Enjoying The Wealth Around Us

in Daily Blog2 months ago

If you want to feel rich, try to enjoy the things around us.

Each person has their own way of thinking to live life. But how sad it would be if someone lives without an open mind that makes it difficult for someone to develop and enjoy life itself.


Especially about a healthy, calm, and happy life. Most people around me say that to live a healthy and calm lifestyle, we need a lot of money especially to buy healthy food and also do sports. I think that is very sad.


To get what we want, we can actually start anytime without having to wait to be rich and have a lot of money. Especially about health and being happy, we don't have to have a lot of money first. The most important thing is intention and the rest we can adjust to the things around us.


Do you realize that around us is rich with abundance? It depends on how we see it and can utilize these resources as best as possible.

A simple example is when someone lives in a natural area. For example, like rice fields, mountains, or the sea. Compared to people who live in urban areas, people who live close to nature will have a much greater chance of being able to start and maintain a healthy life. But with the note, if the person really intends and wants to do it.


So, for me living in an area filled with rice fields is a blessing and wealth of nature that must be utilized as well as possible. It's not just about the beautiful scenery, fresh air, calm and relaxing atmosphere, but also about the food ingredients available around me.


With the abundance of nutritious local ingredients, that's enough for us to start being healthier. Like today, in the morning after drinking water, I prepared an immune booster drink, for the morning before I had breakfast. This drink consists of lemongrass, ginger, and honey.

After enjoying an immune booster drink in the morning, usually my husband and I will do sports in the city field.



The city field is also used as a place for people around the city where I live to enjoy the morning air and to do physical activities.



Usually, I will go to the city field for a walking or jogging schedule. Meanwhile, on other days I have a weightlifting schedule and I only do it at home. I don't go to the gym because I'm more comfortable doing weightlifting at home. While on other days, I also have a Yoga schedule. So, I want to maintain a balance between these schedules.


In addition to walking or running in a clean city field with a beautiful view, I also have a regular cycling schedule one or two days a week. Usually I cycle in a beautiful rice field area.

Next, for breakfast, I have a variety of food ingredients that I serve by steaming. Steaming food ingredients is certainly a healthier way of cooking than serving certain food ingredients by frying or with lots of oil and sugar.


Currently, I am getting used to eating clean food. Especially for breakfast. Meanwhile, for lunch and dinner, I also think about the balance of food for mental health. If every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner we only think about clean food, then it can increase our stress especially for beginners. So it is very important to apply our balance pattern. No need to think about eating clean food as a whole.

The simplest way for beginners to learn to start a healthy life is to pay attention to breakfast patterns. Because most of us already have too many carbohydrates with sweet foods and oil at breakfast. That's why, we can start with vegetables and fruits. Also, choose a protein that suits your ability to buy it.

Don't force yourself to buy something we can't afford. Start by choosing local ingredients around us. Especially shop at traditional markets which of course are cheaper than modern markets. If possible, you can look for local food sources from local farms and ranches. That would be much, much better because besides being for our own good, we also help local breeders and farmers of course. ❤️

Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person: authoranggreklestari@gmail.com
Discord: anggreklestari#3009


You lead a very healthy life, I didn't know that you do exercise apart from your agricultural work, which burns a lot of calories.

Grateful people see the beauty of the world and that's why they are happy.

Although if you are healthy you can be happy without money, but if you have a disease you desperately look for money to solve a problem that started with your lifestyle, poor diet, stress and others.

Good advice, may everyone take advantage of it. @anggreklestari 😊🫶

Since I had a miscarriage, I have become more aware of my health. Especially my sleep schedule. I routinely do physical activities, walking, lifting weights with barbells at home, yoga, and cycling. I follow the exercises through Youtube 😊
I am grateful that I can start in my 30s and it is not too late.
Hopefully you can start your physical exercise too.

Sleep is very important, as I get older I value it more and it is very funny because as a child and teenager I slept a lot and I thought I would never have sleep problems, I was wrong as the years passed I slept less and less, until it became a problem and so I started two months ago to exercise and I am very happy with the benefits I have been getting.

I have an account just for exercise where I report my progress, @santacruz.sports.

Happy day, my friend. @anggreklestari

Whoa, glad to hear that you start to exercise as well
Stay healthy 😊

You are very clear in your ideas. Exercising doesn't cost money, sunbathing, drinking or eating healthy things is a matter of choice and focusing on that, making time to make improvements in body and spirit.
It is also a matter of choice to admire the wonder of nature around us. That kind of enjoyment doesn't cost money either.

Cheers. @anggreklestari. I'm glad you have all those routines.

sunbathing is my favorite.
we can, because we are used to it. the first step to starting a healthy life will be very difficult, especially to start sleeping early and waking up early, then getting active instead of just lying down 😊

Certainly in the simplest things like enjoying a beautiful landscape as in the picture of the clouds or the rice field and simply enjoying a day in the park without forgetting a moment to enjoy a drink like the one you prepare to feel healthy, the wealth is in ourselves in how we know how to enjoy it.

Taking advantage of the resources available around us instead of always hoping for things we don't have yet.
Have a great day!

Oh wow perfect timing, we had lots of lemon grass at home but did not have any idea how to utilize it. Thanks for sharing. Enjoyment and contentment is what I have learned from your blog. Thanks

Lemongrass is also great for adding to broth, or even making sauce.

For drinks, add ginger to the drink, lemongrass will make the drink taste fresher and more fragrant.

Oh, thank you for the idea dear.❤️

Lemon grass, ginger and honey, this was my kind of drink to way back during the pandemic.
Just lemon grass is not always available in the city, so would change it to lemon

Yet in our province we often added it in our viand (anything with soup.)

Basic ingredients are ginger and honey. Other ingredients can be adjusted. Sometimes I use lemon, sometimes I add cinnamon and coriander. Adjust to the availability at home.
The drink can also help clean fat in the blood 😊

I totally agree with what you said. This was a main conversation amongst a friend and I, last week. We do not know when we are going to get rich m, but from what we have now, we can still make some thing good out of it and enjoy our life's. Good one my friend. Lovely pictures, by the way and compliments of the season.

Start a good life now 😊
Hope you have a great day!

Sure and you also

Living this life to the fullest should be one of our goals in life. It all. Includes living in the moment and looking for ways to stay healthy.

Living for now, and mindfulness 😊

It's not happiness that brings the grateful, but the grateful that will bring happines !
Sometimes we chase things too much that we don't realize how much we have.

Agree! Thank you for stopping by
Be blessed 😊

Their is no way of replacement for healthy living via nature. That's why village people are more healthier than the urban one's. Kudos to your amazing food and drink

Thank you 😊

To be contented can make us happy. You are right, no need to wait the time we become rich but we will be happy to enjoy what necessary things around us.

Happy New year!

Hey, happy new year
Stay healthy and be blessed 😊

Thank you and take care.

I have not tried lemon, ginger, and honey. I want to try it some time. I used to have my lemon+honey hot drink.

Lemon honey is great. This drink can be moderate in many ways 😊

You are right. 😃

Sad are those people who still link their happiness to money. The good moments in life have always been, are, and will always be more than that.

Happiness is created 😊

Without good health, money is useless, so we should balance good health and money as money is the second god; you can not ignore being rich, but sacrificing health is not a good way. And exploring the surrounding nature can heal our health. That is why I love exploring.

Absolutely, my friend. Good health is everything. Medicine is very expesinve

I noticed on my recent Vietnam trip how good you get to feel when the option of eating natural and fresh is there. It really does make you feel a lot more fit. So indeed...living in an area where the harvesting options are big...that is pure wealth, since buying is not the main option anymore or getting resources.

Trying to grow here more myself, the winter season is challenging so trying option to grow stuff inside a bit more!

the industrial thing now is very terrible. even the packaging of vegetables has to use chemicals to prevent rot and reduce badness. so it is better if we can produce vegetables in our own garden
good luck with your garden 😊

A very wise way of thinking and living life.

Doing photography helps a lot to appreciate the beauty in the simple things that surround us every day.
At least this has been in my case.
Best regards.

Thank you my friend
Indeed, photograph makes us be grateful 😊

It is not necessary to have many things to enjoy life. Nature belongs to everyone and there is no need to be rich to have it. Once we have physical and mental health, our life will become easier.

Closer to nature will make us feeling rich 😊

You are too young but you are so matured enough to think for this kind of mindset. Your parent is too lucky for being you. Well said that we should enjoy what wealth we have. Its not the riches will make us happy but the contentment and being grateful.

Thanks mom
Indeed we should enjoy living now
Grateful is everything

Thank you and welcome my dear. Have a good time

Your inspiration is very good. We must appreciate and make good use of nature.Because rural nature is richer than urban nature. I also prefer living in the village rather than in the city.

I love living in the village 😊

So, for me living in an area filled with rice fields is a blessing and wealth of nature that must be utilized as well as possible. It's not just about the beautiful scenery, fresh air, calm and relaxing atmosphere, but also about the food ingredients available around me.

I agree with this Ma'am. Having and living a place just like in the Province or in the place were lots of spacious areas is very lucky and good because we can plant lots of valuable crops and vegetables around in our place. ☺

Sometimes living in the village is not modern, far away from tecnologies but healthier 😊

You gave super idea about feeling rich. Everyone must lead a life just feel good and enjoy which they have.

Thank you 😊
Have a great day

thank you for sharing your positive pov in life.

Oh, thank you for stopping by 😊
Stay healthy

hi.... your write up is amazing.well done

Thank you 😊

you are welcome


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(5/10) @danzocal tipped @anggreklestari

It is one thing to live around nature and another thing to understand it's importance and uses. You are blessed to have both and to utilise it.
I like how intentional you are about healthy living, from your drinks to your food and even to exercise. Lovely.

There is almost always something around us to be celebrated; something beautiful. Your mind too is beautiful; thank you for sharing it with us through your writing and photos.

hi... your write up is incredibly enjoyable.the images are cool.well done

hi....it is a very rich view. your write up is amazingly explicit.i enjoyed every word.well done.

@anggreklestari, I paid out 1.827 HIVE and 0.942 HBD to reward 22 comments in this discussion thread.