narfballs cross-posted this post in FACTS 2 years ago

Elon Musk: "All of the 'conspiracy theories' about Twitter turned out to be even more true than people thought"

in Deep Dives2 years ago (edited)

The moronic way that so many people throw around the phrase 'conspiracy theory' has become such a signal of their low intelligence that it is absurd. For future reference, I will bookmark today's post and show it to everyone who tries to discredit ideas by calling them 'conspiracy theories'.

A recent video shows Elon Musk, now owner of Twitter, stating that:

"To be totally frank, almost every conspiracy theory that people had about Twitter turned out to be true... if not more true than people thought”

The extent to which most people are being subtly manipulated by mainstream media organisations and governments has reached the point where not only have they bought into the notion that an idea and certain people can be brushed aside by the mantra 'conspiracy theory', but that they don't even need to understand what the words 'conspiracy' and 'theory' even mean!

It is not uncommon to hear people say 'Oh, that's a conspiracy' about an idea, to try to discredit the idea - without even realising that what they are actually trying to say (repeat) is that the idea is of no value because they have decided it is a 'conspiracy theory' and so can be ignored/denied. More than that, they are also failing to realise that in doing so they are denying the very existence of conspiracy itself!

A conspiracy is defined as two or more people planning a harmful act in secret. A 'conspiracy theory' is created by other people joining dots together and theorising that certain people are colluding/conspiring in secret. Real conspiracies can be theorised about by anyone and, indeed, this is part of the role of professional police and secret service agents.

It is interesting, is it not, that the government agents that so many people like to think of as 'trustworthy' are actually employed to theorise about conspiracies and then investigate them - yet when anyone else does it, they are extremist or crazy/paranoid!?

It doesn't take more than two brain cells rubbing together to realise that this situation benefits criminals within government. If the public is duped into thinking that only government agents can legitimately 'theorise' about conspiracies, then inevitably then that means that government agents have free reign to conspire and commit massive crime.

The fact that I am having to point this out is terrifying enough, but the reality is that a high percentage of people are so dim witted that they continue to repeat the ad hominem attack of 'conspiracy theorist' ad nauseum against anyone saying anything that they don't like the sound of and that threatens their chosen form of authoritarian power structure.

Think JFK wasn't killed by a lone gunman pulling off an impossible shot with a terrible rifle? Oh, you must be a conspiracy theorist...

Go away now!

Think the perfectly symmetrical and unprecedented internal collapse of 3 buildings in the World Trade Center complex, when only two were hit by planes and when the buildings were built to withstand such impacts WASN'T the result of a dude in a cave on a dialysis machine?

Get in the sea you dirty conspiracy theorist!!

The amusing irony of the use of the phrase 'conspiracy theorist' to try to discredit someone is that the inference is that the person in question is incompetent in their thinking and is jumping to false conclusions - hence they can be ignored and their message can be denied forever... Yet, in reality it is the one hurling the accusation of 'conspiracy theorist' as a way to deflect away from the discussion and to avoid going into the actual details, that is more often than not incompetent, lazy and even idiotic in their failure to use coherent logic and reason.

So, despite what you or I may think about Elon Musk - the fact remains that he, as the world's richest man (for a while) and considered to be a genius by many, has openly agreed that just about every theory about crimes and bad practice taking place at Twitter by the world's population - were actually correct. That's how bad an operation Twitter was and is probably equally true for Facebook and Youtube.

Perhaps I should create a website so that all of the 'great thinkers' who have accused others of being 'conspiracy theorists' over the years can apologise en masse? lol


Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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