
I love it! Once you step off either of those two NPC sides, there is no going back.

Farming is very hard work. Few things I have done were more physically demanding than bucking hay. Of all the different work I have done, only logging was physically harder.


The oil field has some heavy work.
Farming is a gamble, a mostly losing gamble, imo.
If it was a sure thing, more folks would be doing it.

When I moved to this area, there were ~400 families that owned and operated the dairies. They formed the Tillamook County Creamery Association, and became millionaires. Now there are about 100 families running dairies, and the rest of the dairies are owned by corporations, like Cargill, Bayer, and etc. All the families farming are millionaires, but they work like dogs 7 days a week. Few of the kids want to earn their fortunes. They want to spend them idly, and soon the rest of the dairies will be sold for $M's to corporations, all the cattle will be mRNA'd, and then the end will come and the farms will go fallow, as the population is 'reset' in a couple years.

I'll miss the Dairy Parade.

I went and bought some VOTE just so I could up-Vote this harder.

Posted using Political Hive

Only one of the three groups hides behind a keyboard...

Better than the two above.