The world is a strange place.
In the same space, so many things can happen at once that we could propose the theory that we live immersed in parallel and correlated microworlds that develop one behind the other.
I have read these days about the closures and layoffs in companies for different parts of the world, and although I have never experienced anything similar, it pains me to recognize that perhaps if my institute were "on that side of the world" we would be closing everything equally, and without the slightest of regrets.
I would like to live that!! Just to see the reaction of people who have no other life options, and give little value to their workplace.
For my part, today I have had to deal with several complaints, sometimes people come and unload a heavy truck full of meteoric granite on top of me, or simply, a little shit that can ferment brilliantly, and that can also unleash positional chaos.
Being a mediator can be complicated, because the intention should always be to advocate for what is best for everyone, and correct certain distractions and losses in production values.
In my case, I hate leadership, due to a problem of excessive political commitments, a company must be directed from the point of view of economic efficiency and linked to social benefits, but never political ones!, and that means crashing into a solid and brutal wall of death.
After dealing with absurdities and angry people, I quickened my pace evaluating numbers, and informed my boss what she should and has to do. There is no more direct and logical way than to make clear the how much and the why, although means putting a rope around his neck, tightening the knot, and announcing that he would look better if he didn't protest too much...🤐
How crazy, right?
There were those who reproached me for working so hard for what!!!!
By faith, I suppose, by love too.
Luckily the afternoon came and I left with Hanna.
Hanna asked me for patience, calm, and repeated the problem with her mistake many times. I reviewed her manual with exquisite attention, and I prepared to test her buffer solutions one by one "because theory and practice are two necessary and absolute complements."
Hanna: 4, 7, 9 didn't calibrate.
Custom Hanna: 4, 7, 9, they didn't define sequences either.
Custom: 4, 7, 8.85...they still gave an error.
Editing and re-editing of buffer series, electrode efficiency in mV mode, KCl saturation, escape, delete... finish...
Hanna has a problem with the selection of personalized buffers, she does not accept working with the pH 9.18 buffer solution that allows the values of very acidic to highly alkaline solutions to be maintained in a controlled range.
Hanna "is fine" but needs specialized technical assistance. If not, it is very likely that you are working with a margin of error greater than established.
I must say, but working with Hanna on the peachimeter relaxed me, and although it was not all positive, tomorrow I will perform more tests, and I will have the necessary certainty to evaluate the performance of her electrode.
You understand why for some the value of their work is not only represented by a number on a check, but also by the pleasure of feeling that the challenge is part of a learning that allows you to improve yourself professionally, and helps increase your competitiveness/ creativity.
Before leaving in the afternoon, a young biologist ask me about the color of my hair, and I honestly didn't know what to answer...maybe a little ash blonde, some of platinum, and a lot of white gray hair due to many stories that can be told.
Always very grateful for your reading.
The text is entirely my own
All photos are my property
Using the Lightroom application, free version
Translation done with Deep Translate, free version.

Contenido votado con cariño. ❤️

¡En @team-mexico estamos agradecidos que formes parte de nosotros!I like her. We have a common problem... Lol. And I think that's why I'm getting more and more grey hair and dark circles under my eyes and rambling.
“Men always forget that human happiness is a disposition of mind and not a condition of circumstances.”
― John Locke
“Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.”
― Greg Anderson
Human happiness is a position you assume in life, optimism, good spirits, and above all not losing the sense of your true goals... although sometimes I get overwhelmed, and lose the desire to do, I never lose the spirit to work with good intentions.... and I'm immersed in it.
Thanks @nanixxx, it's always encouraging to see you stopping by.