Blog: A Learner's Guide~ DCC Tag Contest

in DCooperation3 years ago

Tirachard Kumtanom

Rules Here. This week, the contest is focused on blogs and blogging.
This post is submitted to @clixmoney weekly DCC tag contest. You can take part in this absolutely rewarding venture by reading the

As a beginner, you will find this piece particularly helpful as you sojourn in the realm of content creators. Come along.

What Is A Blog?

Simply put, a blog could be described as a type of website where pieces of information called a post, or in most cases, a blog post, appear in chronological order.

A blog is usually run by an individual or a small group of people. Here in Hive, one could say that as a user, the page where your post reflects is your gs. A blog could contain a varying amount of posts. Someone could. I like to write about sport and at the same time have a passion for poetry or investigative writing, or possibly do drawings, in as much as they are posted on your page, one could refer to them as your blog.

A blog is different from a website though. In the case of a website, it could be static to an extent because the features are static. Whereas, a blog keeps uploading new ideas or posts regularly.

Image is a screenshot of my blog @mrenglish on Hive

A blog could be opened with a name. The name becomes what readers know it with. My blogging name, or rather my blog name here is @mrenglish. I do more fiction writing. From time to time, I could venture into other strata of writing that catches my fancy, or the one I feel would fetch me more returns.

Advantages of A Blog

Countless benefits can come from having a blog. Out of these many, I would mention some that could be helpful.

*** Campaigns*** You can use blogs to run campaigns and influence public opinion. For instance in Nigeria, we are currently entering a transition period. Transition in politics. One regime is ending and another would come in through periodic elections. Hence, bloggers are busy selling candidates that approach them for campaigns. One popular candidate now goes by the name #OBIdient.

Making Money A blogger, apart from the goal of drawing attention, has the motive to make money through writing creatively. Hence, quality content is the magnetic force that makes readers aware of your presence and flocks to read or watch what new ideas you have on your blog. Your blog is your brand and it must be well packaged for investors (readers) to pay you for your hard work.

Business You can draw patronage by using a blog to run your business. For example, you can say the popular online mall #Jumia is a blog. Over the years, the blog has recorded tremendous patronage, which it could not when it has a physical mall. Businesses can grow and record huge profit through huge patronage when it is blogged.

Socializing People of like.mind and interest can easily meet and socialize. A typical example is the Hive blockchain where we get to meet people from far away nations and learn their ways of life and flow in interaction with them.

You can learn new trends and become a better you via blogging.

Expertise Remember that Rome was not built in a day. As you begin, you will find that you become better each passing day. I have a personal testimonial to this truth. I would say that a lot of things about me have changed since I started blogging, especially in writing.

More benefits abound. The scope of your blog could produce more benefits.

Silent Blog From The War Zone: Animalistic Drawings AgainI would like to promote @inber work titled

In this post, the author made known how the atmosphere had been terrible in the last few days, making it hard to blog or do other work.

The passion that comes with blogging is noticed in this blog. The author cleaned the environment only to do this post.

Though a short blog, it is full of insights to what life can pose to you sometimes.

Read this excerpt from the blog:

Hi, guys!
I took a break from blogging for a few days, the reason was that the air quality in our city had deteriorated catastrophically, and I had to look for ways to alleviate my condition. In the end, I even bought a cleaner, despite the fact that they are huge and expensive, I hope this will somehow help.
Naturally, when you feel very bad and you can’t breathe, you also work very badly and not breathing, so the work has stalled for the last few days, I didn’t even go to training so as not to go outside once again, although my gym is very close. Sitting down and working at a desk is also hard, so I temporarily put aside traditional materials and switched to digital ones, which are easier to drag with you to bed.


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