A morning of poodles🐶🐕😍 /// Una mañana de poodles 🐶🐕😍

in Daily Blog8 months ago

Hello dear friends of Hive, I hope you are having a great week, today at my work we were quite busy, despite being a small veterinary office, to start the day a little cleaning and disinfection of areas, it took about 30 minutes.

When we finished with the cleaning, the first patient arrived, a 6 months old poodle puppy named Tobby, he came for rabies vaccination and to the hairdresser, for a bath and haircut. Everything was excellent, he was vaccinated without any problem, he came out of the hairdresser's like new and beautiful.

After Tobby we consulted a mestizo puppy but she had many characteristics of a poodle, her name is Shakira, 4 months old, she came with vomiting and diarrhea, some tests were done, discarded among other things, she was positive for parvovirus, she was hospitalized and treatment began immediately.

When Shakira left the office I had to disinfect the whole place and with great care, since the next patient was Ema, a 3 month old puppy and she was coming for her first vaccination, since she was not vaccinated we had to be more careful with the transmission of diseases as the previous patient. We were able to vaccinate and deworm Ema without any problem. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of her, but next time I come I will share some with you.

The rest of the morning we were monitoring Shakira and by the afternoon she is looking better. I hope you like it and I emphasize the importance of vaccination.. Have a great week.

Hola queridos amigos de Hive, espero que estén pasando una gran semana, hoy en mi trabajo estuvimos bastantes movidos, a pesar de ser un consultorio veterinario pequeño, para comenzar el día un poco de limpieza y desinfección de áreas, en eso tardamos alrededor de 30 minutos.

Al terminar con la limpieza llegó el primer paciente, un poodle cachorro de 6 meses llamado Tobby, el venía para vacunación antirrábica y a la peluquería, para un baño y corte de pelo. Todo excelente, se dejó vacunar sin ningún problema, de la peluquería salió como nuevo y bellísimo.

Luego de Tobby se le realizó consulta a una cachorro mestiza pero tenía muchas características de poodle, se llama Shakira, de 4 meses de edad, venía por vómitos y diarreas, se me realizaron algunos exámenes, descartes entre otras cositas, dio positiva a parvovirus, se pasó a hospitalización y se comenzó con el tratamiento de inmediato.

Al salir Shakira del consultorio tuve que desinfectar todo el lugar y con mucho cuidado, ya que el paciente que seguía era Ema, una cachorrita de 3 meses y venia por su primera vacuna, al no estar vacunada debíamos tener mas cuidado con la transmisión de enfermedades como la anterior paciente. Pudimos vacunar y desparasitar a Ema sin ningún problema. Lastimosamente se me olvidó tomarle fotos, pero la próxima vez que venga les comparto algunas.

El resto de la mañana estuvimos monitoreando a Shakira y para la tarde ya tiene mejor semblante. Hasta acá el día de hoy espero que les guste y les recalco la importancia de la vacunación. Que tengan una excelente semana.

Photos by @jesusvet


que bello! jeje Dios lo cuide!

How beautiful! hehe God take care of him!

There is something that I find very cute about puppies with wild hair like Shakira. Dogs done really care what their hair looks like and they are just happy to be alive!