran del conocimiento que intento transmitir, ya que ese es mi principal objetivo, hacer que las personas que tengan mascotas o que quieran tener una estén bastante preparadas para esto.

Y para finalizar el mes me encontré con una gatita de un mes aproximadamente, que la habían dejado en la calle, me dió tanta lastima que no pude dejarla sola en la calle, así que me la llevé al consultorio, le di comida, la desparasite y la puse en adopción, con la buena suerte que le conseguimos una familia responsable rápidamente.

So far this is the highlight of the month, I hope you liked it and that very good things are coming for everyone.

Hasta aquí lo más destacado del mes, espero que haya sido de su agrado y que vengan cosas muy muy buenas para todos.

All published images are my property.///Todas las imagenes publicadas son de mi propiedad


That’s great you start the week with a kind patient gives you appreciation 😊

For your first week on Hive, do not give up. You have to more did engagement on others user so people will know your account. Since your account is new, that’s normal not many people read your blog. Keep posting 😊

Thank you very much for the words of encouragement, constancy makes good results and that is what you want ☺️