Go Touch Some Grass #02: Late Valentine's Misadventures

in Daily Blog7 months ago
Authored by @Elsieyaaa
Hey, you. Yes, you.

Go touch some grass..png

Grass touched. I hope you guys too.

I am sooooooooooo late for Valentine's obviously. But that's fine. I was bitter for the whole day, anyway. Despite being bitterly single, I would say that today's Valentine's was something I'd love to cherish the most. One with the most mishaps, but I enjoyed those mishaps anyway.



-> A Wee Bit of History of Me Being Bitter
Valentine's Ka Lang, College Student Kami (Valentine's Never Deter College Students)
These Booths Are... COOKING
[Photo Booth]
[Tarot Reading]
The Misadventure On The Way Home
Please Touch Some Grass Too


A Wee Bit of History of Me Being Bitter

First of all, I just want to say that I'm not an NBSB (no boyfriend since birth) kind of a person anymore. Let's say that someone came into my life which I unfortunately raised for five whole years. But he's not the reason why I'm bitter.

I simply dislike Valentine's. Most likely, the surge of people at this time. I don't know why (and I don't want to blame my MBTI here [INFP 4w5 here btw] ), but I just tend to feel sad and bitter and stuff when February 14 comes. Or maybe I just hate the trends so much. Also, if I were to be critical, sometimes, people have the tendency to just remember to love when it's the 14th of February. Ugh.

So much that I decided to say "yes" to my boyfriend on February 16, literally two days after. But what can I do? He's quite persistent and such, and I'm literally scared back then that if I say no, this guy might just unalive himself, sheesh. Can't believe that me in 8th grade fell for that piece of... nevermind.

Since I mentioned about him, why not share a bit more about him further? First off, I believe he's nice, despite him and his family leaving the Catholic religion to become something else, I haven't asked what (or I forgot). Second, when it comes to anime recommendations (yes, a fellow weeb, ladies and gentlemen), he definitely knows his stuff. Reminds me that I may as well show some Yggdra Union gameplay soon here, when I feel better from everything (Yggdra [read as Igdra] Union is actually a GBA / PSP remaster tactical RPG game). And third, the very thing I came to regret after five years, was how much he had fallen into the dark desires of him not holding back with his Excalibur.

TL;DR: [Too Long; Didn't Read] I hate Valentine's because it's crowded and the display can smell fake. Because I hate Valentine's, I ended up saying yes to my ex two days later, only to leave him 5 years later because he was being someone beyond redemption.

[Disclaimer: Please DO NOT ask what I mean by "Excalibur" here. Those who know, please keep quiet. Do not break someone else's innocence for the good love of the card spirits.]



A Wee Bit of History of Me Being Bitter
-> Valentine's Ka Lang, College Student Kami (Valentine's Never Deter College Students)
These Booths Are... COOKING
[Photo Booth]
[Tarot Reading]
The Misadventure On The Way Home
Please Touch Some Grass Too


Valentine's Ka Lang, College Students Kami

Now, if there's just this ONE THING I hope it was in a bit considered, since there was an event outside, I just wished we didn't have any classes at all.


A stolen picture of my teacher in Electronic Circuits preparing for her discussion through a YouTube video, taken by yours truly. I remembered that she was having nasty coughs that time, hence the video.

But lol no, BAHAHAH. Look at us— having class discussions when the outside is already festive. I mean, just look at THESE:





In emphasis of clothes, yes. Why? Because that was just the day that dress coding was lifted to some extent. Taken by yours truly, as usual.

See? Everyone on their best, unrestrained attires, enjoying the Valentine's event by the student council! And then there's us, stuck in the computer laboratory for hours to listen on a YouTube channel. But hey, we got half of the hours instead, the other half dedicated for us to enjoy it instead. So maybe my teacher isn't that half-bad.



A Wee Bit of History of Me Being Bitter
Valentine's Ka Lang, College Student Kami (Valentine's Never Deter College Students)
-> These Booths Are... COOKING
[Photo Booth]
[Tarot Reading]
The Misadventure On The Way Home
Please Touch Some Grass Too


These Booths Are... COOKING

Thankfully, again, classes ended sooner, and all we just did was a little pop quiz in the end after some videos. Thankfully too the videos were neither boring nor Indian (not to judge, but Filipino videos are rare in this subject!). This means some booth-hopping for me! Come, come! I've took some pictures of the things I actually passed by or visited, but not all.

Photo Booth

Well, before the actual Photo Booth, first, most of the booths here (which are run by school organizations, by the way) are merchants. Either they're selling personalized merchandise, like bracelets, or some gimmicks out there. Not much food trip, unfortunately. I would definitely appreciate more food trip (except that food runs out fast.) By merch, here's at least one of them.


I already forgot to which organization this one is, but like what I said, they're selling personalized bracelets.

Unless it's food or something a bit haywire, I'm not buying. Not that I'm completely broke, I live far from my school, so please... I need my money for transportation.


An image of two married couples. There are also tales of couples once married in a school's marriage booth that end up to be wed in an actual church too. I wonder if these guys would share the tale as well when they grow older? I'd love to pin this post as a witness to their love story and say, "I was there."

And then there's this, a Marriage Booth. I mean, it makes sense— it's Valentine's and all. It would be a love bummer if it would be celebrated without couples experiencing getting married for only ₱15 just for fun. As for the Photo Booth, it's right next to it. So yes, the Mechanical Engineering organization (the ones behind the two booths) were brilliant to think about this.
(Speaking of Photo Booth, I actually lost my hard copy of the photos I took with just myself, so... no self-portraits, sorry!)

Tarot Reading Booth

I may not look like the part, but yes, I enjoy a bit of Tarot. I have a friend who reads cards as a side content, but she's way way more known as a writer (and a teacher), so respect to her. But like any other Tarot readings, everything is subject to interpretation, so of course, I do take it with a grain of salt.


Definitely a picture of me (or safest yet, of Elsie) while having my fate read. I'm sorry for disappointing people who are looking forward with me slipping my real face on the pictures, but NO. It's a lazy sketch, but eh, should be enough to hide the real me while still capturing the gist of the event.

To be honest, I actually have no idea what to ask, until I remembered something, a question finally formed. Of course, whatever transpired, I noted it (with permission):

"When would I begin to feel connection towards my classmates?"

And so the cards say...

A reversed Emperor, an upright Ten of Swords, and an upright Chariot.

At least, according to the tarot reader (who by the way, was understandably reading a guide)...

  • The Emperor represented the confusion I'm feeling towards them. This at least is my case in my first year (trust me, lucky are those who find friends and a lot of connections in college)
  • The Ten of Swords at least gave hope, seeing that someone will stand up for me.
  • And The Chariot was a premonition of a conflict (which in my case, another conflict? Yabai. )

Again, it should be taken with a grain of salt, haha...

Also me after searching for the actual meaning in Google:


*plays Song of Storms in background



A Wee Bit of History of Me Being Bitter
Valentine's Ka Lang, College Student Kami (Valentine's Never Deter College Students)
These Booths Are... COOKING
[Photo Booth]
[Tarot Reading]

-> The Misadventure On The Way Home
Please Touch Some Grass Too


The Misadventure On The Way Home

Photo taken, fate foreseen, stomach still empty— but whatever, I decided to go home. After all, it was 4 PM, and listening to spoken word poetry isn't my thing. And the only way to go home is of course, commute by modern jeepneys that look like buses. Yeah, those good old jeepneys that used to be a "trademark" in the Philippines are slowly being replaced. Doesn't change the traffic situation at all, however.

I swear that the trip was too long, so I decided to shuffle a bit of my deck in EDOPro (an app by Project Ignis, which is a free open-source duel simulator). So, made adjustments, changed some cards, decided on which plays I want to try, and tested it. Sure I did all that. But the next thing I knew, I was already at some bridge, which doesn't look like the way back home AT ALL. A little too shaken, I decided to drop myself at the next stop below the bridge, most definitely pissing the driver off for such mishap. And found myself HERE.


Seriously, me. This is a record-breaker... missing two or three stops but not because I slept. Please don't tell my family I got lost in Tayud, haha. I'll be soooooo dead if they find out.

At least the bridge was beautiful, the water gleaming as sunset is approaching. Reminds me of my way home back then in my hometown. But er-hem! Of course I did NOT panic or breakdown at all. Just a couple of "yaba" (hearing Carly Carmine of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's saying it) and a mental note to definitely share this here, I finally did what I have to do: ask people!! I was close to riding a motor (which would've costed twice the price) when a bus passed by. Had to fit myself in— I brought this upon myself anyway.

And yes, I've at least regained my bearings, but missing a lot of stops sure was embarrassing. Big lesson learned.


Huwaaaa, we're finally done! Yeah, that's it for the whole Valentine's. Single, yes. Solo, yes. Lonely, yes. But embarrassing, twice as yes. Nonetheless, hey, Valentine's need not to be romantic, no? For me, this remained to be the most memorable, and I'm glad to have shared this with you after weeks of internal struggle. I seem to have touched too much grass, so it's about time to be delulu again (joke).

I still don't know how to say goodbye, but, um… Elsieyaaaa tomorrow? Yeah, Elsieyaaaa! And oh...!

Please touch some grass too!




It's over, guys. She read my contents while writing last night. Elsieyaaaa all again anyway.


I LOVE YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 This was such a fun read. I was laughing out all through. I do hope you get to love Valentine's Day. It can be fun when spending it with someone who deeply cares for you. Also your ex, aren't you being too nice saying "Excalibur"? I would have said 2-inch nail. For 5 years? Nahhh Excalibur is too nice. I'm glad you still seemed to have fun even though you don't 'like' Valentine

"Excalibur" is actually pretty generalized for me. Much as I don't want to spread gossip, remembered him saying that it's just short. In the end, still don't want to douse his small self-empowerment.

Besides, that was just an online relationship, so who am I to judge?

I haven't been on a Valentine adventure ever in my college years! 😭😭 As far as I can remember, we were busy with schoolworks in the classroom while the other students were enjoying the festivities on campus.

Ateeeee, you're missing out A LOT.

We also have that activity every intramural and one of my favorite booth is horror booth

I simply dislike Valentine's. Most likely, the surge of people at this time.

Same here @elsieyaaa, as a person who have a higher dose of social anxiety, crowd really terrifies me. I never really attended any Valentine's event because I'm really busy with a lot of school works and aherm aherm with my growing list of anime husbandos. It's really nice to read your blog about Valentine's tho.

Anyways, the Excalibur thingy really cracked me up. Gosh no matter how I pretend, I'm really not innocent anymore ahuhuhuhu ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ (yeah, thanks to the codes <if you know what I mean, you know>, those really tainted my brain •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀; not that I regretted it tho.)

For the good love of the card spirits...

Of course that's just my initial reaction. Though, I can't blame you. Specifically on the husbandos. I still hate the fact I'm already into two ISTJs in Yu-Gi-Oh!, but... yeah. Keep dreaming, my fellow weeb (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)