in Daily Blog2 years ago

Hi everyone, Happy Sunday. Trust we are doing fine. today I will love to write about one thing that I enjoy doing the most. That one thing is what I find time to do no matter how stressed I might be.



Yeah.. it's music. you should not wonder why I say it's music 😉, well I will share with you my reasons.

According to The English Dictionary, Music is A guide to playing or singing a particular time. It is also any pleasing or interesting sound.
I take the second definition😊.
Am a kind of person that gets emotional easily, especially when am hurt deeply and sad. I must confess that I feel very bad whenever someone complains about me😒.

Each time anyone gets to complain about me, my mood changes and I will feel so disappointed 😔 and sometimes I feel like it's someone I killed.
And once I get home or probably be in a quiet place, I slowly get my phone and my ear plug and will gentily play some emotional songs that will make me cry the more😄, it's funny right?

But I feel better when I cry, cause each time I cry, I feel relieved with the help of the song am listening to.

So I love playing music whenever I feel sad and intimidated , I listen to the music cause it's helps me calm down and feel ok.
Sometimes In the process of listening to music, I may sleep off and trust me immediately I wake up, I feel great again😊😊.

I don't joke with music cause I know its usefulness. and it's what I really love doing and I find joy, rest, and peace of mind while listening to music☺️☺️.

 2 years ago  

Hello Glowie :) It is true that music manages to change the mood, I'm always listening to something depending on what I am doing but at all times I am surrounded by sound.

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