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No business who is convicted of that sort of bribery, has any business being in business.
Preparing for the so-called pandemic scenario.
Pfizer paid $2.3B when successfully sued for bribing doctors and suppressing adverse trial results in 2009. Turns out they've been suppressing adverse trial results regarding the mRNA jabs too, and at least 15M people have died from adverse effects of those jabs. Wonder how the math works out on this upcoming suit? I don't think there's enough money in the accounts of Pfizer stockholders to cover compensating the surviving loved ones of 15M dead victims.
Because they know they will never have to. Being Pfizer means never having to say you're sorry. Even with the blood of millions staining the hands of their corporate person.
They did pay a couple $B a few years ago. This should break them.
So, the US, Israel, and Turkey funded, trained, and approved ISIS terrorists that have just conquered Syria have begun executing Christians. Who's gonna pay for that atrocity? Wasn't it Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and George HW Bush that started al Qaeda back in the late 1970s? Every President since then has apparently continued funding them, and the Biden administration seems to have enabled them to conquer Syria and begin executing Christians.
I guess we should sue all of them?