An Autumn Bike Ride

in Cyclingyesterday (edited)


This time of year, when mornings are dark, days are short, and night comes around in a jiffy, it can be tempting to sit and snuggle up by the fire. However, to alleviate falling into a sedentary lifestyle, I've taken up cycling— a healthy, quick, and fun way to commute, while appreciating the beauty of the fallen leaves and colour surrounding nature that autumn is.


It's been over 10 years since I'd last ridden a bicycle, and I got accustomed to riding a Schwinn trike for 7 years, while I lived in the Philippines. So, I struggled to balance this bicycle on my first attempt, which was a little embarrassing... but I did a short practice on the back roads, and as they say, "You never forget how to ride a bicycle." In no time, I was back in my groove, and I have been enjoying approximately 8 km rides daily, over the past week.


Cycle routes in the UK are not as cleverly mapped out as in some neighbouring European cities, so it's common to be riding in a cycle lane on the streets and come to a sudden stop in traffic that says, "End of cycle lane" without a warning.


This can be intimidating, because cyclists do not have priority on the streets, and are seen as more of an annoyance for motorists, and road rage in the UK is real.


So, I'm cautious and prefer to ride on cycle trails along nature paths and across parks, which is a prettier and more relaxing way to run errands.



My cardio is loving the activity so far, and I'm strengthing my muscles while going at a smooth and steady pace. It's a decent bike, and I went for the trusted Halfords Pendleton Brand, which does an impressive 7-speed Shimano gears that make riding easy and efficient, with hybrid tyres.

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I even pimped my ride, with a phone holder for easy navigation of routes, side mirrors for safety, and rechargeable front and rear lights. For convenience, stability, and better manual handling, I also added a front waterproof basket and back twin pannier bags, that are safe for travelling with groceries and heavy items.

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Every day when I hop on, I say a note to myself, "Don't ever live without a bicycle."

I'm like a carefree child, and I find that once I get pedalling, my mood is instantly elevated, as I feel confident going briskly against the wind. Right now, I particularly enjoy the aesthetics of colourful leaves on the pathway, and I feel safer riding my bike than I normally do when walking alone on some more secluded paths.


Cycling also suits my minimalist lifestyle and preference for a simpler way of living, and I feel good knowing that this action helps to reduce my carbon footprint.
It also gives me a sense of independence, without relying on public transport or taxis for longer commutes, and saves me a lot of time.


I find myself going cycling for hours on end, and this has helped my sleep, in that I sometimes get back to the boat, eat, and collapse on my bed, so I have increased my hydration levels, which is easier to neglect during these colder months.


For someone who finds winter months unfavourable, cycling is a great way to cope with being outdoors. My life feels more enriched, mentally, physically, and emotionally, and this is just the start, and I'm anticipating riding and exploring different towns across the UK when we start cruising again.


Overall, there's a certain sense of freedom in riding a bike, and autumn just got better.

Once I went for a bike ride in Jamaica wearing all the appropriate gear for the treacherous roads; helmet, knee and elbow pads. One of my staff saw me and greeted me saying, "Miss, you look like you're going for a fall."

I laughed so hard.


Well, I do believe it's responsible to follow the road code and wear hi-vis clothing and all. Wearing a helmet while riding a bike is not compulsory here in the UK, but as an extra element of safety on the roads, I've ordered one that should be available for me to collect tomorrow.

Are you a cyclists, or a motorist who detest cyclists? I'd love to hear about some of your pleasures and nuances of your experiences.

Until next time:)

All the images were taken by me in Tamworth, UK.


Welcome to the great cycling adventure.

I was so happy to see your post. I'm also looking into getting some panniers for my bike. I love your bike. It is beautiful. 🥳


I'd love to use them too! Sadly, my bike is totally mountain/sport model, so I had to rely on my back all of the time. :/

That's why I say that, because I always carry everything on my back. But I could adapt something to it, a rear luggage rack. I've seen it on Amazon.

All 4 of my bikes (that I obtained for my family) had no luggage rack. Only me to blame for that. For the bike that my wife uses when she lives in our summer house, at some point I even considered buying a rack and welding it in the workshop... but didn't dare, decided not to ruin the bike's look :)))

If you ever have to change or upgrade any of the bikes @qwerrie go for one with a rack...👍 Sometimes I have my front basket full, both pannier bags full and a bag on my back... and it saves me several trips and I cycle balanced:)

No need to explain that :( My option is 'several trips with backpack', hehe... but most my cases is cycling for fun rather than to the market, I prefer less weight of th bike. See, my home doesnt have an elevator - any time I want to go out with a cycle, I have to carry it on my back for five floors down ... and then, carry it back at the end of the trip. Thus, weight of the bike is of no small importance to me.

I have to carry it on my back for five floors down ... and then, carry it back at the end of the trip.

Oh, dear! I understand. Yeah, making several trips sounds like the best solution there!

You can get one that you don't have to weld, and that you can put on only when you need it. Put them on and take them off. But it's true... we worry about that, how it looks... 😄
Then let the back suffer.

Didnt they say in Sprite ad that 'Thirst is Nothing. Image is Everything'?.. 😄

Hey @nanixxx, here is a little bit of BEER from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

You will not regret getting a rear luggage rack. I wouldn't have bought this bike if it didn't have one.
Pannier bags are a game-changer. I will see how long these last, and maybe in the future I'll upgrade to dry bags... these 'claim' to be waterproof... but I always have dry bags inside, anyhow.

Thank you so much @nanixxx 😊
I remember your encouraging words months ago when I said I would get one.
Get the rack installed, and I'm sure that you'll find a Cuban tailor who could make some bags for you xx


hey, 🤔 not a bad idea. @mdrguez could incorporate this into her creations and then she would have cycling customers.

See, that already sounds like a fantastic idea.👏

Aww, this was totally lovely to read. I was both smiling and laughing at some point but over all, I enjoyed how you shared your new cycling journey.

I have never rode a bicycle well before, I always try only with the help of someone and since I didn’t get a good time to learn, I just stopped but I love it when I see people ride on them.

I love your bicycle, it looks really classy and good to go. The environment? Oh my! It’s beautiful and really got me looking at the photos closely 🤭.

Cycling has a whole lot of health benefits and it’s a really good idea resuming this activity. And yes, I believe that it’s good to be on guard when riding a bicycle, I’m glad you’d be getting your helmet tomorrow 🥰.

Thank you 😊

It would be lovely if you learned how to ride a bike. It's not difficult, but I agree it can be scary at first.
The next time you borrow a bike, make sure that the seat is at the right height and slowly balance on it walking with your feet on the ground. Then when you're comfortable, put one put on the pedal and continue to walk with the bike. After that, place your dominant foot on the petal and attempt to pedal. You might wobble at first, but remember you can easily apply the brakes.

Cycling has been and will forever be one of my favourite things to do, and surprisingly, I enjoy doing it in all weather conditions.

Keep trying to ride and I hope someday you'll get to enjoy cycling too:)))

You’re welcome!

Now that you mentioned, I think I have been using the wrong bicycles to learn because my feet can barely touch the ground, lol.

I’m also sure I’d be able to learn, I just need the right bicycle and a good tutor.

You just inspired me to want to give learning how to ride a bicycle again, I hope someday I’d share with you that I now know how to pedal a bicycle, hehe.

Yes, the right height is important. I have short legs, and I asked the mechanic to lower my seat until I felt a bit more confident. However, I think I might have hubby raise it for me tomorrow, just a little higher so my knees have more space.

I'm sure you'll learn, since you have the curiosity. Keep wishing and manifesting that bicycle:)))

Yeah, it makes so much sense to do that. I’m glad you wrote about this, now I know what to do better 😊.

Have a beautiful day ahead ❤️

This is really lovely, first I was enraptured contemplating each photo, then I read the text, which gave me a sense of freshness, I felt almost as if I had been accompanying you.

How nice that you take all your precautions to ride your bike on such beautiful trails and that there is such an alternative so you don't run risks near motorists who hate cyclists.

I was enraptured contemplating each photo

Thank you.😊 Those were quick snaps that turned out pretty cool.

With the bike, I can explore more and it's easier for me to carry my groceries since I tend to walk long distances from my boat to supermarkets.

It's an amazing feeling to be back on a bke:)))

a healthy, quick, and fun way to commute, while appreciating the beauty of the fallen leaves and colour surrounding nature that autumn is.

Commuting by bicycle is so nice! You exercise and you are outdoors!
Even though the rain in fall can be a bit annoying. And the leaves can make the roads slippery too.

because cyclists do not have priority on the streets, and are seen as more of an annoyance for motorists, and road rage in the UK is real.

I'm so happy that we as cyclists have separate cycling lanes almost everywhere here in The Netherlands. Cyclists almost always get priority over motorized traffic. Even the traffic lights jump to green faster for bicycles in some spots.
It's very good that you are making yourself visible with your outfit, the bicycle lights and the reflectors. The mirrors are also a good addition!
And I think a helmet is never a bad investment; you only have one brain, so you'd better be careful with it.

You really have a nice red bicycle!

Happy cycling!

I'm so happy that we as cyclists have separate cycling lanes almost everywhere here in The Netherlands.

Good for you! Envy... Netherlands is so so so far ahead of other countries in commuting deal. 😎


Even though the rain in fall can be a bit annoying. And the leaves can make the roads slippery too.

I rode my bicycle in all conditions including snow while I lived in The Netherlands. I'm hoping to regain that level of confidence on the streets, as, yes, the roads can be slippery sometimes.
I miss NL terribly, mainly for its cycle lanes and cycle culture. Yes, the Dutch do it well, and I loved having priority on the roads.

I think a helmet is never a bad investment; you only have one brain, so you'd better be careful with it.

You're spot on there! I have this one in transit, there have been delays with the delivery... I had difficulty choosing the right helmet, but this one seems solid and I won't lie, I liked the colour too.

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You really have a nice red bicycle!

Happy cycling!

Thank you very much 😊

Ah I miss my bike so much! I had the panniers on it and everything when we lived inside the city. I used to ride that thing all over the place and would go on exploratory roads down the river and into the downtown area. It was a blast! Sadly some shitbag stole it one night and that was 300$ and years of fun gone.

Going cycling is absolutely some amazing exercise and physical as well as mental improvements are to be had all around! I’m glad you’re battling the blues away with this change here!

As silly as it may look, I never ride a bike without a helmet anymore. I’ve seen too many horrific accidents of people who get fucked up because they didn’t or wouldn’t wear a helmet.

Oh, my! You should replace your bike cos it sounds like an activity that you love.
I had been contemplating getting one for the last few years but was hesitant because I was concerned that there'd be nowhere to store it. Then, I got up one morning and thought, "I NEED a bike in my life."
I have a D-lock and another heavy-duty one on it, and I'd be devasted if it got stolen.

I always pimp my ride 😍

Yeah, I never wore a helmet when I lived in Holland or the Philippines, only in Jamaica, but I think it's best to wear one here in the UK too. I even sourced a matching colour helmet, but somehow the delivery driver has not been able to locate my address... two days in a row I watch the numpty drive by me on the opposite side of the road. Now, I've requested to go and collect it myself.

I do not miss driving a car, but I feel incomplete without a bike...


Yeah we are eventually going to replace it, but where we live now we have no storage and if we buy 1 bike for me, we need to buy 1 for my wife and my son as well. We have no storage for ONE bike nevermind three hahaha. We also live in a place (condo) where there are miserable old coots who complain about EVERYTHING and locking my bike up to something isn't going to go over well lol.

It's probably better to go fetch the helmet yourself, it sounds like that's not the best driver!

I totally understand that about the storage for not only 1 bike but 3.

When I lived in The Netherlands, I begged my landlady to store my bike in the communal area because I was afraid it would be stolen. Hubby came and saw my bike and said that no one was ever going to steal that.
Hubby still insists that my bike is exactly where I left it 16 years ago in Holland.😅

It's probably better to fetch the helmet yourself, it sounds like that's not the best driver!

Yeah, not the best 2 drivers at all.
I just picked it up from the depot and sent hubby a photo. He responded that I looked like a hard-boiled egg 🤣

Now I know what motorised will be thinking when they look out their windows at me in traffic 🙃😆

This is the case when comments not less intresting than the post itself.

We call such locks not D- but U-locks. I obtained for myself an Abus long ago, on ebay - it came to me from UK! For my daughter I obtained more cool and complicated Cryptonite U-lock, and I never was into this sort of 'metal wire' shitprotection that can be cut in two clicks.

I always pimp my ride

what does it mean? My EN wasnt enough to decipher this, lol

I had been contemplating getting one for the last few years but was hesitant because I was concerned that there'd be nowhere to store it. Then, I got up one morning and thought, "I NEED a bike in my life."

This is excellent, exciting, marvelous. I like it!
By the way - where do you store it, if i may ask?

U-lock makes sense!
I have one plus this lock.

Pimp my ride

It means to upgrade or add style to a vehicle. It's from a popular US show, where a group of mechanics collected and restored some old crapped cars, and added excessive bling, which made them look tacky (but eye-catching).😆

Where do you store it

Ah, that's the key question and the only reason why it took me so long to purchase a bike. I can store it on top of the boat, and if I'm in bad areas or travelling under low bridges, the bike fits inside the boat.
I decided that I couldn't miss out on having something that brings me so much joy because of a storage problem.
I could have gone for an electric folding bike, which is practical for boaters, but I didn't want to worry about charging my bike, I love exercise, and a Dutch-style bike is my preferred choice:)))


I could have gone for an electric folding bike, which is practical for boaters ... I love exercise, and a Dutch-style bike is my preferred choice

...and this part I'd say - Great!!

Happy that this 'one day' happened and you are a member of international cycling brotherhood again 😊

you are a member of international cycling brotherhood again

I'm so happy to be back on my bike too, and I just wanna stop everyone in the streets, and say, "Hey, go get a bike." 😆


I can't remember the last time I rode a bike. I have thought about getting into cycling, it's becoming quite big here. Only bad thing is they can be spendy.

I like how you pimped up your ride. Make it your own and customize for your needs! Fall time would be a great time to ride. Seeing that backdrop of all of natures colors I'm sure would push someone through a ride. Anyways cool bike and the rider rocks it!


You might feel weird on your first few rides, but in no time, you'll feel as free as a kid again.
Yes, bikes can be costly, and there's the fear of losing them. However, I think it's still an investment for the health benefits and also no cost for transportation.
Autumn and bikes go hand-i-hand, but I'm gonna have fun in the summertime too.

Cool bike and the rider rocks it!

Thank you 😊🚴‍♀

Yes good physical activity plus a lot less friendly on the joints than running and even walking. I actually have some extra cash for one. Almost everyone I work with has one but me. I just need a rack for it to transport it.

Love the white tires on your bike, look so classy, vintage. The perfect bike to commute and cycle alongside the canals. Just don't involve cycling with wine like @riverflows once did xDDD

Just don't involve cycling with wine

Haha! Is that a dare?

Hmmm, you shouldn't put such ideas in my head, you know!

Love the white tires on your bike, look so classy, vintage.

Yeah, thank you 😊 They caught my eye first thing. I almost went for a teal colour bike to match my boat, but I couldn't break my pattern of owning red bikes 😆

Haha! Is that a dare?

Please, just don't do it anywhere near the canal xD

Haha! Now, that's word from the wise 😂

I was still a teen when I last ride a bicycle. So that was like more than 15 years ago. Now I'm wondering if I can still drive and if not, will I still be able to navigate and control it. Seeing how fast you get used to it again, I feel like I can drive it again too if I try 🙉😆.

Anyways, what a lovely place to drive a bicycle. I love how bright and lively the color of that place. And it is so peaceful, like you can enjoy more your "me time" there. And you know, like also when we want to find some peace and place to overthink or worry 😆🙉

Hey, thanks for your lovely comment.😊

I feel like I can drive it again too if I try


Yes, it's a relatively safe cycling town, where I can go far distances on cycle paths.

I feel you on the safety and I'm lucky to have these beautiful places to enjoy.

I hope you'll get back riding someday:)))

Lovely, lovely bike, and moody fall pics. (It looks like a bike for a very leizurely ride, right?) We had a 30 min ride with my babygirl after school too. Trying to catch the last warm sunny days before it all ruins in rainy cold November... NB. Our bikes not like yours - they are for mountain / sport riding. 🍕 A Hive !PIZZA your way

Lovely, lovely bike, and moody fall pics.

Thank you 😊

Yes, it's for a leisurely ride.
I'm used to mountain and sports bikes, but I went for this one over others I saw on EBay... simply because I liked the look of it and the Pendleton Somerby bikes have great reviews and it's a trusted brand:)))

The name ofc does not tell me anything - but I appreciate its shapes!

Yeah, I guess they are more UK bikes...

I love the autumn colors!
I guess it was more than a decade ago, too, the last time I rode a bike. Not sure if I can still make it now, lol
love the photos !LADY

Thank you 😊

Not sure if I can still make it now.

You'd surprise yourself if you tried.
I'm happy that I finally got one because too often I woke up thinking, "I miss having a bike."

I do hope that you'll start riding again, because I think riding is a natural morphine that's especially good for us ladies:)))

After all, the joy of traveling is really great and fun. Where there are green trees with nature and environment. I also love cycling since childhood. Thank you very much for sharing the wonderful feeling.

I also loved cycling since childhood.

I have lovely memories of riding my red bicycle as a kid. I got up to a lot of mischief all day long. I loved nature and spent my time riding up and down the streets and climbing trees to pick fruit when I was hungry, before I went off again.

I hope that you'll get back into cycling too:)

Love your photos! They are so colorful and you always smiling! 🤗

Hey there 😍
Thank you! I hope you're doing well:)))

I am, thank u as well! 😘

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you look's so happy in this picture

Thank you so much!
I am, indeed 😊

Beautiful 😍😍

Thanks 👍👍

Your photos look unreal

Thank goodness for vision, heh?